1. @John Watt The problem is with water you cannot control it.
      You can ask the water to follow your path but the water just looks at that as a suggestion.
      Mother nature is really not in a good mood currently.
      I say- leave her alone and take high ground.

      This is really getting serious.
      We are seeing records being broken around the globe..
      not good records either. Floods, heat, droughts, fires…
      Even scarier is people that ignore we are making it worse.
      We can never make it better in any of our lifetimes, but we can stop making it so bad.
      Right now the earth is up to a carton of cigarettes’ a day.
      If we can just cut out one cigarette a day in the next 20 years, we are doing good.
      Democrats are trying to go cold turkey..Stupid
      Republicans are trying to convince us smoking is not unhealthy..Stupid
      Why can the world not just try a nicotine patch first.

    2. @sammyshott23 I was actually being sarcastic.
      A President should not have the power to just declassify anything he wishes and walk out the door with it.
      If he wishes to declassify documents that come within 40 feet that is fine.
      They however then need to be handed over to the archives who can argue the classification or at the least record the new classification.
      He does not get to walk out the door with no accountability on documents.
      We have laws because of Watergate that are suppose to stop exactly what Trump did.
      Trump ignoring those laws and getting away with it- is again taking a shittt on true Americans.

    1. @NBA1 HEY! Another bot to add to the list. Mohamed trevino, Andrea Madden, nba1,Marie Lucas, Kristy Campbell\1 Jennifer Zimmerman, Awesome!

    1. @Donna Vorce

      Good point.

      Give them as won’t evacuate themselves a deadline to comply and leave them to get on with it.

  1. *The whole truth about the coronavirus. Watch the video you will be shocked* EVERYDAYS.ML
    Mr.Dunn – respect for you.

    1. @Alexander Walker my malware software told me the same. I was curious what kind of BS the link was spewing, but did not proceed.

    1. @Elmosweed can you imagine inviting a whole group of terror ist to your multi million dolla arsenal. Well joweee can he did dat.

    2. @babaghorghori Question.
      Let us say American troops had taken all the weapons back that they gave the Afghan military to defend their Country-
      Would that have been used as an excuse on why the Afghan military just dropped their guns and ran ?
      Leaving the Afghan military unarmed would have been a little cruel in my view.
      I do not think anyone thought they would just surrender the Country.

    3. This happens every year. Looks like the authorities would have figured that out by now and offered help besides “get out quick”. Mismanagement and poor-management of the Ross Barnett Reservoir complex is the culprit.

  2. Get out and stay out! Who, especially women, would want to stay in Mississippi! “If you risk the life of one, that’s one too many”. Except when it comes to pregnant women needing a medical abortion to live! Mind boggling!!!

    1. @Melting Pot lol they nail me on my comments at least once a day. But I keep track of the account names.. May get lucky one day.

    2. @R 207 the one that sticks out most is Kristy Campbell. Because in 1981, I had a crush on my classmate with the same name.

    1. @Lodge Forte Lodge Forte hasn’t heard about complete thoughts and sentences.
      IF you REALLY loved he/ she/ they ya’d KNOW WTF he/ she/ they is talking about.

    2. @John Dodge I thought you’d understand but I overestimated your intelligence. By your, “logic”, the poor neighborhoods in New Orleans should’ve been fixed right up…

      But, no one bothered giving them the infrastructure back for years. I can’t believe I had to explain that.

    3. @Rick No- House on the rock fell down because of the mudslide that took down the mountain it was built on.
      The Mountain fell down due to erosion caused by the fires caused by the dry conditions caused by the warmer weather caused by the changing environment being sped up by man.

  3. I think the more you build without drainage plans the worse flooding will be … Not to mention all the concrete and Hattiesburg downstream ..

    1. ​@NBA1 HEY! Another bot to add to the list. Mohamed trevino, Andrea Madden, nba1,Marie Lucas, Kristy Campbell\1 Jennifer Zimmerman, Awesome!

  4. With all the effects of Climate Change and Global Warming in the world, having places prepare for flooding in the future along with other safety measures would be a good thing.

    1. What bothers me is that if climate change is real, why is everyone in the U.S. moving South and to coastal regions? Doesn’t make sense, shouldn’t everyone be moving North and inland?

    2. @Mark Berryhill
      Because people are going to live where they want to live and assume that any problems will be decades in the future. In some cases they ar probably right.

  5. Well that’s the problem with the natural disaster no matter how bad it gets it’s hard for a person to leave their home🤔

  6. We can never prove that a single event is due to climate change, but we can show that events like this will become more frequent.

    1. Spoken like someone who’s paying attention, and understands the *nuances* of climate on a global scale. I wish there were more of you in this world.

    2. @Chinedu Opara paying attention to greta thunberg and practicing confirmation bias while having no useful perspective of the historical frequency of any weather events. Yes

  7. Thank you for coverage. Please Jackson, Miss., sign the #plantbasedtreaty and Fossil Fuel Non Proliferation Treaty. Let’s talk prevention, otherwise things will only get much worse.

  8. Compulsory purchase orders on all properties sitting on the flood plane, and residents can buy new builds situated on higher ground.

    Sounds draconian but would help with future flood events.

    In UK our Environment Agency has already dropped the hint to all residents living on flood planes that flood defences will not be cost effective and won’t necessarily be built in future.

    Not so much as throwing the residents under the bus as moving them to the top deck.

    Of course how that would be achieved and paid for is not yet explained …

    There again if global warming melts all the ice on the planet then it might be more cost effective to buy a boat and re-christen yourself Noah … or perhaps a buy a floating home much like the splendid stuff you have in Seattle and similar.

    One good thing (?) ref property above the 200ft contour will always be in demand.

  9. This is close to home for me. My family lives in Belzoni. I was just there in February. Hope it DOSNT get to bad. We have droughts in California. With the polar caps melting. Adding more moisture in the air. And it’s got to fall somewhere. You would think that as humans we would learn how to work with are most precious resource. Water. There are many way to utilize the force of water in a more constructive and efficient way. We need to build more water systems for diverting and storage. You can do it with oil. You can do it with water. The waste and destruction caused by water is more costly than building a system of water conservation and storage.

    1. ISREAL doing pretty good in a desert. Desalination. One way or another we still need to create better water resources. Hell when you have to buy water to drink it. That alone is wrong. We live on a well. Some day there 1200 ppm s of minerals in our water. Have a filter salt system. Down 600 ppm. So we buy water for drinking and cooking. Crazy. I’m looking at more high tech filtering system to reinstall. We have flood in one place. Drought in another. That’s a problem with its own solution. Being able to move water where it’s needed from where it’s not needed. I’m a proactive maintenance person. Not reactive. I plan every step. When water creates our food source and our health. It must be just a high priority to our National Security. In so many ways. Like China just wasted billions of gallons of water from one of their dams. Just wiped out everything down stream. That was man made. And dumb.

    2. @bigsidable Amen! California could’ve been investing in this method or the country even, since CA brings in such a huge part of the nation’s GDP and considered 4th or 5th in the world alone.

    3. @ursaltydog Just like PG&E Finally putting lines underground instead of in the tree line. I’ve always disliked the status quo. Like water it must move to stay pure. Or it becomes stagnant and dies. We as human must not get complacent and finger pointing. Join hand a create options.

    4. @bigsidable I hear ya… I wished that in this big infrastructure package, we’d built pipe lines from the upper Missouri River which has destroyed important croplands and carried the water to Lake Mead and other reservoirs.. My father worked on the pipelines that went through Tennessee. That project helped him become employed, buy property and build the house while dating my mom, that he and mom made home for me two decades later.

    5. @ursaltydog You would think after Katrina. We be doing more to understand these major weather Events and have more planning. And like you said. Infrastructure.

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