Watch former federal prosecutor Glenn Kirschner join Ali Velshi and Stephanie Ruhle to discuss the key players involved in President Trump’s call with Ukraine’s leader and how what Bill Barr asked Trump to do ties to the impeachment inquiry. Aired on 10/01/19.
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Is Bill Barr Acting Like Trump’s Personal Attorney? | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC
He’s acting like Trump’s doormat actually
@Alan Simpson An inquiry reviewing the articles of impeachment has started and no vote was taken unless you consider the polls and discussions held before Pelosi determined to begin the impeachment hearing. Some people have to learn the hard way but the basic way our Government functions should be known by it’s citizens. The basis used by this administration to repeat alternate facts (Rep for lies) over and over so that their blind followers believe the lies to be facts is very disconcerting. But as you stated you will learn.
@don’tbelieve whatyouaretold They will never vote to start impeachment proceedings. Watch.
@Alan Simpson BTW, Moscow Mitch has stated that if the House impeaches the Orange Oaf, the Senate won’t have a choice and will have to try the Orange Oaf. So it appears the Senate will take a vote to try the Impeached President if the House impeaches the Orange Oaf.
I’ve begun to notice that every time trump tells us someone is a “Well Respected” anything, he’s telling us about a person who’s been shown to be corrupt, bought off, treasonous, or just plain NUTZ. I will use as my most recent examples, Barr and guliani, please show me where my logic is off.
@Yo-yos Tenbucks The Orange Oaf knows, that’s why they were hired. They would do his bidding, no martter what. Remember Trump can pardon anything they do (at least on a Federal level). The pardon laws should be changed so that a President canot pardon anyone found guilty under their administration. They shouldn’t be able to pardon people charged with crimes done on their behalf.
@Joe Boss
Anything can fool Trump Supporters.
@Ralph Boyd You’ve got that right.
The Attorney General is sorting the Hoax which is Trump.
Ooh sheeet, the swamp has developed a sinkhole
Lol great
The murkiness is the major thing. The Administration is globalizing (reaching to other nations) to an ephemeral abyss (where other americans cannot investigate conspiracy claims bc of jurisdiction) in a way that it would make it impossible to legitimately challenge any of trump’s claims. It needs to stop for the nation’s health.
Wow, I’ve been so focused on the transcript of the Ukraine phone call the white house put out that I forgot there was a 9 page whistle blower complaint.
Looks like the entire administration needs to be removed
@jim Moore , your a twisted sick basterd.
You act like a lowlife egg sucker.
Leave no stone unturned.
@jim Moore yes sir ,at that point it maybe about 20 plus years for some.
Trump & his entire family can travel the world making deals & millions of $$$, but Biden can’t take his son on a international trip. Such hypocrites..
Barr might very well end up being disbarred once he is out. Along with Ghouliani, by the way.
And behind bars;)
once impeachment proceedings start against barr, he’ll resign.
If he is disbarred, will he be mr. no last name?
NAW it’s all show. Smoke and mirror act to win the vote. Paint em all to look like crooks and that way nobody votes for em.
@Cinematic Man
Projection much?
The Trump Presidential library will be a prison where people can see the realdonaldtrump and his cronies in jail cells and orange jumpsuits
ATHENA I AM, Right? Won’t that be hysterical!!
I think it’s Trump Library should be a bathroom or toilet stall in the Obama Library so people can poop all over Trump
Trump wasn’t truly looking into the oranges
of the investigation. I think he was looking for revenge!
Russia wants to find out how they got busted. Trump has Barr working on it!
You think?
don’tbelieve whatyouaretold yes, do you think?
@Taralya Mcdonough You hit the nail on the head. The Orange Oaf is scrambling to bring up anything possible. Barr is doing an investigation (not the investigators such as the FBI, CIA, etc., But a prosecutor doing an investigation.) on Hilary’s e-mails, the Orange Oaf is pushing Ukraine to find a server in Ukraine for Hilary’s e-mails especially any involving the “Russian Conspiracy” against him (Dossier, election improprieties, etc), looking for info to show Biden was involved in Ukraine corruption, accusing a whistleblower of being a spy, accusing a member of Congress of treason, just anything to try and remove the impeachment proceedings from the headlines.
Yes, the request for dirt on Biden is impeachable. However, the effort to de-legitimize the Mueller Report and replace it with an alternate reality report with some other dude rather than Russia interfering in the 2016 election allows Trump to lift the sanctions on Russia and, in all likelihood, fulfill Trumps pre-2016 promises to Putin. This is to motivate Putin to help Trump again.
Lewandowski proved presidential obstruction of justice. We the people saw how difficult Mueller’s task was.
“Beclowned” is my new favorite word.
AmeriFinn TV Declowned is mine. As in- I’ll be glad when this nation declowns itself and get the morons out of office.
CJ Detroit love it! Declowned!
Love that +++
i would like to know on whos dime rudy traveled to ukraine on, flights & stay costs? im guessing the governments dime only because they really havent done much with being covert, and rudy has admitted doing this as trumps personal atty.
Clearly not on Donald Trump’s dime!
Don’t forget Giuliani is also working for free and I doubt he was going to spend hiw own money going to Ukraine for Trump.
AG Barr has always been Trump’s lawyer and not head of DOJ.
Your “personal attorney” doesn’t enter into a conspiracy with you. He/she would advise you against committing crimes.
But not if he/she is a criminal that happens to have a law degree.
a real degree?
Trump Administration motto when caught in a scandal: No matter the facts, call it a hoax/witch hunt and always spin the story like a roulette wheel.
Alexander Hamilton is rolling over in his grave right now.
“The attorney general is was one of the most respected people” This is lie number 12,545 from Donald.
Peter Fraumeni what could have made such a respectful man go to the dark side?
Manafort was also a “good man” in Trump’s twisted mind. He knows the best people…
Who is paying for Barr’s globetrotting?
I’ll field this one, friend: We, as US taxpayers are. We pay for the travel and accommodations of the staff, security and periphery. We pay millions for golf trips, we pay for Taliban Trump to funnel people into his failing businesses. We pay for all of it.
“Is Bill Barr Acting Like Trump’s Personal Attorney?”
Is that a serious question?