Tory strategist Jason Lietaer discusses the rumours that Stephen Harper could make a political comeback to help the Conservative Party.
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After 5 years of Trudeau, I actually miss Harper.
lol why? he’s not great but miles better than harper. I’m actually curious, what are your reasons?
Buckle up because Trudeau has probably has another 4 years as pm. I didn’t vote for him and I’m not planning to vote for him next time either but my money is on him winning again.
@Jay Wesley it scares me to say it but I think I agree. He can’t do any wrong it seems.
@Pheej L Kim Campbell was great in ’93, I loved her but I think she has swung ultra progressive and I think that’s the last thing komunist kanada needs.
@Gianna Hibbard what difference is there?
O’tool will not win the election so there going to need a new leader before the next election.
@Carl H so Trudeau can win again no thanks
@Corey Cleasby

Maxime should have stated Conservative party and turned it back to conservative. Otoole is a joke and he won’t win. Tbh watching him, I think he knows and doesn’t care.d
@David Burdett
Best thing that happened to CPC PARTY was the exit of BITTER BERNIER!!
Lost his seat in Quebec.
How could you ever vote for that loooser??
he use to be a separatist, then liberal.
What happened there??
they also removed him!!
@firebird777 what’s wrong with letting them separate? Lol
Back in the day, being a liberal wasn’t a bad thing. Not the progressive junk that exists today.
Pierre Polleive should run for PM
@Kotas Byubilieau He’d have my vote without a doubt, not even a decision at that point.
why would he expand the base
Yes yes yes
Skippy should learn how to have at least 1 creative policy or program. All he does is cry like a baby. No idea from PP just tears and whines.
He is not who he says he is ..dig deeper you shall see
I’ve been voting conservative ever since I was old enough to vote, but if O’Toole is still the party leader come election time.. my vote will be different.
Yours and mine!
@firebird777 OToole is blackface with another name. Duh
@Sherri Moore well except he’s never done blackface.
@Sherri Moore
Do not listen to “bitter bernier”…..
CPC PARTY is only one to remove blackface.
No one else has a chance.
Vote splitting, AGAIN, LIKE 2019, will give Canada BLACKFACE.
hope you have learned!!
I wish.
Anyone but trudeau?
Unfortunately all political parties in Canada sound about the same.
Please, we need him. Not this joke of a PM we currently have.
Yes please.
2 words for you… Leslyn Lewis!!!!! Put her alongside Erin O’toole and that will be a powerhouse

Sloan over all of them
Leslyn lewis is promising. I and it seems most of the base has low to no appetite for Otoole
I think John A. Macdonald should make a comeback too and run against Harper.

I think Ronald McDonald would make a nice PM at this point
@Veroosh Tarot & Astrology Horoscope based on how canada is being run right now… i’d settle for a cardboard box.
@Veroosh Tarot & Astrology Horoscope His theme song would be:
buh-duh-bum-bum-baah, I’m presi-dent
(it works better than prime minister lol)
Yes, please
That would be fantastic for Canada.
The Consvertives have run out of cons to cycle through their mafia, so they pulled out the phonebook and made some calls.
yea cause there never been trudeaus in power before lol
lol he makes way more now, why would he take that kinda pay cut?
Same reason trump did. To help the county he loves. It’s in dire straights right now
@Ryan Esau lol dont tell me you really believe that?
@DajjaD definitely.
Can only hope
Otool needs to step down
Frig I hope so
Oh boy, let’s have him come back to get out the “Old Stock Canadian” vote.
Yeah that would be better than the brainwashed racist voters that show up for sock boy.
No way can Tool get a win in the next election. Might as well bring back Sheer and try to win again lol. Wake up conservative party.
Conservatives party died since they merged with Racist Reform party based in Calgary. This is not Mulroney’s party.
About time