Gov. Sisolak slams Trump for defying state orders by holding indoor rally: “The President just doesn’t care. It’s just a total reckless, selfish, irresponsible, arrogant thing to do. Just absolutely disgusting.” Aired on 09/14/2020.
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‘Irresponsible, Arrogant’: Nevada Gov. Sisolak Rips Trump For Holding Indoor Rally | All In | MSNBC
“I’m up here on this stage, so I’m far enough away from those losers and suckers down there.”
@Jacob Bynum that’s what he means. Let me explain it to you, like I would to my child. If he is saying that he is safe , far away from everybody then the idiots down the there, like sardines are at risk. Got it?! SUCKERS!
Mox Avenger wow! You really need to open your ears! your eyes! AND your mind!!!! 45 is conning you and now we have his own words to prove it thanks to his ginormous ego!!
Yet his faithful cult followers will clap, not wear masks, shout, sing and stand close to each other not realizing that Trump knows how contagious and dangerous the virus is but doesn’t care about them!!!How enamored do you have to be to willingly sacrifice your life and those of your friends and family?!
@Mox Avenger But it wasn’t lies. the GOP Senate just swept the elephant under the rug and continues to act like the giant mound in the middle of the room isn’t there
@William H Music 2020 You obviously do not know anyone who has died or gotten sick from covid nor do you know any doctors or nurses run ragged treating it
“Irresponsible” and “arrogant” are right in Donnie Death’s wheelhouse!
The president of Law and Order, lol
Vote Joe Biden November 2020 / Vote Amy McGrath Kentucky November 2020
Got it. 10-4
Is Joe going to make in November 2020
@AC2GO777 100%
Biden 2020
His abuse of power is killing us.
Vote, our lives depend on it.
bababoy psst….. your IQ is showing
@Julia Sutton a racist Karen calling a minority dumb is nothing new to me. Lol
@Julia Sutton It’s not racist to call a FAKE minority out on his IQ.
@Julia Sutton

to that

Trump: “I’m safe, I’m on stage, I’m far from people.”
Too bad for the rest of ya’ll!!
@olivierlabusse Don’t worry they will vote on Nov. 3rd on both sides.
2B06 Dior he didn’t like the woman getting close, she should have sneezed on him
P J because Biden doesn’t want us to die ……
@Biden For President Biden is a decent good man. But I just don’t see a strong ground game from him and many of his supporters are alarmed (including Bernie Sanders).
P J I totally agree
And Trump trumps law and order???? Why do people support him? Beyond baffling!!!!
Anyone seeing him say – “I’m more concerned with how close you are” to a women wearing a mask standing 6 ft away should realise that Trump knows how contagious this is and therefore he is irresponsibly putting the life of those at the rallies at risk. Those people at the rallies are unbelievable….
Trumps’ arrogance is only matched by his stupidity.
What happens in Vegas, dies in Vegas.
No it’s is exceeded by his followers stupidity.
Hi Desertian Neck and neck.
Richard Courtney LOL!!

“LAW and ORDER ” President, breaks the law ! Biden 2020
No brains left in that Biden burnt out brain. If he were president, the country would be run by the looters and rioters that the Socialist Communist Governors and Mayors let destroy my black person owned business and thousands of others …. go ahead and just #walkaway for FREEDOM’s SAKE! Or be a radical sheep no longer able to object while on “bended” knee. BLM is the most radical left wing of the Socialist/Communist Democrat Party … they DO NOT care about the plight of the black community one bit! Do your homework, get educated instead of drinking the Koolaide of CNN and MSNBC … they don’t have reporters … they have been thought NOT TO THINK for themselves. They are all mouthpieces spewing the same exact thing. Don’t you ever question that?
Early voting in Nevada starts 17 October. Vote blue if you’re still alive by then.
I’m sure like Sturgis, a lot of these folks traveled for this one (of course some natives but it’s Vegas!) only Trumpers are brave enough to travel like there’s no virus!! If you knew how many patients I had who thought the virus was fake or not bad and then got seriously ill, the ones who did survive I have met are MAD. He does lose support when one of these folks gets super sick. I don’t want to wish that on anyone but some people are hands on learners only!
I don’t see a strong ground game from the Biden campaign and there are more Trump signs everywhere we go. Biden will probably lose the election. But wait, Biden can still win if all of the trump supporters die from corona virus. Let’s encourage them to attend large group gathering campaign events and ask all Biden supporters to stay home to avoid contact with the rest of the world in person.
@P J I see a lot of Biden bumper stickers.
@Timothy Johnson Then there is still hope here.
It’s not bravery, it’s stupidity and a lack of empathy.
President of “law and order” breaking the law every moment
~~ Far far far far far away is where I want him to be. Far away , in Siberia perhaps . The sound of his voice is cruel and unusual punishment for all conscious people of the planet. Only the brain dead can hear him.
They need to send list of all attending to their insurance carriers so should they or relatives get covid-19 their insurance doesn’t have to cover them. They do the same you drive when roads are closed due to weather. It’s called willful violation. As the old saying goes you wanna play you get to pay.
Good thing there is no law that was broken then….next idiotic comment for the Leftards
The president has just committed a criminal offence and there is NO oversight, you have a dictatorship
President T’Rump and his active Killings Fields.
The bunker boy means “they get the Covid-19 and they may die not me. simple
bunker boy referring to Biden in the basement?
@TOM SMITH Reporter: “What about people here”? (at the rally)
Trump: “I’m more concerned about how close you are”.
Reporter: “Sorry about that.”
Trump: “Because you know why? I’m on a stage that’s very far away. And so I’m not at all concerned.”
The question was: Aren’t you concerned about people at the rally?
This shows EXACTLY how trump feels about his supporters. HE DOES NOT CARE!!
He just doesn’t care.. Trump supporters following their murder with a smile and a wave
Hypocrisy: The lawbreaker who brags about being the “law & order” *president
The stupidity level of his base is mind blowing.
Super spreader events are his thing, from Stormy Daniels to Lemming rallies
Santafemikez that’s hilarious, I agree with you
Trump desecrates The American system— it’s sickening and very sad
He doesn’t care about Americans, and he proves it everyday.