Is Biden Channeling Bush II With ‘Restore Decency’ Mantra? | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Panelists Mark McKinnon, Cornell Belcher, Jim Messina and Susan Del Percio discuss the state of the 2020 campaign. Aired on 07/10/2020.
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Is Biden Channeling Bush II With 'Restore Decency' Mantra? | Morning Joe | MSNBC


    1. It’s tough to throw a punch when you are hiding under a bed in your basement with a loaded diaper Stan.

    1. Yup, that’s exactly what I was thinking. It lines up: 33% STILL support impeached trump and that same number support his handling of the race issues.

    2. @J West They don’t ordinarily walk around town in klan robes. Nor do they proudly announce it to everyone. Most are very secretive about it and don’t want their identities going public because it would affect their jobs and they’d be targeted for violence.

    1. @Keith Johnson – Shelby GT500 Spoken like a true Patriot. Sky high taxes, interest rates and unemployment with corporations moving oversea’s. That’s not a prediction but, a fact. It’s a democratic legacy.

    Make America Great Again!

    : America was Great before Trump.
    Vote DEMOCRAT.

    1. As per my research and investigations, Trump is only focusing on creating propaganda & conspiracy theories to scare & brainwash his voters, and then highlight himself as the only savior & hero against the fake news and the mess he himself created! Read my investigation report on how he is running the biggest propaganda machinery under the umbrella of socialist Falun Gong’s media channels
      Plz share and subscribe. There are more reports on Trump’s propaganda there!

    2. Are you serious? BIDEN REALIST? If you favor high taxes, interest rates and unemployment, (corporations taking there companies overseas to use cheap Chinese labor) go for it. That’s what the Obama administration done and your pic was part of it. Trump created million’s of jobs, lowered taxes, interest rates and kept those big corporations here. I don’t know what rock you’ve been sleeping under but, get back under it

    3. @Susan Brooks
      Make America Great Again
      You can even buy T-shits now on several sites.
      (No, I am not selling them, just asked if someone could make one and they did).

    1. Is that you Pelosi? What’s your obsession on Russia – looking forward with the Durham and Lindsey report although I am not so sure if these will be over before election, it will be good for the public to know how the previous administration use every ammunition to try to remove the elected President. I don’t even like Trump but after watching Rosenstein lied about Russia collusion that he did not know at that time (but signed 2 more FISA subpoenas), just for a kick I would like to see him reelected.

    2. They won’t have any use for him once he’s voted out by landslide to Joe! They might just seize his assets in Russia & cut their losses. Maybe Trump can ask his niece for a loan to make ends meet after he’s kicked out of the WH.

    3. @Liz Chelle Follow the money. When the sh*t hits the fan, people like you will be claiming that you knew it all along. It doesn’t matter. He made his bed & it’s 116 days until sleepy time.

    1. @Ken White I know that it’s all ment to build on the lies that Trump tells his people. Trump or one of Trumps minions is Q. Those that lie to the people and lie to make the lies believable. Have a great day, enjoy it like you are living in the last.

    2. @real american trump speaks to the public articulately…. you need a better dictionary your other one is broken. Here is trump in all his “articulate” glory

      Wow. Amazing. Amazing, thank you. So exciting. Do you notice what’s missing tonight? Teleprompters! No teleprompters. We don’t want teleprompters. That would be so much easier: We read a speech for 45 minutes, everybody falls asleep listening to the same old stuff, the same old lies. So much easier. So, you know, I have a little debate coming up on Wednesday.  I hear my… let’s call them opponents. Can I call them opponents? We’re allowed to do that, right? You know, New York was very nice to you people last night, you know that, right? Did they hand you that game? They handed it! I said, I am going to have the friendliest audience — sit down — I am going to have the friendliest audience. So I wasn’t sure, was I happy or was I sad? But Jerry Jones is a great guy, and he deserves everything he gets, frankly. And you know, another great guy is Mark Cuban. And I think, you know, he’s been talking about maybe doing this himself. And I think he’d do a great job. We don’t have the exact same feelings about where we’re going, but that’s okay. But Mark was great. You know, he called me, like, literally a few days ago, and he said, “You know, if you want to use the arena” — which by the way is a beautiful arena this a great arena — and Dirk is a fantastic player he’s just a wonderful player — and the Mavericks have been fantastic and it’s just a great team — but he said, “You know, if you want to use the arena.” And I said, “Mark, when?” He said “How ’bout Monday night?” It’s like, that was like in four days. And you had a big holiday in between. And he said, “They really like you in Dallas, they really like you in Texas, maybe you can get a lot of people.”Because we were coming here, and we thought maybe we’d get a thousand people, but we never get a thousand anymore, it’s always, like, the same thing. You know, we went to Alabama. We started off with a 500-person ballroom. And after about two minutes — look at all these guys — paparazzi, look at this we’ve got everybody here. We started off, by the way, with a 500-person ballroom, and after about two minutes the hotel called up begging for mercy. “We can’t do it!” They were inundated, so we went to the convention center, and that was 10,000 and that was wiped out in about an hour. So we went to a stadium, we had 31,000  people, which is by far the largest, they say, like, ever, for an early primary, and that’s probably true.

    3. The 33% who still support him should not be taken so seriously. They would agree to stop social distancing and drink bleach to chase down a handful of hydroxychloroquine. Let’s just make sure they don’t help him do too much damage before he offs them with that gun he’s always boasting about pointing at them.

    1. @Keith Johnson – Shelby GT500 How many times do you have to cut and paste the same comment? If you had a Shelby you wouldn’t be bragging about it loser.

    2. I wonder if they realize he is threatening they’re children’s safety by demanding the schools wrecklessly reopen

    3. John Brown I am completely and utterly shocked that anyone can approve of Trump’s handling of COVID. What world are they in?!

    4. @Victoria Middleton I share you amazement. Here in Canada there was NO politics involved. Just all Canadians joining together to defeat the virus. Being down to 13 cases a day in the final stage of opening gives us credibility to critique others who have 126 dying a day in a state the size of my province. How utterly selfish and stupid can people be?

    1. @Alex Hamilton hello Alex. How far down in trump’s ignorant fan base are you? Pretty far down I’d guess. Why don’t you crawl back in your hole because trump is going to loose and then New York will have a fair shot at him.

    2. Is that from a poll or just your opinion Davy ?
      Didn’t every single poll say that evil, lying c~nt Hillary was going to win ?
      Ha Ha , how did that turn out ? Your comment shows your ignorance.

  2. I know he’s being hyperbolic, since Trump never ACTUALLY said to drink bleach, but hearing Joe say it kills me every time. Just something about an old guy saying it cracks me up.

    1. It’s fighting fire with fire. About time too.

      Trump lies constantly & gets away with it. Let him get a dose of his own medicine!

    2. I guess Trump keeps you cracked up all the time and he did say that and the use of disinfectan maybe you need a hearing

  3. Take back the Party…this is Not your forefather’s Republican Party!

    It’s TIME to Rebuild America!

    t-Rump has heisted the Republican Party! Now it’s the t-RUMP PARTY bought and paid for in his mind. Take Back What The t-rump has Stolen!

    4 more let’s give it a Go – JOE BIDEN 2020!

    1. We need some better Independent Presidential Candidates.
      We can write in any name we wish on our ballots.

      Both Democrats and Republicans have become too corrupt and only for the rich, large companies and banks.

      Both parties at different times have supported protests,
      Which included armed protesters.

      Obama was President for 8 years,
      he didn’t call Americans racist when he was elected.
      If America is so racist,
      why didn’t Obama speak up and do something about it?

      Biden was Obama’s Vice President for 8 YEARS.

      Martin Luther King – His protests carried no guns, took no lives, killed no children, didn’t burn and loot any businesses, didn’t damage and destroy property and terrorize neighborhoods.

      Democrats have been Unwilling to stand up and separate Peaceful, Unarmed, Non-Violent Protests,
      From Violent Riots.
      Instead they have Supported and Encouraged the Riots.

      This has been the Nastiest, most Divisive, and Deadliest, Presidential campaign year. COVID-19 and Riots.

      Republicans and Democrats have taken sides for 2 deadly enemies,
      COVID-19 or Riots

      I chose NEITHER

      I am so Angry at Both sides of our Politicians and Media.
      They have chosen to play their game of extremes at the cost of the American People and at the cost of American Unity.
      Can we put humpty dumpty back together again after everything that’s happened this year, and the year is only 1/2 over!😡😰

      8 year old shot and Killed by Protesters

      Police chief breaks down after fire crews blocked from burning Richmond home with child inside – YouTube

      George Floyd’s brother calls for peace instead of violence – YouTube Raw:

      St. Louis police chief gets emotional talking about 4 officers shot during riots YouTube

      ‘We will march with everybody’: Houston police chief tells George Floyd protesters – YouTube

      Michigan sheriff puts down weapons and joins protesters in march
      | 7NEWS – YouTube

      Black firefighter who spent life savings on new bar loses it to Minneapolis looters
      | The Post Millennial – News, Politics, Culture, and Lifestyle

      Black Firefighter Spent His Life Savings To Open A Bar. Then Minneapolis Looters Burned It Down
      | The Daily Caller

  4. Where is says ”restore decency” I hope that becomes true, heartfelt decency not just decent to your face. Oh well, I suppose even that would be a start.

    1. Lindsey Graham is quoted sayin God never made a better man than Biden. From ehat I’ve learned about Biden, I have to agree.

    2. A restoration of courtesy and civility in general would help our unification and help reconstruct our national identity.

    1. @MJB For Trump mr law and order still thinks he is above the law (WRONG) he knows nothing of criminal procedure. he is constantly proving that. but then, what is some scroungy mobbed up loser developer supposed to know about it?

    2. @Brian Green, Great idea… let’s take the propagators of hate and racism and put them back in the White House. Don’t you know anything about history? Were you absent from school for 6 years?

    3. The Democrat y’all have know will never be in office. This clown is currently hiding under a bed somewhere in his basement with a loaded diaper.
      Not real leadership Brian.

    4. Yeah we need a Democrat in the White House. Can you imagine Joe Biden dressed in a French maid outfit doing Trump’s laundry?

  5. how anyone approve of how he’s handling the virus when he’s done nothing and still doing nothing.
    trump didn’t win the battleground states by a large margin,you had independent voters vote for the businessman well there are good and bad businessmen trump was horrible.btw a lot of independents are saying oh did i screw up. trump only care about himself.

    1. trump tards think he is perfect so he handled it the best and no one could do any better.
      We all know a chimp that is mentally challenged could have brought it under control in a matter of weeks compared to trump

    2. @Ray Fabris, I wish Covid 19 was a movie situation where we could see an alternate ending play out before our eyes. Obviously we can’t do that so let’s imagine Joe Biden’s handling of Covid 19 based only on the Obama admin’s handling of SARS. . . as the movie credits role 1/3 of the US population over the age of 60 are now dead. The End.

    3. Yet somehow he is the most powerful man on the planet while senile Biden hides under a bed in his basement with a loaded diaper.
      How in the FK would you know the thoughts of independent voters in battleground states ? You don’t know Ray . Just throwing some lies and fake news out there hoping your blind sheep will buy in.

  6. If you knew t’rump in person, you would hate him. Constant liar, always about himself, has zero interest in caring about you.

    1. No, if you knew Trump in person that’s how you’d feel. The people that actually know him in person do not all project your perspective so how do you make a blanket statement that if I knew him I’d hate him?

    2. @David Greer no they are good about turning a a blind eye on something like that I guess they believe him when he said he was the chosen one

    3. @Stan Moon the krampus would sure love that they forget are don’t know they also came from immigrant family

    4. @Dementia Joe Fingers it was moving at a slower in the past 3 years then the last 3 of Obama so where do you get your figures that it was ever booming under this administration you probably don’t believe Nationwide Trump is fourteen points behind

  7. I can remember back when his impeachment was going on and people were asking what we planned to do about the virus in China. He kept making comments that we were trying to change the subject about his trial. He completely ignored the virus back then.

    1. However somehow he remains the most powerful man on the planet and anyone with intelligence know the impeachment fraud was childish Democrats.
      You failed to comment on my response to Sharon pointing out her lies he did nothing during this time and Democrats made it worse. Any thought ?

    2. @real american As for flights from China these were not shut down. trump stopped Chinese nationals from entering. About 400,000 people transited after the ban commenced. The proclamation is here refute that as fake news if you dare:


      While on the subject of the bans from travelers the virus was in Italy and Iran. Why weren’t there bans on these countries?

      As for Pelosi in Chinatown this is in San Francisco the virus wasn’t there at that time.

    3. @Ian B Ian, no it’s not fake… the China travel ban did not / can never ban US citizens, legal residents and their family members from being allowed to coming home. Subsequently, European travel was banned on March 11th, but same thing, citizens, residents, students and those who have a right to be here were allowed to return because you cannot tell a citizen sorry, you can’t come back. However, once the bans were in effect it was just a matter of days that airlines started limiting and then canceling service to and from banned countries.
      The President was Impeached, ok. I once got a F in Math and still graduated, and still went on to college, still got job, got married bought a house and had 2 kids. . . The F in math was as meaningless as the Impeachment.

    1. As per my research and investigations, Trump is only focusing on creating propaganda & conspiracy theories to scare & brainwash his voters, and then highlight himself as the only savior & hero against the fake news and the mess he himself created! Read my investigation report on how he is running the biggest propaganda machinery under the umbrella of socialist Falun Gong’s media channels
      Plz share and subscribe. There are more reports on Trump’s propaganda there!

    2. @Jim P Trump never even finishes a thought. he just rambles off topic almost every single time. At least Joe can keep a train of thought for a whole sentence.

    1. A vote for Biden is a vote against your Second Amendment rights which are badly needed in this day and age

    2. @Ken White You thought tha comment deserved three exclamation points Kenny ?
      Do your parents know you are playing their computer?

  8. The Obama/Biden administration repaired America’s image and economy after the war mongering President Cheney and his lapdog George destroyed it. Joe’s gotta do it all over again.

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