‘It is so weak’: John Dean reacts to Trump’s legal move

John Dean and former federal judge Nancy Gertner react to former President Donald Trump's legal team asking a federal judge to appoint a "special master" to ensure the Justice Department returns any of his private documents seized during the search of Mar-a-Lago two weeks ago. #CNN #News

'It is so weak': John Dean reacts to Trump's legal move


  1. 4:00 Oh, so he declassified his top secret materials about nuclear weapons via social media tweet. Wow, that makes me sleep easy at night. I give props to the idiot on TV that was able to say that with a straight face.

    1. They are laughing here, and not in a funny way, this is how stupid the argument is which Trump and his clown enablers are making
      It’s beyond stupid how Trump is supported
      Seriously come on,

    2. Back in the 90s I was in the military and worked with NATO and OECD. I also had to handle a lot of top secret documents (called “Cosmic Top Secret” in NATO lingo).
      This required a high level of security clearance.
      Altho I am not privy to the entire process of getting that clearance – I know that just having a foreign born wife or girlfriend was enough that you would NOT get this type of clearance.
      It would actually be enough if your father or mother was member of any political party of organization that was considered “socialist”.

      Now…where was Trumps wife born?

    1. @Al Salasjr To plead the 5th before a Grand Jury, you actually have to have a valid 5th amendment privilege. In other words, your answer would tend to incriminate you. You can’t just indiscriminately claim the 5th like Trump did in his deposition.
      At that point, the prosecution may offer immunity, which, if accepted, you would be compelled to testify.

  2. DOJ: “It’s top Secret”
    Trump: “it mine”
    MAGAs: “yeah it’s his”
    Trump: “I’m a billionaire”
    MAGAs: “He is a billionaire”
    Trump: “Donate MAGAs”
    MAGAs: “Ok we donate”

    1. ​@Fool’s Foil Witnessing you getting owned in every thread has made my lovemaking more vigorous and tumescent

    2. @Fool’s Foil I noticed there’s a typo in your name..
      The third “o” should be an “a”..

      You’re welcome. 🤗

  3. Any document remains classified as long as it does not bear a ‘declassified’ over-stamp marking. It is that simple…no mark, not declassified.

    1. @SKEMT that is not what was said. Quit misrepresenting. What said was if the documents were declassified, they would be marked as such.

    2. @Lasse madsen “It’s apperently really hard for Trumpers to understand that just waving your hand over a document chanting ‘declassified’ isn’t legally binding”

      that’s because trump gained that power when he touched The Orb in Saudi Arabia….

    1. when you are part of the blow off you are in the wrong part of the con. reddington did a very neat long con but that was TV. he got the cash the guns and the plane. the gun dealer got arrested it was beautiful much better than the sting i thought.

    1. check out Findling. he is the real deal in the hip hop community. that perfect phone call was either rap or hip hop right?

    1. Mr. Walesh was Nixon lawyer during Watergate so Nixon republican, Trump republican so who do they think they are let’s vote Republicans out.

  4. They filed a search warrant to get their property back period. And now that they have it its theirs to do whatever they want. This law suit is weak and a waste of time and money. He is totally scared and 100 percent fucked.

    1. I’m not sure he’s intelligent enough to be in a panic. His entire life he’s not been held to any sort of responsibility. Until he is he will keep doing what a criminal does.

  5. It does two things, 1) it gives a crying point. He’s going to spin whatever is the out come.
    2) it’s a stalling tactic. Stalling is always a go to for Cheeto. You can’t blame him it works.

    1. Lindsey was right twice.. the second was when he said the Republican Party was “batshit crazy”

    2. They were already sinking. We are witnessing the demise of ‘male ego’,, especially privileged white, this from a white guy.

  6. Trump is likely to propose Kim Jong-un as the Special Master as he is totally unbiased and a good guy who writes lovely letters.

  7. Life is catching up with Donnie. His decades and decades of stiffing lawyers is coming full circle. When he interviews lawyers and tell them what kind of defense he wants them to run, the lawyer say thank you very much but I don’t think I’ll be able to assist you with this. The problem with Donald Trump is that he thinks he knows better than everybody else when he quite clearly doesn’t know very much of anything. So he’s going to get stuck with somebody who is a minor figure, an ambulance chaser, the kid who practices law outside of the quickie Mart. But, as we all know he hires the best! The best he can find on the smoking smoldering trash heap.

    1. he just got himself a well respected lawyer. Mr Findling is doing quite well as an entertainment lawyer. he has offices in at least 10 states. he can practice in all the states supreme courts and S COTUS. the guy is the real deal. so how he is going to defend the perfect phone call we have on tape will be wonderful to watch. maybe he’ll say it was hip hop.

  8. If Trump wants a “speciel master” to oversight his espionage crimes, I propose Jamie Raskin as the man for the job !

    1. yes Jamie Raskin one of the best.A person who fights for his Country.It really shows.He would be a great president you all know how honest he is. That’s what a Country needs . Go for Jamie

  9. *_”41% of Americans are a supporter of Trump”_*
    After everything this man has done?

    Can someone PLEASE tell me WTF happened to my country???

    1. @A Heroic Taxi Driver you having figured this out in 2016 an orange man was elected president and this caused half the voters to go insane. 😂

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