1. Well spoken Jacob, Matthew ch10:9 kjv bible. There next scam is that virus, germs and bacteria live on paper money and coins. Which it is according to their research study it Then the public will be in a panic and they will stop using money. The American people will be in a panic rush to put their funds in which iso boost the economy but remember

    2. COVID is CCP’s BioWeapon, search risk-life-flee-china virologist @DrLiMengYAN1(twitter) and her gene evidence reports, get a Gene guy you TRUST(not the famous ones on TV) to verify her reports, she has waken the right(she had to talk with the right 1st since the right was in power), help her waken the left!!

      PS:why CCP didn’t allow wuhan people go anywhere in china, but allowed them to go overseas?

    3. @cham fefe I need information on the Infiniti bird, and the paragoma in the China region will she have this information?

    1. @Zach Jones also, how the hell do you insure bitcoin? If they insure the value you had, do they pay you up to 100 million dollars? Or do they insure the bitcoin itself, and repurchase that amount of bitcoin you had, not the value of it? Because if its the former, they could probably be sued (as any rise in the value of bitcoin would have been forseeably your profit). And if its the latter, they’d take heavy loss as the bitcoin price would rise if someone bought a bunch of it.

    2. COVID is CCP’s BioWeapon, search risk-life-flee-china virologist @DrLiMengYAN1(twitter) and her gene evidence reports, get a Gene guy you TRUST(not the famous ones on TV) to verify her reports, she has waken the right(she had to talk with the right 1st since the right was in power), help her waken the left!!

      PS:why CCP didn’t allow wuhan people go anywhere in china, but allowed them to go overseas?

    1. You gonna pay for your internet service with Bitcoin? You buy your groceries with Bitcoin? Or you using one of the other 1000s of digital coins? Ride the retail wave until it hits the shore.

    2. The sharp recovery in major altcoins and Bit : zion suggests the uptrend remains intact . Although the bears tried to start a correction today , the long tail on the day’s candlestick suggests the bulls are in no fashion to relent . If the bulls can sustain the buying pressure and push the price above $ 50k , the BTCpair may witness a short squeeze that could quickly propel the price to $ 60k . I personally think now is the right time to take advantage of the current bull run and make money leveraging trades rather than just hodlin until the bears take over . I’m not a pro tradr but I was lucky enough to make 25BTC since late last year following the instriuctions and s ! Gnals from Garric . he runs program for investors / newbies who lack understanding on how trad ! ng Bitcoin works , to help them utilize the volatility of the crypto market and also stack up more bitcoin . You can easily get to Garric on Wh @ t spp +1 4 0 92346815 Te leqram : @garric_norman_fxt for more info into profitable trading .

  1. 0:29 And since a Tesla is like 35K, that means you can buy a Tesla with 1 Bitcoin, and still have leftover change.

    1. The sharp recovery in major altcoins and Bit : zion suggests the uptrend remains intact . Although the bears tried to start a correction today , the long tail on the day’s candlestick suggests the bulls are in no fashion to relent . If the bulls can sustain the buying pressure and push the price above $ 50k , the BTCpair may witness a short squeeze that could quickly propel the price to $ 60k . I personally think now is the right time to take advantage of the current bull run and make money leveraging trades rather than just hodlin until the bears take over . I’m not a pro tradr but I was lucky enough to make 25BTC since late last year following the instriuctions and s ! Gnals from Garric . he runs program for investors / newbies who lack understanding on how trad ! ng Bitcoin works , to help them utilize the volatility of the crypto market and also stack up more bitcoin . You can easily get to Garric on Wh @ t spp +1 4 0 92346815 Te leqram : @garric_norman_fxt for more info into profitable trading .

    1. The sharp recovery in major altcoins and Bit : zion suggests the uptrend remains intact . Although the bears tried to start a correction today , the long tail on the day’s candlestick suggests the bulls are in no fashion to relent . If the bulls can sustain the buying pressure and push the price above $ 50k , the BTCpair may witness a short squeeze that could quickly propel the price to $ 60k . I personally think now is the right time to take advantage of the current bull run and make money leveraging trades rather than just hodlin until the bears take over . I’m not a pro tradr but I was lucky enough to make 25BTC since late last year following the instriuctions and s ! Gnals from Garric . he runs program for investors / newbies who lack understanding on how trad ! ng Bitcoin works , to help them utilize the volatility of the crypto market and also stack up more bitcoin . You can easily get to Garric on Wh @ t spp +1 4 0 92346815 Te leqram : @garric_norman_fxt for more info into profitable trading .

    2. @johto exactly. Bitcoin is digital gold 22-24 karat Indian gold jewelry finely crafted, not the crappy 14-18 karat western gold

    3. O Contraire..Billionaires want you to buy more. Where do you think your money is going…Billionaires don’t want Bitcoins they want real money….It’s a Pyramid scheme and the only ones getting paid are the ones at the top.

    4. COVID is CCP’s BioWeapon, search risk-life-flee-china virologist @DrLiMengYAN1(twitter) and her gene evidence reports, get a Gene guy you TRUST(not the famous ones on TV) to verify her reports, she has waken the right(she had to talk with the right 1st since the right was in power), help her waken the left!!

      PS:why CCP didn’t allow wuhan people go anywhere in china, but allowed them to go overseas?

  2. Lol. I bought 2 at 12.4k and was in debt bc of it and my parents hate me for it. Not now. Hope I can just hold and eventually 100k or more. Gl to all the small fish.

    1. Saw Rutherford first time at a conference in New York City 2019. His teaching towards financial freedom is highly commended

    2. @Meenakshi Ghosh The real scam is your life. You will go through it just being nothing more than a scared puppet. I almost feel sorry for you.

    1. You are so wrong because of the people at these Ivy League schools are often the dumbest because they live in a bubble and completely out of touch with reality

  3. The rich stay rich by spending like the poor and investing without stopping then the poor stay poor by spending like the rich yet not investing like the rich

    1. When someone is straight forward and good at what he he does, people will always speak for them. For me I would say give Mr samuel Jeff of financial education a try and you’ll be happy you did

    2. COVID is CCP’s BioWeapon, search risk-life-flee-china virologist @DrLiMengYAN1(twitter) and her gene evidence reports, get a Gene guy you TRUST(not the famous ones on TV) to verify her reports, she has waken the right(she had to talk with the right 1st since the right was in power), help her waken the left!!

      PS:why CCP didn’t allow wuhan people go anywhere in china, but allowed them to go overseas?

    3. I’m not rich by any means but I invest in the stock market with all of my excess money and I am typically very frugal with my spending. Meanwhile most of my friends don’t have anything in equities unless it’s through a mutual fund set up by their work.

  4. GameStop was a pump and dump. Crypto been around now for a dozen years. With a mark cap of more than 1 trillion. Don’t compare the two.

    1. Ya now that billionaires are buying it and holding it is hear to stay the one thing that can really slow it down would be if government starts fucking with it

    1. His arguments don’t hold water. His very first argument about people don’t use Bitcoin to purchase products was once somebody saying people don’t use credit cards to purchase products.

    1. @Elizabeth Moore I bet you didn’t know that an ounce of gold is worth $2,000 did you? Why would you use one ounce of gold as legal tender for $50?! I don’t think you’re understanding my point, but that’s why you don’t have any Bitcoin

    2. @John Gailey I know the price of gold and my coins are in my safety deposit box… And I don’t want any bit coin…

    3. And the price of gold now has nothing to do with what we were talking about the original post was about buying pizza with gold the only point i was trying to make is its completely possible

    4. @T T yeah i wasn’t talking about bitcoin to begin with beyond that there are business in my town that are incapable of taking it unless it’s through a normal channel… You all seem to be getting you panties in a bunch about things im not even talking about…

    1. COVID is CCP’s BioWeapon, search risk-life-flee-china virologist @DrLiMengYAN1(twitter) and her gene evidence reports, get a Gene guy you TRUST(not the famous ones on TV) to verify her reports, she has waken the right(she had to talk with the right 1st since the right was in power), help her waken the left!!

      PS:why CCP didn’t allow wuhan people go anywhere in china, but allowed them to go overseas?

  5. I’m humbled and appreciative of all you’ve done for som school bills this flips really goes a long hackbywilliams on iG you’re the best…

  6. We broke 57k when 3 weeks ago JP Morgan said it doesn’t have enough institution support to hold 30k On the other hand, Just learn to invest and increase your crypto by trading. My 4btc increased to 16 Btc in weeks working with Andrew Charles Weber.

    1. This past month been earning $70,000 weekly having invested $13,000 and working with Andrew Weber’s trading signals.

    2. Some weeks ago Con men took over 13 Btc from me which lead me to a point of frustration as it was my savings, I’m glad I came across Andrew Weber through a friend and in weeks he helped me recover all I lost.

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