'Hell yes we're going to take your AR-15' is the remark from 2020 candidate and former Rep. Beto O'Rourke getting the most attention following the third debate in Texas. O'Rourke joins Morning Joe to discuss.
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'It Is Mandatory': Beto O'Rourke Clarifies AR-15 Statement | Morning Joe | MSNBC
1776 will happen again
Beto needs to study some Texas history. This is exactly the kind of stuff that led to the 1835 Battle of Gonzales and eventual Texas Independence in 1836. Beto is acting just like Santa Anna.
No it wont you will give up your weapons
@Snaggle Toothed no the point of the 2nd amendment is so the American people can protect against government tyranny. Ask any one of us who have actually been to a combat zone for this country, we will die before you put us into Nazi Germany.
@Andrew Izaguirre come and take them
Just wait until he finds out the 2A was designed for this exact situation
@Mary Solarski
Let’s not forget about Big Tech like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Google silencing the opposing view.
@marty methuselah just read your statement and ordered another AR in your name.
@D G Oh, but if you listen to MSM you might as well don your tinfoil hat with opinions like that. Lol.
@Trumpocalypse said the British to the Americans, lol
I would like to thank all the gun grabbers including Bozo Orourke. It’s led me to take up guns as a hobby and will be purchasing a gun or several now.
NPC#8675309 I just bought my first AR-15. I’ve only been able to have one range session with it so far, but I’m absolutely loving it.
@NPC#8675309 Thank you. He continually states 40,000 gun deaths ignoring that 60% of the deaths are suicides.
Let’s ban mental illness while we’re at it
Why do we need an AR-15? Let’s ask this… Why is it anyone else’s business what we own?
@Sean Fluharty ….god forbid but would you stand over the graves of your slain love ones with that same selfish response… you men need to put down your pride and pick up common sense and realize it’s not just about you… no need to reply I’m done.
@Sean Fluharty Dang, Dang Don’t ask questions they cant answer lol
@Icare oh I’m well aware it’s more than just me. That’s why I take my son hunting, and teach him how to handle a firearm. Here’s one thing people don’t consider, most of the shooters in these mass casualty shootings were self-taught. If you’re taught proper gun ediquette at a young age, you’re more than likely to not be a part of those statistics. So how about this? You worry about yours and I’ll worry about mine. You keep your safe-space and I’ll keep my guns. At least one of us has a fighting chance out of a bad situation.
Molon Labe Sir. I’ll even send you my location. Come to my home and take my guns, I dare you.
@marty methuselah that’s exactly what the government did when they changed laws after 9-11 for “National Security” and now those laws are changed forever.
Matt Acosta – We have Democrat swat teams that will surround your house.
Gary W Aren’t you the stupid one since you used “your” instead of “you’re”????????
I get your point, but it wont be him taking them I’m sure it will be like a basketball team of highly armed agents LOL
“You will be required to comply with the law.”
Press X to doubt
Its not a Law if it contradicts the US Constitution.
Just made up my mind. Now I just need to decide which semi automatic rifle I am going to buy.
@TzUp happy trails to you
Ruger mini 14 or 30. Great rifles and they’re immune to AR-15 or AK bans.
The more he yaps the more guns will be sold. I think that rascal is working for the NRA>
Springfield M1-A.
I bought mine from Gandar Mountain in San Antonio. Sad they closed down. But anyways Academy and plenty other gun shops will treat you with respect as American not as a SLAVE like Beta is suggesting. Whether you are liberal or conservative. I want you to legally have an AR15. Smith & Wesson Sport is a good one.
Dude clearly doesn’t understand why we have the 2nd amendment.
buschleaguers75 exactly. It’s not about hunting.
@princeoftidds I don’t think so
If that crazy wannabe dictator or any of the other crazy wannabe dictators try and disregard the constitution, then that’s when the new American Revolution kicks off.
I’m not giving up my guns, I dont care how much you cry.
@Lex Gaming What s a ” fire off”? And why do you clowns always go with the sexual when trying to be insulting? Say s more about your obsessions and personal inadequacies than any micropenised gunnowner.
@The Morose Pittbull a gun nut and a Taliban Trump supporter?? Wow! I’d be worried but you have one subscriber and no content so it is unlikely you are an American citizen or a registered voter.
What does having subscribers have to do with their statement? You are either a troll or just an ignorant person. As a person who served in the military I can tell you that the military will not be breaking the constitution. You might get a few officers who are idiots like yourself to
Try and take the AR-15’s but they will not be successful. That will only create multiple militias throughout America
Let’s arm civilians in foreign countries but disarm ours? Logic? Reasoning? None.
@Nevyn of OZ 1973 if your against property and self defense rights, you are not sanity, you are crazy, but the thing is… real crazy never knows that its they who are detached from reality.
I’ll do it when do self defense rights crossing into school children getting killed? Honest real question. Home defense…..a 12 gauge with bird shot Will do. If you think you need a military assault rifle in a standard home hallway…..
Mexico banned guns, so why is it so violent, crime-filled and corrupt ??? their government and police do NOT protect mexican citizens , while criminals with guns are running rampant
@AaronThe Australian Model will never work in the USA.
Australians are generally nice people who are happy to have a drink and a chat. Sepoos are vile beings who are filled with HATE and ENVY and RAGE because they are surrounded by other beings that are filled with HATE and ENVY and RAGE.
@coptic777 Shame they had to resort to using guns to free themselves. If only there was not a nation of junkies so close to them then they might be able to not go the easy route and sell drugs to a nation of junkies.
That said your nation of junkies makes billions for my country, we are one of the largest legal opium suppliers in the world.
what is bad for mexico seems to good for OZ because we are far enough away that we cannot catch your GUNOREA.
coptic777 good for them .
Part of the reason is that a normal citizen who has a gun will now never use it to protect a friend a neighbor or any other victim even right outside his door because the firearm would be found out.
Can someone tell Jim Henson Studios they misplaced a puppet?
Way to inflate the gun death figures Beto. P.S. +23k of your “40,000” are suicides.
@Caius Madison Suicide is a reason for death not a method. Suicides by gun count as a gun death just like suicides by jumping of a building or bridge counts as a falling death.
@Ryan ShafferThese are called non sequiturs. Yet another logical fallacy. The subject under discussion is whether suicides by gun should be counted as gun deaths. You have admitted you have no counter argument, again. When you can discuss the topic at hand and not the one you wish I’d argue get back to me. Till then STFU.
@Ken Shaw No, the subject under discussion is whether it is okay to ban AK 47’s and AR 15’s because according to you it will prevent suicides. Now let me try for a 3rd time and see if you will give a real answer this time. Do you honestly think that using a handgun instead of an ak 47 will have much effect on suicides? Or, are you arguing for a full gun ban? Also, a lot of people commit suicide by turning on a car in a closed garage? Do you think we should ban cars or garages to fix this? Also, a number of people commit suicide by hanging. Do you think we should outlaw ropes or ceilings to fix this?
Do you have an answer or do you admit you you are clueless? I will assume if you don’t give an answer this time that it is the latter.
Ken Shaw Because the only victim is the one pulling the trigger. Suicide deaths don’t matter as much as actual gun murders.
Which war was an semi-auto, AR-15 used in?
The War on Guns lol
Yeah ..but its big and black and hard. You know you how Democrats feel about those kind of things.
Thank you so much. I was scrolling through to see if anyone was going to say it lmao. I know in the 2nd revolution there will be plenty used though.
To which this is an even scarier thought. Civilians have in their hands a gun that has not even been used in war because of the impact it carries. That is a problem.
Sorry Beto, I lost all of my AR’s and AK’s. Haven’t been able to find them for years
Well, I threw mine overboard in the bay last summer. Got bored with the hobby and didn’t want them falling into the wrong hands. They’re probably still there on the seabed if you want to recover them. GPS? Ah, forgot to take coordinates. But try looking about a mile SSW of inlet, somewhere around there.
That’s OK, we’ll help you look… of course, you’ll have to pay for our time… $100 per ‘lost’ item per day sounds about right. Of course, if we find anything illegal while we’re helping you look we’ll have to report it, being good citizens and all…
He is a liar! He said he “talked to gun owners about his plan” …but I don’t see any bruises on his face!
Roman von Ungern-Sternberg I don’t see a bullet in him
Because most of them just talk tough .
I want a fragile man as my President, one who tries to act like a man when times are tough.
You have a fragile man as your president right now. How’s that working out for you?
@Juli Tarsney He is GREAT Thank you!!! From a American, Not an illegal. Americans voices matter, Not the illegals flooding the country! Punk
Does he have to take classes to be this stupid or does it just come naturally?
Why would any own an AR? I mean, you should at least own 3 or 4.,