31-year-old Alison Lowe spent 16 days on a ventilator and continues to receive supplemental oxygen after being diagnosed with COVID-19.
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“You can get killed walking your doggie.”
~ (movie Heat)
i say this line often!
There’s only one movie that has that title. And sure as hell, that quite ain’t in it.
Nice name drop!
@Jack Daniels Yes it is. When pacino is in the night club talking to the snitch. ” I could get killed for this”, ” you get killed walking your doggie” Literal exact quote.
Looks like she has more than one pre existing condition.
@Shawnaldo75 wrong. Broken record much?
Just like everyone else who ”died”
@Gregan Dunn but lung cancer probably doesn’t help
@Ash Moe literally cancer
lol…maybe upstairs.
So she was dying of Covid in a hospital bed but has her make up done while “gasping” for breath in the hospital

And doing a selfie video at that.
When I’m sick i look like crap this girl looks like she ready 4 a photo shoot in the hospital with covid
@Quincy Jones if you care that much about your looks, then you have sever problems before COVID.
That was my 1st thought too!! “She felt like doing her makeup, on a ventilator???!!!”
@Quincy Jones
I was going to say something but I better not.
filters, probably instagram
She such fake person attention seekers.
When is this insanity going to stop!
@Harvey PlantHarvester Canada is just a member of the international coalition of covid groupthink.
@Adeline Tyler Trump 2020/Jail for Trudeau
At the second coming
New World Order.
@Chef Nutter amen!!!!!
This can happen to anyone with a lung tumour and make up kit
And these comments show what a brain tumour looks like. Neat!

LOOOL I died
This has to be one of the stupidest stories I’ve ever seen…
We want to know.. how you kept a stable hand doing makeup AND lashes while gasping for oxygen.
Honest question. Thanks
@Shadow Designs

Ha! We saw that too.
So because she is naturally gorgeous and has tatoo’d make-up and semi-permanent lashes she can’t possibly die of COVID-19?!?
@Kath Casey facts
Years, and years of practice.
Doctor: we need to put you on ventilator
Woman: first let me finish my make-up
Exactly my thought
I had pneumonia once and almost died and she looks so great for someone struggling
Maybe her thick eyeliners were tattooed on I guess
She wouldnt have gotten covid if she didnt touch her face so much
@Polydactyl most likely a cpap of some sort, ventilators sometimes kill the person because they stop breathing on their own.
They get 20,000 dollars if they do
@Polydactyl was a fake for a show
The moral I got from this story is you can still have an Ariana Grande glam look even when you catch covid-19.
@Preetha Mars Look up lash extensions and filters.
But can I catch that look at the same time or do I have to have it already? Coz this might be worth it…
@Jake M heheheheheheh! That’s so hilarious!
Taking narcissism to the next level.
@Clarence W Lol
Agreed. If I was sick I wouldn’t even be thinking about doing my makeup, taking pictures and recording video of myself.
She likes to take care of herself, let her feel pretty, gee. Its remarkable she made the effort and it didnt break her feeling pretty vibe

@Anouk Duquette I don’t think makeup means taking care of yourself. Unless you’re talking about first world problems?
@Max Weinbach Western women think being told they’re beautiful (& brave!) at all times is a right & anything less is systemic oppression.
Easy Breezy, Covid-girl.
Underrated lol
That’s hilarious!

Cover-girl commercials are getting weird lately
Omfg thats gold!!!

More like CovidGirl *badum tss*
@TheBrantfordRailfan PLEASEE
@TheBrantfordRailfan I’M WEAKK

Title should be:
Woman saved by covid: didn’t realize she had lung tumors.
Title should read, woman has trouble breathing, doctors discover she has tumors in her lungs.
It never ceases to amaze me how truth always slips in with BS.
@Covidiot Destroyer You seem to be the covidiot here. Willfully ignore the part about her cancer because covid is bad!
She got her nails done and make-up on it looks like she is modelng for respirators.
not a respirator, or a ventilator which i think is what you meant. That’s just an oxygen tube. A ventilator goes down your throat, can’t talk and a machine breaths for you and they sedate you and give you pain medication and pretty much put you in a coma so you can tolerate it.
Read the comments, they are the best part of this video.
Lol I know eh
I really hope she comes on here and reads the comments. She might feel a bit dumb for dolling her make up perfectly to do a dying video.
“it can happen to anyone” so can being struck by lightning, but that doesn’t excuse using one cherry picked case for fear mongering.
Perfect makeup job. Because every woman I know always looks like a model when theyre close to death haha
it’s a bit confusing about the part where its mentioned “we took precaution without letting it cripple our lifestyles”. But I thought a huge part of precaution IS to sacrifice certain lifestyle choices, like frequent social events, travel, and etc.
“I wouldn’t change my summer for the world..” umm… really…then where is the precaution.
“would you change anything looking back?” “no, we just got too comfortable towards the end of summer, but no”… umm…
So moral of this particular story is she should rather get COVID than sacrifice one bit of her summer. Not sure if this is the message if the intention is as titled… The title gives me a different sense…
Total propaganda. I mean like really. Full make up, eyebrows….the whole 9 yards. And check out the acting trophies behind her..

aspiring insta star…..can’t wait for the onlyfans
LOOOL I’ve never seen such a wannabe famous person it’s so sad
“felt cute might delete later” ….”My Covid story” “hey what’s up you guys yes I’m doing a video”