Is the election a referendum on Trudeau?

Is 'Trudeau Mania' still translating with Canadian voters? The Scrum panel shares their take on his campaign.

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Is the election a referendum on Trudeau?


  1. Dumb title question. Of course it’s a referendum on Trudeau. An election is ALWAYS a referendum on the incumbent leader.

    The last election was a referendum on Harper.

    1. my brain hurts, more better taxes from liberals, probably more scandals, adds to entertainment I guess, anyone have those stupid pills that liberals take , i’d like to believe.

    2. @bad brain Just enjoy the UCCB and raise your family with its assistance. Grow smart kids. Don’t pluck the feathers from their wings like CONservatives

  2. He looks and sounds drugged.
    Playing drama ??
    Gettin ready to get back to drama school!!
    What an embarrassing 4 years that was !!!

  3. If Trudeau had gotten a start on the oil pipeline and just toned down the SJW language a notch he’d have been a shoe-in.

    Now it’s going to go down to the wire.

    Of course, Scheer is doing his best to lose with the dirty tricks operation against Bernier. That was a totally stupid move.

    1. Have you ever seen crazy Margret Sinclair or his father Fidel Castro dressed up in fatigues all the time with his huge beard. Lots of crazy stuff. Sure to be a fair amount of pot smoking too.

  4. So, Ann, no mention of the continual ethics breeches, blackface, Admiral Norman scandal, India fiasco, electoral reform failure,
    SNC Lavalin and dozens of broken promises ?
    Governing is hard ? It’s much harder when the PM is a liar and a hypocrite.

    1. having that rabid liberal Anne McLellan on 1 day before the election -Come on ! She’s overpowering everything… more thinly veiled endorsement for the Liberals. Gross!

  5. If governing is so hard then get out of governing. What a pathetic excuse for such an inept performance over the last 4 yrs compliments of blackface

    1. @The Canada First Party What party are you? Never heard of you. Andrew Smear in Kinsella face? BWAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA! PERP walk comin’. The orange jumpsuit in handcuffs led to his cellmate Big Bubba. BWAHAHAHAHHAAHHAAHA!

    1. And, if he’s re-elected the middle class will be much worse off. Where is all this money going to come from to pay down the deficit???? Giving 10.5 million to a criminal certainly won’t help.

    2. He has to destroy as much as he can to get everyone on welfare and dependent on him. He is as evil as satan himself.

    3. Taxes have gone up and cost of living has shot through the roof in last 4 years so how is the middle.class better off???

    1. @Rick Johnston oh I know
      Justin trudeau is a crazy dictator and Crazy Dictators don’t just give up there power 🤔

    1. Honey, sure hope you are right. The electorate is fickle and anything can happen. Crossing our fingers that he is defeated and taught a lesson. Disaster of a PM.

  6. If the liberals get voted in Canadians have voted for corruption narcissism theft and debt that the youth will have around their necks in years to come

    1. This time has been named the Age of Stupidity. Keeping my figures crossed that Canadians aren’t as stupid as Craig. (Please retire soon).

  7. This is all nonsense about the economy being great. I personally haven’t got a raise in the past 3 years. The Conservatives are the obvious choice in this election. They and only they can turn this ship around and save Canada from ruin. (Edited for typo)

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