The worst violence in years between Israelis and Palestinians showed no signs of letting up as continued Israeli airstrikes and Hamas rocket fire prompted the United Nations to warn the conflict could mushroom into "full-scale war." CNN’s Hadas Gold reports from Jerusalem and CNN's Becky Anderson speaks with journalist Neri Zilber.
#CNN #News
“Only a dead will see the end of war !”
That’s what Plato had to say !
Yes and so far Israel with the blessings of America has killed ten children with their rocket attacks.
Israel can end the war tomorrow. But the world would condemn it
“European settlers coming to a foreign land, settling there, and either committing genocide against or expelling the indigenous people. The Zionists have not invented anything new in this respect.”
― Noam Chomsky,
@L.M.F.A .O That was a metaphor…..
Read (listen to the audiobook) the Gospel and watch the films The Life of Jesus Christ and The Passion of Christ.
@Void OfTheDarkness I
@Arabs are Semites- -Jews are Scumites Isnt the vid about Israel and the Palestine?
@Maric Gesink *If Iran nukes Israel, the Palestinians also perish in the fallout . . . win/win . . . peace at last . . . go Iran!*
Fear of all out war? Things looking pretty FUBAR right now.
Read (listen to the audiobook) the Gospel and watch the films The Life of Jesus Christ and The Passion of Christ.
@Callsign Starbuck Viper Dragon the sooner the better
Breaking news Israel has just invade Gaza with troops. Israel is in all out war with Hama’s and Islamic Jihad. It only a matter of time before Iran is hit directly by Israel.
All out war = ground invasion of the gaza strip , similar to what happened in 2006 in southern lebanon
“European settlers coming to a foreign land, settling there, and either committing genocide against or expelling the indigenous people. The Zionists have not invented anything new in this respect.”
― Noam Chomsky,
It’s really fucked up that it isn’t surprising me anymore
Chico, when i think my only worry was food then i see this . Qué triste !
I’m laughing about the folks who pizzed and moaned that 2020 was a bad year
You mean when they probe feces for Satan?
Not really this crap has been going on since 1948
For many people 2021 is going much better than 2020 did for them
From a purely statistical standpoint, another world war is due
“European settlers coming to a foreign land, settling there, and either committing genocide against or expelling the indigenous people. The Zionists have not invented anything new in this respect.”
― Noam Chomsky,
“If you’re not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.”
― Malcolm X
@Harun Musa we all know the austrian painter was pretty much on the mark
@Ura Koren Сатанизм является еврейского культ.
What happens when everyone Left and Right with a computer thinks they’re Malcolm X
? Forever war 
@TheSpirit AndTheBride I know your afflictions and your poverty–yet you are rich! I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. – Revelation 2:9
“European settlers coming to a foreign land, settling there, and either committing genocide against or expelling the indigenous people. The Zionists have not invented anything new in this respect.”
― Noam Chomsky,
The longest war since B.C.
@John Patrick the bible is nonsense
@Clarence Spangle Where did I mention the Bible?
@Shaunlexis George Before Christ has been replaced with Before Common Era (BC, sometimes BCE) in scientific and historic litterature for a while now. I have not seen the mention of the Christ character from the Christian religion in dating for many years. I’m guessing you’re American?
@John Patrick Lolllll that would have been awesome! Mammoths fighting gladiators at the Colosseum lolll
But no, I don’t believe that lol. “B.C.” means before year 1, not at year 1. Technically, even the big bang was “bc” lol.
But really I thought the first comment meant something else, that BC was some new internet expression I didn’t know. Now I don’t understand the first comment at all loll. Does he think this war has been the longest since the beginning of time?
@Horrifying Apocalypse I think the OP was implying that this conflict is 2 millennia old.
Read (listen to the audiobook) the Gospel and watch the films The Life of Jesus Christ and The Passion of Christ.
It’s going to get worse… A lot worse
They are fighting with rocks against assult rifles, grenades and money
Retaliation for hundreds of missiles being launched into Israel is not being unjust it is expected needed and sure to happen and you know Iran are behind the money and weapons sounds like you drank from the same cup
“European settlers coming to a foreign land, settling there, and either committing genocide against or expelling the indigenous people. The Zionists have not invented anything new in this respect.”
― Noam Chomsky,
@Kamehameha Kioken 3.8 billion for defense misters like I don’t know the Iron curtain, early warning radar and a defensive army to inshore their safety.
@18 Ghost if you have a rock. And another guy has a gun. You will not die,if you don’t throw the rock. Why doesn’t Israel mow them down? Arabs live in Israel. Hamas fuckd up.
Hamas targets civilians, Israel targets terrorists: that makes all the difference!
2020 is 21 now and has started drinking
Read (listen to the audiobook) the Gospel and watch the films The Life of Jesus Christ and The Passion of Christ.
It’s true I cannot make anyone do anything.
I have no military power.
All I can do is beg.
Please help me.
Please can I have some honest friends before I die.
In this situation looking at this whole thing that’s why the children from that country can’t even smile because all they see is violence all the time
@Gustaf A I can fix it. Carpet bomb gaza and the demons that live there and send them all to hell
Problem solved
@Thyalwaysseek They were unlucky enough to be born in the place ruled by the terrorist group willing to sacrifice their lives to murder Jews.
@norandomness Ask Hamas leaders if they have souls
@Mandarin and the Ten Rings Godly men from Hamas?
People in Tel aviv has 90 seconds of warning time before “a rocket could blow up your apartment”. How is that not close????
“I wanted to change the world. But I have found that the only thing one can be sure of changing is oneself.”
— Aldous Huxley
“If I dont steal your land someone else will.”
Romans said the same thing before losing it all
WoW! Eyes on the audit.
at night without a fight, they killed my childhood ~ pray for Palestine
I pray for them every day, may the land go back to it’s owners, and may Allah have mercy in the kids and their families