Government House Leader Mark Holland discusses the questionable status of some Conservative MPs as the 44th Parliament begins.
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So they get exemptions and the public is not allowed to have an exemption… this is so wrong in so many ways.
@- 007 – It’s called knowing how to read…try it sometime.
@- 007 – no they can not. Wtf are you on ?
There’s no evidence of that at this point. This is all speculation by the lib house leader at this point. He says as much. It’s still all political. In fact, if all mp’s have submitted their info and all will be in attendance then the most likely situation is simply that they’ve all been vaxed precisely because exemptions are so rare.
@Christian Delesie Not anymore, doctors are been threatened to loose their licenses if they do.
@Christian Delesie my mother who is a nurse, and has a history of clots and heart problems, could not get an exemption. It’s a total joke.
who cares, get to work !! we have real issues to deal with in Canada at the moment. we haven’t had a government in place for months. Get to work.
Months? I think longer but thats just me.
@I Jones right, more like years
Justin hasn’t worked a day since 2015
Bullets for parliament
Bring back the Guillotine…
So the Doctors wrote bogus exemption letters? Are you saying these Doctors don’t know what they’re doing?
No, genius. He is implying that someone who isn’t a doctor wrote it.
_doctors can be bribed by the rich_
That’s why only doctors actively practicing in hospitals should be able to sign exemptions
Are you saying no doctor ever has been bribed or persuaded to do something they shouldn’t?
920 dislikes 128 likes. it still counts for me
Comrade? Do I hear a complaint in those words?
So no representation for those who are apposed to these measures. Likely many of these MP’s have natural immunity. So who is protecting whom and how much is this just gaslighting?
Natural immunity isn’t as strong and doesn’t last that long
Natural immunity DOESN’T exist, just like no one is “immune” to the regular flu.
I will agree. It’s kinda the point in parliament to let different voices be heard.
let’s NOT forget, Ghislain Maxwell is IN COURT as this farce goes on. Repeat: Ghislain Maxwell is in front of a judge.
What does Ghislain Maxwell’s court matter have to do with this topic in Canada????
Isn’t her court on Nov 29?
its a nuthin to see here kinda thing which one should be in the news front page
What members of parliament have medical exemption wow there are full of it. No regular person get that yes bogus
mark was the kid in middle school that reminded the teacher that she forgot to collect homework.
facts a real cornball
Nothing has been adding up for two full year.
no kiding.
The show goes on.
That title is exactly what I’m thinking about mandates and passports. ‘It just doesn’t add up’.
You mean it doesn’t fit your alternative facts and reality?
@Dave Knight Your are living in an alternative reality, that is to say your facts are fiction.
@Dave Knight The facts are that nothing is working as advertised. What alternative reality is that?
@Dave Knight not sure what you’re smoking but the reality of things is that the vaxxed are 1.8 times more likely to catch covid and this has been admitted by even “dr” Tam. Vax passports and mandates make no sense when the vax that they claimed 6 months ago prevented transmission actually makes transmission that much more likely.
Sorry if facts don’t fit with your reality of things though. But science doesn’t care about your fefes
If there’s over 14,000 views, and only 93 upvotes, we all know what the dislike count would look like!
I can see them just fine.
Your or anyone else’s opinion doesn’t make science less real. Vaccines work, they did with polio, small pox, and measles until recently….with an increase in unvaccinated folks… I wonder what the connection could be??
Shouldn’t medical history be private?
How could anything add up if everything is being taken away.
If anyone is still scared of covid 19 at this point do yourselves a favour and turn off the news. This is Garbage.
Peaceful protest at these peoples houses. BLM peaceful protest style
“You will own nothing, and you will be happy”.
Eat your bugs and corn syrup and go back to your wage cage
So we have a person appointed by the Liberals deciding if your MP can represent you in parliament, nice. If I can walk into Walmart with a mask on, why can’t my MP walk into parliament buildings?
I’m far from anti-Vac, but am I the only one who thinks this is way too much power for the government?