Bill Gates pushing to get US back to fight COVID-19 globally.
RELATED: The latest on the new stimulus bill
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have invested $350 million to fund treatment and vaccine research to fight coronavirus.
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#billgates #covid19 #usatoday
Why does no one trust bill gates lol
@AppleJuice isn’t it fun to laugh at these people? I come here every so often to get a good laugh.
@yo lo i cant wait to watch this thank you!!
@Thief of Hyrule at who
Go to amazing Polly on YouTube if you want to know about the people behind the corona hoax
Gates wants our money. He has 10b wrapped up in this. Ask him why he never allowed his kids on computers. Ask him to take his vacinnes
He is vaccinated.
A more easier, more intuitive way of proving they are vaccinated is as follows:
Bill Gates’ family has traveled all over the world, or at least overseas, because, um, that’s what rich people do, I guess.
In order to travel overseas, you need vaccination papers.
In order to get vaccination papers, you need to be vaccinated with the same vaccines everyone else gets.
Hence proved.
See the last link for links to his documents and more proof.
@Sqrt -1 It is the doctor that blew the whistle that Gates is secretly anti-vaxx when it comes to his own children. Google is censoring the doctor’s quote that several other physicians witnessed and discussed among themselves as a possible violation of confidentiality. So the conversation happened. The precise language the doctor used is here:
No one believes a single word Gates says. In the court of public opinion, he is guilty until he can prove himself innocent, and so far, he has failed to do so.
His travels on his private jet with billions of bribe money prove nothing about his vaccine status.
_it is a doctor who blew the whistle…_
1. No, the story was found to be completely made up. If you check my last link, you can see his vaccination papers. Also, the doctor’s name, the clinic, absolutely nothing is mentioned about him. That link is exactly what the first link, that is a Reuters report (which, if you don’t know, is the most unbiased source in the world, so much so that if a slight bias or fake news is found, the journalist will be immediately fired and have actual charges against him for it, no joke) was trying to refute! Repeating the same point is not going to make it true.
_he has failed to do so_
2. He hasn’t. There is no trial against him. Why? Despite this ‘vast amount of evidence’? Because everyone in court has atleast a f*ing brain.
_bribe money_
3. Logical fallacy, Ad hoc
Another obvious piece of evidence is, he traveled to Africa and India in times where polio, measles, and other such preventable diseases were still prevalent. Not only should he be in jail for going there unvaccinated, but also dead from it.
Another problem with your article, it states that it’s source of information was from “Your news wire”, which has absurd amounts of low credibility.
In review, YourNewsWire is a conspiracy and pseudoscience website that also routinely publishes fake news. Headlines use loaded emotional language such as this: I Was In The Illuminati I’m Going To Tell You Everything, Shocking Expose. Politically, story selection almost always favors the right through negative stories regarding liberal policy and politicians such as this: CIA Insider: Hillary Clinton Most Treasonous Leader In History.
YourNewsWire publishes anti-vaccination propaganda, stories of impending world war 3 and extraterrestrial stories, just to name a few. Further, YourNewsWire has made’s fake news list. as well as having an abysmal track record with fact checkers. Finally, according to Poynter Institute, YourNewsWire has more false claims by IFCN fact checkers than any other website.
Lol you are like a trusting child in your wilful naivety
here we go! We’re going to fight back, don’t worry…
derser plays games …, he has many *”idolizing supporter’s…,”* *”idolizing follower’s…,”* and many *”idolizing worshipper’s…,”* people literally do worship “MONEY MAHER’S.”

*FIRST…, “YOU CREATE the VIRUS” right…???…, and THEN…, YOU CREATE the ANTI-VIRUS to profit from…, RIGHT???*
*The “LOVE” of “MONEY…,” truly is…, the “ROOT of…, ALL EVIL.”*
@Marsha Perez yep
He is the anti christ
The push for the coronavirus vaccine & funding has nothing to do with helping the “world” or the “U.S!” It’s about lining the pockets of some very EVIL people!
DNA altering hydro-gel
Look it up!
@Tony G. Oh yeah. He’s a modern-day Hitler meets Dr. Rudy Wells (6 million dollar man).
Bingo! NWO evil cabal runs these slaves minds!
Conspiracy nut cases
Event 201 watch it !!!
I watched it. Now what?
It helps my whole wallet when the US forces everyone to use my vaccine.
Which vaccine would that be exactly?
We should make it very clear that no vaccine will be accepted ….neither to be Marked by the Microchip of the Beast !
But it’s not going to be his vaccine any longer.
Bible noted that
Numbers 14:37
these men who were responsible for spreading the bad report about the land were struck down and died of a plague before the Lord.
Why does Bill Gates get a say on the virus but the President is told to shut up and sit down because he is not a doctor?

@true guy and patented it
True, Bill Gates has no medical degree, having dropped out of university before graduating to start Microsoft.
However, he does not claim to be a medical expert. He is, however, clever, well read, and used to directing large groups of people. It is the latter skill that is important for his healthcare work. He makes no claims to treat single patients. He can, however, arrange the delivery of medicines (recommended by doctors) to literally millions of people.
He reads and listens to medical experts, and public health is a particularly big interest of his on account of the Gates Foundation’s work. Plus he’s a good communicator. So e.g. when you watch his 2015 TED talk about pandemic preparedness, you can expect it to be pretty well-informed. If you have doubts about anything in it, you can of course double-check it in the primary scientific and medical literature, or from other respected communicators who do have epidemiology or medical degrees.
So e.g. don’t just believe vaccines are useful because one billionaire says they are. Believe they’re useful because the scientific and medical community has shown them to be useful (not least by using them to eradicate smallpox). It just so happens that billionaires who aren’t idiots (and especially ones who work with experts in the area) will also recognize them to be useful, just as billionaires who aren’t idiots recognize the sky to be blue.
Elon Musk is not a physicist, nor does he have any credentials in any aspect of science, yet he is the head of the astrophysics department in SpaceX.
because bill gates says intelligent things meanwhile trump says that we should inject disinfectant to fight covid 19
Because… sedition…
@Lee Taeminnie Likely, Trump was attempting to speak on food-grade hydrogen peroxide, but since he is not a doctor, he didn’t speak with authority.
Satan servant!
He can’t even say the word “humanitarian” without skimming through it swiftly…
A Psychopath who had promised to reduce Humanity and the Vaccine will do it eliminating the deniers first !
Rudolph Cabrera Some might day he has already been dealt with. Everything is being well planned and well placed for Nesara
This is the voice of world
control. Gates is one of the most evil
men in the world
The people making the vaccine should be the first to try it before the public.
They are, Chinese researchers have already been vaccinated, and so are a few Indian scientists.
One world religion = Noahide Laws = beheadings
Bill Gates only cares cuz when we cut ties with china he wont have slave worker wages to keep his pockets full
This is a declaration of war on the people of the U S A and we have the right to defend ourselves our families and our neighbors as a matter of fact our constitution demands that we do so. Time for the people of the world to unite in defeating our cowardly enemy’s who strike behind our backs and run and hide in the shadows but now these cowards have been exposed and now it’s them who shall live in fear.
Lol you have no rights
The fact bill gates acts so clueless about how at least 60-70% of people view him shows how obvious he’s evil lol. People think he’s a psychopathic blood thirsty billionaire and all he does is smile and pretend everything is so great awww

Dude’s not even a doctor, why is the MSM giving him so much air time pushing his sketchy vaccine while real doctors are getting censored?
Sqrt -1 The doctors who went to DC couple of days ago! They’re censored
everywhere their articles taken out of google and videos taken out of YouTube ! Wake up…there’s a cure for this virus that Bill gates patented 4 months before it was unleashed on the world but no one can hear them. We’ve to wait and inject his poison 
Real doctors are being censored on both mainstream, as well as on social media. They simply don’t align with the underlying agenda, which is CONTROL & and old fashion GREED.
GoGo -GoGo
Wow, there already exists a cure? I mean, all those scientists of the world in China, India, America are just idiots right? Because demons cause coronavirus!
They are not doctors, they are discredited cranks selling pseudoscientific claims.
Also, their videos DO exist, actually.
If you think that the 90% of doctors all around the world are wrong, you quite ironically need a doctor. Is there a REAL not discredited doctor with sufficient qualifications that does not agree with Bill Gates? No, because that is exactly where he is getting this information from.
There are no patents for the CURRENT coronavirus. Coronaviruses are a TYPE of viruses that have a ‘crown’ shaped protein surrounding them. This strain is COMPLETELY new, and there is peer reviewed scientific documentation cementing and supporting that the virus is not man made.
Bill Gates holds NO patents for ANY coronavirus. A few students from Pirbright Institution have a few patents for them, but just because Bill Gates’ Foundation gave a grant to them in 2006 doesn’t mean that they control EVERYTHING.
This is the sort of stuff that is taught in high school! I have been privileged to live in a very scientific family. My father was an MS in Ortho, mother PhD in stereochemistry, me in computer science and engineering. Unfortunately, idiots like you still get your information from Facebook posts from people with the comprehension of a potato.
Sorry, had to post it like this because YouTube sometimes shadowbans long comments.
This guy is such a fraud people!!!
Can you trust a man who went to Epstein’s Island a few times
No, that is why, trust Bill Gates.
derser plays games
What do you want? Get my information from a guy on Facebook with a degree in bullsh*t who is kicked out of bars before he drinks his 17th beer bottle?
If you would have noticed, they also link to the flight logs.
@Sqrt -1 I dont care if you go around believing in vaccines and poisoning yourself but stop saying it to other people because have you heard that people become twice as sure when someone says they’re wrong?
derser plays games
Fortunately, I know for a matter of fact that only idiots and cranks would find that remotely relatable. Instead of reconsidering facts and logic, use ad hominems and gambits.
Everything was ready before the outbreak the vaccine and the tracking system so it has nothing to do with helping, it has to do with greed, control freaks and mass murderous intent.