Former foreign affairs minister John Baird joins CTV's Question Period to discuss the federal election and if Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer will able to survive a mandatory leadership review.
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The Liberal Scheer Must step Down… Let a Concervative lead
@Starky513 your an Ignorant little Child, Grow up! get out of your mommy and daddy basement; get a job and contribute to society. Maybe learn some actual facts, or just spew B.S as a lying liberal. Millennials Dumber every day.
That is the crux of the problem with Scheer.
@Paul-Andre Gravelle Amen my educated friend…
@Jeff Hallatt the conservative LEFT the party and started a REAL conservative party
@Lorraine Armstrong You mean Mad Max who lost his own seat?
Did John Baird just have dental surgery?
Sean Webb His teeth do look weird..
Heard he killed his pet horse

Schemer couldn’t beat that corrupt clown?! Scheer has GOT to go!
Think he has value to the CPC but think it would be best for the party to find a stronger leader.
The CPC has progressive values. Canadians think they are conservative. They are NOT. That’s why they sound so Liberal
Yankee guy is gone !
The conservatives have to get a new leader and clean house.
The Conservatives have to become janitors in parliament. The majority of Canadians voted for progressive carbon-tax supporting parties.
Ms. Napier nailed Scheer’s similarity to Trudeau – they almost never answered questions directly or deviated from political rhetoric during the campaign. It got so tiring!
Tiring and frustrating! I was hoping to hear at least SOME answers to questions. To never get a answer from any of them is why we have a minority.
Baird stop spinning. Scheer and his team did a crap job. There were opportunities galore for Scheer to exploit and he never took it. He never, never reacted to the mud slinging from the Liberals. He’s irresponsible and has no thirst for battle and he is not a fighter. He needs to go.
interesting name! Mediocrity killed both the cat and the rat!
Dump lil pandy Andy Now! WEXIT! Period!
Scheer has no mojo. Canadians won’t give him a majority mandate
Scheer is bilingual and perhaps has fun with other languages like Spanish, Mandarin. He’s very busy with his children… Can you beat that?
It seems the easterners would
Like the conservatives to disappear
And a second liberal party emerge
In its place.
Bob Bremner : That already happened under Scheer.
Scheer is peaches
lmtada : A grinning Pillsbury Dough-boy with a milk moustache …
poke him in the belly and watch him giggle.
Does ANYBODY still believe he won the leadership withOUT cheating??
Craig Oliver is 300 years old.
Different from Harper in 2004 and Robert stanfield in 1974, Scheer’s major enemy made huge amount of mistakes in or before campaign and Scheer still not able to step Trudeau down? Enough is enough.
Are you seeing this neocons? It’s pretty much unanimous in comments, we have Scheer disappointment in the lack of leadership qualities w/ Andy.
The CPC is progressive. They need a leader who is a straight, and straight Conservative, plus, he’s a weak leader. They need somebody who is strong, principled, and more Conservative
66% of Canadians wanna pay for carbon tax? F*** outta here
they took the count in the liberal riding the other parts of Canada don’t want it because the PC had the majority of votes
As someone who has voted Conservative most of my life, I could NEVER vote for Scheer. He is a religious nutjob who has a public record of voting against womens rights and marriage equality. His main backers are the religious right wing, he answers to them. When the conservatives nominate economic conservatives, they win elections. Scheer is unelectable.
What about his scandal against the PPC?