Is The 2020 Race Closer Than Many Believe? | Morning Joe | MSNBC

While general election polling often shows Joe Biden leading the president by margins of 10 points and with substantial leads in some key battleground states, is the race actually much closer? The panel discusses. Aired on 10/15/2020.
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Is The 2020 Race Closer Than Many Believe? | Morning Joe | MSNBC


  1. It’s hard to believe that after 4 years of trump the American public could vote for him again. If elected you can kiss your democracy goodbye.

    1. @Dave Haynes Dave I can’t watch it again bro. Don’t watch it I wish I hadn’t. Vote Trump who is pro life man.

    2. @Dave Haynes Dave you can be involved in saving millions of lives if the president wins. Sounds like you would be a hero to me Dave.

    3. @America First I’m not asking you to watch it.
      I cannot vote for a disgusting animal like trump.
      He lies and that’s no secret.

    4. @America First nope not for me. I want an honest decent person for president.
      Since he has been around it’s been nothing but lies, and distortions, race baiting, dog whistling to white supremacy groups and Nazi.
      My parents and decedents fought long and hard to remove them.
      Americans will have to find another way to save the unborn.

    1. Well if you are a Christian you can not vote for anyone who supports abortion. This is none negotiable in the Christian life. So if you claim to be a Christian Biden is a no go. So if you are a true christian let’s do what is right and put an end to abortion and vote Trump Amen. I am going to send this message over and over until we save these babies. These babies are sucking there thumb and getting slaughtered. Biden will allow partial birth and full term Abortion. Like the babies head comes out and they cut the spine. Watch the videos. Trump 2020 save Gods babies.

  2. Trump appeals to the hate in Americans. This will be extremely close. Republicans won’t be happy till the depression comes.

    1. @Brandon how did or how will trump supporters cause a depression ? No facts just all smoke and mirrors with left liberal mob. But hey poor kids are just as smart as white kids

  3. There is a new disinfectant called VOTE. It is specifically designed to remove contagious and deadly ORANGE viruses…It is most effective if used by November 3, 2020..

    1. @Moe Snert America is better than serial lying, corruption, bullying, name calling, racism, culture wars, disrespecting our military and their families, caging babies and separating them from their mothers, intimidating witnesses, obstructing justice, calling on foreign countries to interfere in our elections, throwing our intelligence agencies under the bus, telling voters to commit crimes by voting twice, altering weather maps, discrediting epidemiologists and other scientists, intentionally instructing people to ignore pandemic safeguards, sexual assault, mocking disabled people, calling women nasty names, allowing bounties on the heads of our troops, encouraging “rogue” police and armed militia and white supremacists, pandering to Russia, senseless trade wars, shutting down government just to make a point, stupidity such as injecting disinfectants, attacks on our vital institutions like the Post Office, sending secret police to attack protesters, lying and misinformation regarding a deadly pandemic, nepotism, xenophobia, profiting from the presidency, saying nothing when the Saudis murder an American journalist, try to bride Ukraine to smear your political rival, and this list goes on. Donald J. Trump is the worst president in U.S. history.

    2. @Old Matty You are much much more ignorant than I thought. America is better than serial lying, corruption, bullying, name calling, racism, culture wars, disrespecting our military and their families, caging babies and separating them from their mothers, intimidating witnesses, obstructing justice, calling on foreign countries to interfere in our elections, throwing our intelligence agencies under the bus, telling voters to commit crimes by voting twice, altering weather maps, discrediting epidemiologists and other scientists, intentionally instructing people to ignore pandemic safeguards, sexual assault, mocking disabled people, calling women nasty names, allowing bounties on the heads of our troops, encouraging “rogue” police and armed militia and white supremacists, pandering to Russia, senseless trade wars, shutting down government just to make a point, stupidity such as injecting disinfectants, attacks on our vital institutions like the Post Office, sending secret police to attack protesters, lying and misinformation regarding a deadly pandemic, nepotism, xenophobia, profiting from the presidency, saying nothing when the Saudis murder an American journalist, try to bride Ukraine to smear your political rival, and this list goes on. Donald J. Trump is the worst president in U.S. history.

  4. Well, when you think about how obsessed Trump and the GOP are with doing everything in their power to cheat and rig this election, of course it’s gonna be close

    1. Kentucky and Georgia has paperless 20 year old easily hacked election machines that Repugnants won’t update same as all bills killed to support fair elections. Right wants a one party state or communist fascism period.

      even if you’re *99,9%* CONFIDENT that Biden will win, you STILLL have to vote.
      love you, stay safe 💙

    3. Well if you are a Christian you can not vote for anyone who supports abortion. This is none negotiable in the Christian life. So if you claim to be a Christian Biden is a no go. So if you are a true christian let’s do what is right and put an end to abortion and vote Trump Amen. I am going to send this message over and over until we save these babies. These babies are sucking there thumb and getting slaughtered. Biden will allow partial birth and full term Abortion. Like the babies head comes out and they cut the spine. Watch the videos. Trump 2020 save Gods babies.

  5. Quit showing the only polls with the largest margin. It’s an average of polls you take into consideration but I see those polls that favor Biden by a lot on this show. EVERYONE NEEDS TO VOTE.

    1. It IS strange – constantly saying that Biden is leading massively, but at the same time warning the voters about becoming complacent. If YOU are the one who is lulling people in, then why are you saying it in the first place?

    2. I say ignore the polls. Act as if the poles have the wrong names connected to them and vote hard ro get them out. Vote blue.
      Remember 2016. Let’s get America back, sanity back, and let’s put America back into the 21st century and abandon the 1700’s.
      MAGA – make America groan again.

    3. Well if you are a Christian you can not vote for anyone who supports abortion. This is none negotiable in the Christian life. So if you claim to be a Christian Biden is a no go. So if you are a true christian let’s do what is right and put an end to abortion and vote Trump Amen. I am going to send this message over and over until we save these babies. These babies are sucking there thumb and getting slaughtered. Biden will allow partial birth and full term Abortion. Like the babies head comes out and they cut the spine. Watch the videos. Trump 2020 save Gods babies.

  6. I don’t understand how more than 1% can be voting for Trump, but here we are.
    Apparently almost half of the US citizens are fine with the mentally ill, fascist dictator.

  7. In the history of Presidential Approval Rating polling (started in the Truman era) there has never before been a President whose disapproval rating outweighed his approval rating EVERY MONTH OF EVERY YEAR of his term.

    1. @MAC your fearful orange leader was a blunder at his town hall tonight. He just kept yelling, and he almost disappeared.

    2. @tracy bird 200 K grossly exaggerated… maybe 15 K have died of just covid without any other serious underlying conditions… Two, dems did nothing to stop the spread early on either.. Dem Govs are personally responsible for their response to a pandemic .. Dem Gov Steve Sisolek did not even bother shutting down Nevada’s many BROTHELS until Mar 19.. Correct me if I am wrong.. but working girls being intimate with tourists without wearing a mask .. COULD spread the virus? Casinos, strip clubs.. bars .. escort services… all wide open in Nevada until Mar 18.. and keep in mind .. about a half a million people visit Vegas a week from all over the country. Then of course there was Dem mayor Jenny Durkans “summer of love block party” in Seattle that went on for weeks.. with nightly drug parties and communal tents, including drugs tents. In your professional opinion, could CHAZ have been a covid incubator and super spreader location? Not to mention dems allowing lawless rioting to continue night after night .. with rioters packed together in the thousands. But it is all Trump’s fault?

      even if you’re *99,9%* CONFIDENT that Biden will win, you STILLL have to vote.
      love you, stay safe❤️

      even if you’re *99,9%* CONFIDENT that Biden will win, you STILLL have to vote.
      love you, stay safe 💙

    3. Well if you are a Christian you can not vote for anyone who supports abortion. This is none negotiable in the Christian life. So if you claim to be a Christian Biden is a no go. So if you are a true christian let’s do what is right and put an end to abortion and vote Trump Amen. I am going to send this message over and over until we save these babies. These babies are sucking there thumb and getting slaughtered. Biden will allow partial birth and full term Abortion. Like the babies head comes out and they cut the spine. Watch the videos. Trump 2020 save Gods babies.

  8. “Givе me ten years, and you will not recognize Germany anymore!”
    ― Adolf Schicklgruber @ last election slogan, 1933

    1. @Science wins Socialism too.. Nazi Germany had socialism .. not communism .. but it was still a hive mind collective. Hitler was going to have the VW Beetle mass produced .. the peoples car.. it was going to be THE car for the German workers.. Hitler wanted maximum EFFICIENCY.. a car that could be mass produced cheaply that got 45 MPG .. What companies produced was REGULATED.. how to walk.. how to dress … the party controlled almost every aspect of life… Compare to leftist hyper regulation in the Green New Deal.. compare to leftists wanting to outlaw all speech but their own.. compare to leftists wanting to regulate and control what people eat.. what sort of car they drive etc.. Compare to BLM Antifa screaming at people for owning their own homes and demanding they donate their homes to BLM.. That is FASCISM.. wanting to FORCE everyone into a collective.

    2. @Colin Cleveland As far as the statues .. I personally do not care what happens to them… Many of the men they portray were very bad men.. Columbus.. Cortez.. certainly horrible people.. their statues should come down. Confederates .. a lot of bad people are being honored .. even Washington.. Franklin ..Jefferson .. bad men .. free masons.. some of them owned slaves.. that is all true. As far as leftists putting sheets over statues and wrapping ropes around their necks and toppling them, then writing “death to white colonists” on the bases.. I do not support that. I also would not support them blowing up the statue of liberty .. even though it was made by masons and meant to portray a pagan occult goddess. Why? Because the statues do not belong to the leftists.. they are mostly PUBLIC PROPERTY and what happens to PUBLIC property should be decided by a VOTE or by ELECTED OFFICIALS and NOT BY A RIOTING TERRORIST MOB. Also .. the leftists are really just saying they hate white people in general.. that is why they are attacking the statues.. hood and ropes around statues today .. hoods over the heads of people tomorrow if they are not stopped. And come on.. you are concerned with confederate “traitors” when BLM Antifa flies Soviet hammer and sickle flags; and when the leftists say they are “revolutionaries” and have a stated goal of overthrowing the government? Also .. Trump is the opposite of a fascist .. Trump is for individual liberties.. freedom to go to the church of ones choice .. to worship how one believes.. to drive gas guzzling monster trucks.. to eat whatever one chooses.. it is the LEFT who wants to REGULATE.. to force churches to accept leftist ideology…. and the leftists are calling Christianity a “racist” religion, so they would like to just outlaw it .. The left wants evolution forced down everyone’s throats.. REGULATION.. they want no alternative views allowed to be taught.. and the left wants far left radical views on sexuality taught.. no other views allowed. That is all FASCISM and trying to force society into a single party collective. The left planning on making islands states.. and add new justices .. also is to try to take over by force.. they want a single party fascist system.

    3. Well if you are a Christian you can not vote for anyone who supports abortion. This is none negotiable in the Christian life. So if you claim to be a Christian Biden is a no go. So if you are a true christian let’s do what is right and put an end to abortion and vote Trump Amen. I am going to send this message over and over until we save these babies. These babies are sucking there thumb and getting slaughtered. Biden will allow partial birth and full term Abortion. Like the babies head comes out and they cut the spine. Watch the videos. Trump 2020 save Gods babies.

    4. @Michael Rowsell It is actually Antifa that attacks J shops.. Trump has a daughter who converted to Judaism and a J son in law.

    1. You ignorant people!! Trump has staved off our utter ruin by stopping the slide of this nation into global tyranny. Wise up. Stop crying and pay attention to the world stage.

    2. Please stop saying things like that ! People need to stand up to him not be terrified. Of course we will survive. They love hearing you say things like that. It gives them fuel.

    3. @M M you silly little man oh you wait the blue wave coming. what are you going to do when trump ask all his Devoted cultist followers to drink the cool aid. Will you follow? or will be a coward?

  9. Bill Clinton had no problems beating Bush , it’s insane how trump is getting away with all the damages that he’s done and no one is holding him accountable for it. This should not be a tight race! Wake up America!

    1. @Moe Snert just as I’m sure you voted Hillary for prison four years ago. How is that working for you? Has she been arrested yet?

  10. Looks like 40% of Americans would vote for Satan if he had an R by his name. Oh, wait, that is the case, isn’t it?

    1. @David Wilkerson His stupid what? One might be inclined to think that you’re stupid. Strongly inclined. Bigly stupid.

    2. Well if you are a Christian you can not vote for anyone who supports abortion. This is none negotiable in the Christian life. So if you claim to be a Christian Biden is a no go. So if you are a true christian let’s do what is right and put an end to abortion and vote Trump Amen. I am going to send this message over and over until we save these babies. These babies are sucking there thumb and getting slaughtered. Biden will allow partial birth and full term Abortion. Like the babies head comes out and they cut the spine. Watch the videos. Trump 2020 save Gods babies.

    3. @America First And who are you to suddenly speak for all Christians? Ya know, those were the guys that burnt people at the stake.

    1. Only hate is see on the establishment “orange man bad”
      Networks that u all seem to guzzle without question

    2. Well if you are a Christian you can not vote for anyone who supports abortion. This is none negotiable in the Christian life. So if you claim to be a Christian Biden is a no go. So if you are a true christian let’s do what is right and put an end to abortion and vote Trump Amen. I am going to send this message over and over until we save these babies. These babies are sucking there thumb and getting slaughtered. Biden will allow partial birth and full term Abortion. Like the babies head comes out and they cut the spine. Watch the videos. Trump 2020 save Gods babies.

  11. Trump is all about me, me, me. That is why we find him so repulsive. But those who like him don’t have a life, but need someone to worship and laugh at. Trump is their man, their idol.

    1. @birdlynn hubbard LMFAO So yur stupid as well as a coward in hiding behind a troll name no surprise there .

    2. I can’t believe after eight years of Biden as VP and did nothing for the black community, 47 years in politics and no one can name anything he’s done except the crime bill. White liberals love this because they are the most racist people in our country

    3. @K. West Face the truth of the matter they understand trump gotta go and Bidens VP pik is black and female a twofer .
      A savvy political move on Bidens part.
      I can’t believe you don’t understand that , are you that dense or just a paid troll ?

  12. The last 4 years has been an avalanche. When people cannot see destruction head on, what will it take for them to wake up?

    1. I agree. And so do pretty much all pollsters. Which is why they already correct for some of that, based on 2016. You cannot compare the current polls with the polls in 2016 in any way, because the methods and corrections made are *based* on 2016. There’s not a single poll that doesn’t make such corrections. But still, people need to vote – not least because polls generally can’t be suppressed like voting can.

    2. Well if you are a Christian you can not vote for anyone who supports abortion. This is none negotiable in the Christian life. So if you claim to be a Christian Biden is a no go. So if you are a true christian let’s do what is right and put an end to abortion and vote Trump Amen. I am going to send this message over and over until we save these babies. These babies are sucking there thumb and getting slaughtered. Biden will allow partial birth and full term Abortion. Like the babies head comes out and they cut the spine. Watch the videos. Trump 2020 save Gods babies.

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