‘It Is Time For You To Resign’: Schiff To Trump Admin ‘Republicans Of Good Conscience’ | MSNBC

Rep. Adam Schiff reacts to Donald Trump's statements that suggest he is not committed to a peaceful transfer of power if he is voted out of office this November. "This is a moment that I would say to any Republican of good conscience working in the administration, it is time for you to resign." Aired on 09/23/2020.
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‘It Is Time For You To Resign’: Schiff To Trump Admin ‘Republicans Of Good Conscience’ | MSNBC


    1. @Vendicar Kahn Just sit in your cave and attack the Pakistan Army will you. Your opinion obviously counts somewhere with all the bats you call your brethren.

  1. And yet his moronic followers think he is on their side, and everything he does is for them. He does not care for people at all and is only out for himself.

    1. @Champagne Supernova 13 My mother initially didn’t support him. Saw him for exactly what he was and said as much. The people she works for and with are part of his base, and she now supports him. I asked why, and she either cannot or will not give me an answer. Utter insanity. Every conversation we have is now basically scripted and last exactly 60 seconds. Another second equals an automatic argument and me losing my mind. Odd and scary times in which we live.

    2. @best best Well.. I guess thats better when Biden was speaking in a black community and said… “Black kids can be as smart as white kids” LMAO

    3. @El Cruzer55 While Cuomo was packing hundreds of sick infected people to nursing homes that completely destroyed the community with so many deaths Not being prepared in any way shape or form from a medical emergency. They brought in a Medical cruise ship and it left early because there were no patients coming to them and were empty… so they left. In the mean time.. all those people were dieing. I dont remember seeing that posted ANYWHERE.. they were too busy counting deaths

    1. No, Hitler did not tell us about the horrible things that followed, we did not know about the concentration camps, the loss of life of so many innocents people. I know, I was there, I was born in Berlin in 1930s

    2. Manuel.
      And Trump has almost all his pegs in place to pull it off.
      I said “almost” because I believe the SC will shock him if he loses and tries to remain in office. I wouldn’t be surprised if they vote unanimously against him.
      I’m wondering what he will do THEN. Let’s remember, he’s probably not all that concerned about losing the presidency. He’s concerned about going to prison. He is desperate to hold his office for that reason, and I think there is nothing he won’t do in order to stay in the White House and avoid prosecution.

      Whatever it is, he will fail, and his attempt will result in the biggest prison sentence of all. He will die in prison or as a fugitive in some country that doesn’t honor extradition requests. It’s unfortunate that he isn’t 30 years younger, because even if that were true he would never outlive his numerous sentences.

      Biden needs to appoint somebody as AG who is committed to justice for Donald Trump.

  2. He’s concerned about voter fraud so he insists that the voter count be stopped. Huh????
    If more than 5 Americans don’t get that this is tyranny, it’s over. America is done.

    1. 60 million American voters do get that this is tyranny, and they are drooling with sadistic glee in the anticipation of it. Trump will be gone one day, but they will still be among us.

    2. @El Cruzer55 uhhh.. why you ask? Look up how many Democratics and affilaitions have been charged with sending out.. THOUSANDS of Ballots that were fraudulently filled out.. Look it up.. Theres quite a few!!!!!

    1. Please provide evidence of the hot mess. The only mess that we see going on politically is within our own democratically run cities, Louisville is the latest example. We are the ones creating a mess. It is our policies that are contributing to systemic racism in our most progressive cities. Let me name some of these cities. We have New York City. Ferguson, Baltimore, Atlanta, Minneapolis, Louisville, and we have Kenosha. We have riots involving looting and burning going on in the beautiful city of Portland. The same conditions that existed during the time of slavery in the antebellum South are now present in our minority enclaves in some of our major cities. Minority people lack education, jobs, adequate housing and they lack hope in our Democrat controlled cities. We like to blame Republicans but the city is that I mentioned, there is not a republican insight. This is our problem.

    2. @T. R. Campbell Starting with, but not limited to, this running count of hot mess. https://www.mcsweeneys.net/columns/reasons-why-donald-trump-is-unfit-to-be-president And yes, the cities are burning while TRUMP sits in office ignoring the reasons for why people are outraged. And all political leanings to the side, TRUMP is saying some very scary things like not accepting our election. We have the same process every year. Every year we have to wait for a vote count. This year obviously will be tougher. But not a single person would have had a problem with the mail in voting if Trump didn’t start crying because since January polling he has NEVER ONCE BEEN AHEAD. So how can he say he lost an election that hasn’t occurred yet by “fraud”, which is the same delays we see every election year. He is ripping our country apart. People need to Stop watching Fox news and look around. And listen to his frightening rallies where he paints American Democrats as some invading enemy boogie man and tells people there isnt a pandemic killing our moms and dads. Maybe we are talking about THAT HOT MESS! And here again: https://www.mcsweeneys.net/columns/reasons-why-donald-trump-is-unfit-to-be-presidenthttps://www.mcsweeneys.net/columns/reasons-why-donald-trump-is-unfit-to-be-president

    1. After Kavanaugh BS? After impeachment BS? After Russia Russia BS? After unfair racist accusations BS? After non-stop BS? Wake up.

  3. Here is Ireland we can’t understand how he is still in office. Would never happen here. Republics need to show him the door of a jail cell.

    1. @dr.

      Scroll below to Vendicar Kahns post.
      Read it entirely.

      This is America’s problem.
      These nuts are his flock.
      His Sheep build shrines to him.
      while he eats their brains.

    2. This administration is so frightening. A lot of his followers on even thinking about their children that have to grow up in this country with somebody leading the country like Trump does. I’m really afraid😣

  4. Trump is crapping his pants. If he loses he will go to prison because of the crimes committed by him.
    Tax returns please!!

    1. @Bobby Kalifornia
      If he’s laughing if it’s because he’s psychotic. Trumpy’s worst fears are about to be realized.

    2. Lol.. I guess we forgot about Hillary destroying hard drives and phones to investigate her 33000 Classified emails over public servers for the world to see…. Like… seriously… his Tax Return your worried about… wow..

    1. Yes, see the 14 characteristics of Fascism! Its posted online. It’s scary the number of things running in parallel with Nazi Germany!

    2. Consider your votes wisely America. Fascist agenda is being pushed, don’t believe me look it up and verify for your self. The 14 characteristics of Fascism. That’s what got Hitler into control of Europe! You have to see things in totality our government is being overthrown

    1. @Shaun Kellison Really schoolboy troll? So what have you said to counter the original “topic” and comment about republicans in the Senate? Waiting….lots of child’s play but no rebuttal. Just “emotion.” Fade away lightweight.

    2. @Shaun Kellison I never said that you did say those things about Biden, did I? Reading comprehension issues? I was countering your claim about how the left supposedly acts childish and uses emotion. I guess that you could not figure that one out. Um…and the only one not being taken seriously is an irrelevant and insignificant troll boy such as yourself.

    1. Vague. Why? What do you specifically dislike that proves he is “out of control”. Adults talk specifics. Kids get emotional. Be an adult and give us specifics

    2. @Anita Linke I’m so irritatingly perplexed by those type of MAGA defenders. The ones that seemingly bait with blatantly proven, asinine questions like _”Name one time Trump has ever lied.” , “When has Trump ever been racist?” , “What has he done that’s been bad? Unlike Obama who…”_ It’s impossible to know where/how to start with them who are either willfully ignorant or naive.

    3. @Milton Bradley At one of Bidens fund raisers in the late 80’s… Some of the entertainers were of different color.. and as a joke called everyone one of them “Michael Jackson” when each of them stood up when he introduced them and they laughed.. Thats cool though..

  5. America is turning into a Dictatorship in front of the world’s very eyes, this is Hitler and the Nazis all over again…WTF!!!

    1. Just Me That’s a lie. He never called the Free Press fake news. He called specific news organizations that had been sued for putting out fake news and lost… He has never called Fox news fake news… He has never called the daily mail fake news… Because they haven’t said anything fake about him

    2. Shaun Kellison Your post is laughable. You’re making my point. Trump calls news organizations that fact check his lies and misconduct fake. The result of which creates distrust in the media, a necessary check on power. Of course, he doesn’t call Fox News fake because with few exceptions they praise his words and actions because they appear to share and promote his political agenda.

      Because no one media organization is above reproach, I choose to get my news from several different reputable and reliable news sources, some web-based, newspapers, as well as cable and local news.

      45 can’t call it fake news or a accuse someone of lying because it doesn’t doesn’t fit his narrative or makes him look unfavorable. That’s a dangerous threat to the republic; especially, when his actions and words are viewable on tape and heard on mic.

    3. Hunter Biden has been caught receiving 3.5 million from a russian millionaire he’s never met. Anyone curious why. Probably not

    1. – lol…ANYONE could have told you that !! – – it’s a no brainer – trump is too arrogant and antisocial someone who can never admit his wrong and never takes good advice and thinks he knows everything……will not go peacefully –

    2. Jerome Lee Don’t you EVER get tired of telling lies? I know people enjoy what they do best but seriously dude…READ before you post

    3. @C.A.T. Exactly, because as history had recorded, by the time all of the votes in FL were FINALLY counted in 2000, Gore had actually won but it was too late since the SCOTUS had already decided on Bush.

    4. @Bobby Kalifornia Testifying before the House Oversight Committee on February 27, 2019, Michael Cohen said: “Given my experience of working with Mr. Trump, I fear that if he loses the election in 2020, there will never be a peaceful transition of power”. Not two years ago, but the point still stands… someone who knew him well warned us.

    1. And said I, a woman, could have “gone to the polls” during World War I (we didn’t have the vote yet) — so many dopey statements!

  6. Serious appeal to France and Germany: Come liberate us just as the US did back in WW2!!!!! This is not funny anymore.

    1. @Joyce Wills No I wouldn”t. They would need ships to invade the US. China has one aircraft carrier, Russia has one, the US has 20. The US would have problems invading China, especially if China had support, but no combination of a few countries has much of a chance vs the US in the Pacific or Atlantic.

  7. In the 20’s and 30’s german intellectuals laughed at Adolf Hitler, calling him a crazy fanatic. And look what happened.

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