Elon Musk has made an offer to buy Twitter (TWTR) and take it private, saying he believes it needs to be "transformed."
According to an SEC filing, Musk has offered to acquire all the shares in Twitter he does not own for $54.20 per share, valuing the company at $43.4 billion. That represents a 38% premium over the closing price on April 1, the last trading day before Musk disclosed that he had become Twitter's biggest shareholder, and an 18% premium over its closing price April 13, 2022.
#ElonMusk #CNN #NewDay
‘Is this all a troll?’: Elon Musk offers to buy Twitter

I personally hate Twitter, and the mindless crap it promotes as “intellectual discussions”. Influencers love it because it fits their need for constant ego gratification.
@Tom Beacher Twitter is a platform for speech and speech should be free because speech is tandamount to thought. It is not a safe space. Stay home and unplug your Wi-Fi if you want a “safe space”. Your safety from ideas is no one’s responsibility but yours.
@Da Woolf Bruddah how is it winning Trump the presidency? Oh? By giving Trump a voice? Hmmmm
I hate Twitter too. Too much bad information.
“Threaten” He literally explains below why this is not a threat, it just good business sense !!
@BOCtunes what is hate speech. Lunacy define that as well
@cap crunch U want free speech but have no idea what hate speech and lunacy is ? I think u need to defy what u think your version of free speech is, I have a suspicion you think of it as “anything goes”.
@BOCtunes well here. Free speech is anything goes as long as it is not inciting violence. Libel comes into effect in a court of law as well. So what is hate speech? What is lunacy? You see the only speech that needs protection is controversial. If you remember the aclu cut its chops defending nazis. Not like what you would call a nazi. An actual person whom classified themselves as nazis
It’s hard to believe that panicky Brian Stelter just turned *36 years old* …yep you read that right.
He wouldn’t lie about his aged would he
@Vale Visa you made my day Vale. You’re funny
@Vale Visa
You must be blind then
I can’t believe I’m older than him
He called Stelter a “reliable source” yes this was a troll
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@NBA This remark shows up copied from different named people any time a good zinger is pointed at CNN. Evidently the person who keeps pasting it really loves CNN. I have never clicked on that site, since it is probably stupid.
He said lolz
@TheHamiltonShow did you expect different?
@oooops nah
Brian Stelter – Does anyone take him seriously at all anymore? Wasn’t he totally discredited at the recent “Mis-Information” forum by a college student who had done his homework? Did Stelter deny making 5 or 6 statements/positions that he had stated on air previously as facts? We democrats don’t need Stelter on our side any longer. We need credible reporting, don’t we?
@hsmd Yes, you made a great point.
@Hunter Wilson I’m a liberal that also shares it. I think all of the culture war stuff is toxic & both sides are hypocritical. I’m a left libertarian who thinks that unless there is a direct harm to OTHER people than people should be free to pursue their own lives & happiness as they see fit. I feel the right often says they belive this but in reality they only do about taxes& guns, but when it comes to just about every other &social issue it’s hypocritical- basically its We want to be free& but only us& the people who share our values, But YOU cannot be, YOU cannot be free to put what you want to in youre body like marijuana, love who you love & live youre OWN life however makes you happy like in gay marriage & gender, how you want to spend youre money like sports bets or gambling, what you can do with youre own body & relationships like sexual choices ( ppl like Jordan peterson literally want to force Monogomy) or abortion prior to viability, what full grown& consenting adults can do or not do, during pandamic you literally have tucker saying that people should make other people take off their masks& tell them it makes you uncomfortable & they need to remove it because it makes them uncomfortable, Also saying it should a CRIME to put a mask on a child & encouraging people to call CPS on people who have their kids masked, etc etc I could go on.
and the left is hypocritical in wanting to mandate & censor speech & ideas & in selectively wanting to havw
I think we should have some basic social programs/welfare/health & so on, & we should obviously have reasonable laws for crimes that involve directly harming others(**) , but otherwise everyone should stay out of others business & let people do whatver they want so long as it doesnt pose risk or harm to others.
**(but we should DECRIMINALIZE some things that currently are such as the personal possession or use drugs, not necessarily legalize them, but just like we dont put people in prison for having an eating disorder we should not be criminalizing/putting people in PRISON for having a substance problem& putting something in their body that if anything only
hurts themselves & isn’t others business)
@A R as a conservative I agree with you 99%. As well as all my conservatives friends
If your a share holder it’s a no-brainer…… if the board of twitter rejects this they’re all screwed! He will own
this company and not all the screaming at the sky is gonna stop it!
Amen ! And the MSM crazies calling him a racist recently sure helped fuel the fire in Musk !
@Tyler M it’s about time an, African American bought a social media platform
They will be sued by shareholders if they reject this.
“Is he just trying to pump and dump some stock?” Yeah, he built his fortune by not considering long-term opportunities /s
He has 80 million followers. He’s protecting his investment, free speech, and winning Trump the presidency all in one. Genius
he built his empire by building a payment system for the internet we all use the selling solar panels and electric cars and now rockets to the moon and also internet for people who live in rural areas. stocks are just his spare time he’s just getting started
@collin velox Thank you Elon Musk for standing up for freedom of speech!
“Is this a troll?” Asked CNN, showing how out of touch they are.
And how much did Nick Sandmann get from CNN?
@Luis Pereira Not so. Truth doesn’t need any one person to defend it. It can stand all on its own under any scrutiny.
Lies on the other hand…..
@whyputaname he has 13 comments and you have 597 on this channel and you’re saying he doesn’t have a life?
@Luis Pereira Actually, I am already very disappointed at what Twitter has become, and I am pretty sure Elon agrees with that assessment as well. I doubt he will be even more disappointed if he makes some moves to improve the experience on Twitter. Just like creating a more perfect union, it will not become perfect, but as long as you strive for perfection, you will be able to handle the disappointments and still be more satisfied with the outcome. Twitter will never be perfect, but it can definitely be much better as a public square than it is now.
My use of “wokesters” is correct. They feel that their idealism should be the foundation of what constitutes as “free speech”, and their subsequent oversight has become very disjointed with many double standards, which is done in the name of progressiveness and being woke. You knew exactly what I was saying in my first post when I characterized them as “wokesters”. Those that apply those standards (algorithms and shadowbanning) should be gone if Elon takes over in order to improve Twitter. I doubt he will be disappointed with the outcome with just that move.
He is kindly offering to buy before a hostile takeover. He’s giving them a quick option of a longer drawn out costly option where they lose way more.
@Flower Power yeah drawn out as in taking longer for stock to fall and I’m sure that people will start up law suits soon enough even if they go nowhere. Or.. let me buy you out now and end it quickly. Make sense..
@david penwell Don’t overthink! Though that ship sailed! No. Just no
Simple. Sell or be short-sold and crashed. He has them by the short and curlies.
CNN is just a meme factory at this point. Just point and laugh at them.
CNN throwing around the terms “troll” and “edgelord” makes me weep for modern society
@girlsdrinkfeck So then why are you here, love?
That’s why so many people love Elon Musk.
@Vlasko60 what you think doesn’t matter though and that’s clear. I mean frankly its also clear at this point you can’t back anything you say up with anything other than pretty lame insults. Like what even if I am fan that doesn’t matter in the context of this conversation my claim was that you only find value in something if it supports your beliefs you’ve said nothing to the contrary. I’m not even sure you’ve read my comments because your on auto pilot your just typing words with no real meaning. You say I’m Elon Musk fanboy like im supposed to be ashamed of that when in all honesty I just think its funny that people act like him buying Twitter is the end of days . It’s it’s obvious in a battle of wits your unarmed. So yah I don’t care what you think I’m smarter than you and that much you have made painfully clear to me
@Vlasko60 let’s test you about factually information and I’ll tell if you’re telling the truth because I have all the evidence by federal statistics so here goes. Was Trump’s economy the best in 30 years?
@Ursine Monster8 yes
@Ari berry I agree but this was meant for the other dude Jaja

I love how they doubt Musk while at the same time barely criticizing the horrendous management of Twitter over the last few years in regards to policy censorship
Laughed my but off when I saw Stelter as one of the three discussing Elon.
This clown has a show called reliable sources. And then says 54.20 is a metaphor for 420. Yowza this network is gonzo
I wonder when Stelter is coming out of the closet
“It’s not about the money, it’s about sending a message.”
-Elon Musk 2022
@Don’t Worry, We’ll Talk About It You managed to make me laugh out loud.
Sure, if anyone will believe that.
@Falcon Typo I mean he has the money and Twitter is a public company that u can buy soooooo….
@Freedom Life Why doesn’t anyone believe it?
Not even 20 seconds in and they already take a jab at Musk. Is CNN capable of being unbiased? Short awnser is no.
Twitter has silenced too many voices. Elon Musk will change that and give a voice to those on the right who have been canceled. Love it!
when CNN can’t make a valid point, “yup they are definitely trolling” what a bunch of clowns
Brian Stelter is such a deliberately dishonest and biased person. How does he still hold this position with CNN?
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Mr. Potato Head
wait…you think the others are any better..????