Rep. Peter Meijer (R-Mich.) discusses the argument that there was nothing the U.S. could've done to prevent the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan and says "we cannot wash our hands of this problem."
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#Afghanistan #Biden #Taliban
If you really want to know what the veterans think, Chuck, step away from the politicians.
@RockGoddess fox news is owned by Disney and they the liberal News also
He is a veteran
@phillup space looney toon
@Mike K chuck is political connected to democommunists party …used to be with politico which is funded by open society foundation that belongs to George Soros..
@Jorge M. Canavati your nothing more than a communist
MSM like MSNBC is partly to blame for this. Why? You know why.
@Jackson Heathen yeah I’m actually fine with it too. I hate people are dying because of it, but like Trump said cant be the police of the world.
@ZACKAMANIA he got us out?
Well, yeah, only slightly better than Romans got out of Germany in 9 AD.
@Black Sheep and bush and obama.
@DREEZ well, we kind of wanted logistics used above the level of a 1st grader
Leftists are weaker than George Floyds neck.
Not one democrat speaking out about the treatment of Afghan women. Their media’s are praising Biden.
@Richard Messer no, what’s ridiculous is third wave feminism and the absolute cancer it has been on society.
You care about the Afghani women?
the Taliban are religious conservatives…. another example why the right wing is always in the wrong
@Stephen Kershaw christian conservatives and taliban do not have the same values.
By your delusional logic, all communists/socialists are disgusting evil mass murderers.
@Stephen Kershaw actually, the more accurate version of your delusion: all socialists are murderous nazi slime.
Why in the world would you take the US military out before evacuating Americans and allies? This makes absolutely no sense to me. Maybe I should have been in charge!
@Terry Spak –That was pretty much my point. If the Orange man was just “Good King Log” I’m OK with it. He couldn’t get the border wall built, so his successor could undo everything he did on that front. He couldn’t or didn’t stop the big tech power grab and cancelling of the 1st Amendment. He couldn’t stop the rioting last year. He couldn’t investigate the election process before they were able to rig it in a few big cities in swing states. But even if he couldn’t get much done, he was much better than Biden or Bush getting lots done.
Go for it! You already sound smarter than Biden.
@Dan Davis He issued an EO on the election issue…and the fact is, it was *not* _his_ problem. It’s The People’s, where it should be.
He didn’t stop the rioting because he knew he didn’t have the Constitutional authority to do so, and, the worst cities literally endorsed the riots. Those were 95%-plus left-run cities.
The big tech power grab as to the first amendment and section 230 is bipartisan, support on both sides, and needs to be figured out after we get thru the rest of the current garbage, not a priority.
He got a lot done outside of these issues. He did a lot for the black community and *did* nearly complete the wall. Then you can look at a decent number of accomplishments at the site “promiseskept.”
And who knows what he could’ve got done had 2020 not turned into the fiasco that it was.
@Terry Spak –OK. The big tech cancelling of the 1st Amendment should have been the priority because it was key to rigging the election. Rigging the election was key to undoing almost everything he accomplished.
Us tax payers will get ripped off in some kind of aid scam.
Not to mention all the billions already gone . Blown up and destroyed.
F#### Joe Biden! think this would be a wonderful opportunity to pause for a moment and give thanks for the great contributions of the Democrats community to our society. I love driving down there streets and seeing the American flag waving so proudly in every yard. Their peaceful and generous nature make them ideal neighborhoods family values and parenting skills unrivaled by any other culture. You can witness this by their strict adherence to our local and Federal laws. Their commitment to academic excellence en-riches our schools and services as an example to all who hope to achieve prominence as people. Just watching their Special kind of Science change our society is simply amazing. I mean,who ever thought there are 187 Genders? Real estate values are fueled by the mix of Democrat Americans into an area due to their caring and respectful nature of all they have achieve through their enthusiasm for self improvement by hard work and a self-reliant can-do nature. Without their industrious and creativity drive, we would undoubtedly be poorer as a nation.
Well,except for the Mass Shootings,The Racist, Lawless,Violence, Junkies. Self Entitled, Christian Hating, Antifa, Loving, Police Hating, Pedophile Loving, Hating, Abortion Loving, And Go woke Go Broke, Biden killing jobs, Biden High inflation, Biden open boarder, Biden covid, Biden Afghanistan, Biden administration is
We need aid
@Matty ice well said
@Marc Harb –We’d be extremely lucky to get by with only 30,000. Hundreds of thousands, maybe millions.
“The forest was shrinking, but the trees kept voting for the axe, for the axe was clever and convinced the trees that because his handle was made of wood, he was one of them”.
@Kai Schmidt I was wondering the same thing! It’s brilliant!
That absolutely represents the Democratic Party. Claiming they’re for POC and acting like they’re for them then completely screwing them over. They’ve been doing it for years and Quoting Joe Biden “If you vote for Trump, you ain’t Black” quite sad honestly.
@Boojyman says who?
@Bearded Dawg I learned something today, Thanks
@Jorge M. Canavati manifest destiny
The Taliban says thanks for a couple billion dollars of free military gear …
Go Democrats lmao
think this would be a wonderful opportunity to pause for a moment and give thanks for the great contributions of the Democrats community to our society. I love driving down there streets and seeing the American flag waving so proudly in every yard. Their peaceful and generous nature make them ideal neighborhoods family values and parenting skills unrivaled by any other culture. You can witness this by their strict adherence to our local and Federal laws. Their commitment to academic excellence en-riches our schools and services as an example to all who hope to achieve prominence as people. Just watching their Special kind of Science change our society is simply amazing. I mean,who ever thought there are 187 Genders? Real estate values are fueled by the mix of Democrat Americans into an area due to their caring and respectful nature of all they have achieve through their enthusiasm for self improvement by hard work and a self-reliant can-do nature. Without their industrious and creativity drive, we would undoubtedly be poorer as a nation.
Well,except for the Mass Shootings,The Racist, Lawless,Violence, Junkies. Self Entitled, Christian Hating, Antifa, Loving, Police Hating, Pedophile Loving, Hating, Abortion Loving, And Go woke Go Broke, Biden killing jobs, Biden High inflation, Biden open boarder, Biden covid, Biden Afghanistan, Biden administration is
Matty ice you’re really negative. Maybe you should move to another country?
@Matty ice The Taliban can fix this. All you have to do is take away everyone’s freedoms. We’ve seen it work….and they’re back!
M S N B C and C N N are f a k e n e w s.
@Lew Stone l help him pack .
Chuck Todd is part of a new breed of reporters. People who see themselves as “objective and enlightened” but are actually biased and ignorant.
@Jason Muñiz-Contreras Listen you l1ttle t u r dd b l o s s o m more on, j o u r n a l s t s are supposed to TRY to present both or all sides f a i r l y regardless of their personal v i e w s or their c o r p o r t e b o s s e s v i e w s. F C h u c k calls himself a “j o u r n a l s t” not a c o m m e n t a t o r.
M a i n s t r e a m meedeeuh has NO c r e d i b i l i t y.
@Rumple foreskin Listen you l1ttle D N C t rolll, C a r l s o n is a C O M M E N T A T O R. F C h u c k T o d d claims to be a “j o u r n a l s t.” You’re commment is truly u n b e l 1 e v a b l e.
That’s new?
@Turbo Nerd Agreed. MSNBC and CNN do propaganda for Democrats, while Fox, OAN and NEWSMAX do propaganda for Republicans. But this piece didn’t do Dems any favors, unless I missed it.
Don’t be shy MSNBC. Take your part in this. You deserve it.
Dont forget Taliban has a Twitter.
Just goes to show where Leftist loyalties are.
@Susan Danforth
now would be the time to present the facts that prove me wrong
@phillup space yeah always a conservative with a gun and no amount of ignorance, hatred or jealousy will EVER change that fact snowflake!
@phillup space fact….everytime Biden screws up….which is everytime he opens his mouth or takes action you triggered liberals say… its trump’s fault, its conservatives fault. OWN THIS DISFUNCTIONAL administration. Time to show some backbone.
@phillup space sounds like a name your wife wishes you could possibly do so she could get hers for once… But no.. too late now right..?
They’re gonna leave our people stranded there. This is absolutely unbelievable. But they’re already laying down that framework …it’s sickening.
Meijer who is from a family worth billions but sides with the party that can’t provide basic needs for the American public. 2 trillion+ towards playing empire in another country but yet we can’t provide universal health care for OUR people. Yet Biden is leaving too soon (hint it should have been years ago and Trump was the one who said we’d be gone in 14 months, 18 months ago.
Hey. 80 million voted for Mr Potato Head. You’re getting what you voted for.
@J Dy I’m not getting what I voted for…I was still alive for the election so I didn’t vote for that

At this point, we’re lucky that the Tall-eee-bon isn’t shooting us with our own rifles.
The Tal1ban is NOT our e nemy. Ta1ban was never the same as Al Queda. Most people don’t understand that.
M S N B C and C N N are f a k e n e w s.
who is “us”?
you’re sitting on your cowardly fat behind in your trailer park…. there is no “us” here…
@Richard Hunt
Sounds like a fiction. Kinda like oppression in America.
Be patient.
It’s unbelievable Biden left those two generals to hang out to dry and couldn’t give us the latest news on Afghanistan while making us stupid vaccine speech that is basically on repeat. He couldn’t stand there and take some of those questions without them being pre-authorized. This is ridiculous that just because he’s not Donald Trump we are defending this guy as if he’s the second coming
I love how there’s more warmongering on leftwing media than right wing media. It’s so telling.
the Taliban are religious conservatives…. another example why the right wing is always in the wrong
@C F In the end the Democrats got what they deserved and now we are all doomed because of their ignorant and recklessly blind hatred of Trump.
@Stephen Kershaw extremist exist on both sides of the spectrum.
There are far left extremist and far right extremist and both are just as bad but the difference is that the left passively supports their Far Left extremists while the right denounces the far right extremist.
@Stephen Kershaw
Leftists are the only ones who support oppressive Islam.
In fact, you anti-Semitic leftists support Islam over the one, democratic, non-oppressive, country in the Middle East (Israel).
@Joshua the right is now primarily extremists.
As an average citizen with know military background,I would pull out my defense less people before,I would pull out my military with guns. Common sense isn’t it?
I think the word you’re looking for is no, not know
The guy on the left has no Fn idea what he is talking about, his only priority is sugar coding a steaming pile of an administration.
Thousands of M4’s left behind will find their way to the US. I want one.
Biden made no mistake clearly he made every choice the way he planned.
M S N B C and C N N are f a k e n e w s.
Msnbc doing everything they can to absolve their guy of any guilt.
No they’re not. They’re slamming Biden because they love wars just like the rest of the establishment media.
Ask yourself, what’s the point of the media covering this story and shining a bad light on Biden while ignoring everything else Biden has failed at! There is something fishy here!
M S N B C and C N N are f a k e n e w s.
@Brian Simmons the Mad magazine of news!
the Taliban are religious conservatives…. another example why the right wing is always in the wrong
MSM: “Let’s just blame Trump.
Democratic voter base: IT’S TRUMP’S FAULT!!
@Joe Trump was out of the office early in January.
Biden had four months to complete the withdrawal which was more than enough time to get it done and on top of that he extended the deadline by another 3 months and then sat on his hands until a month before the deadline.
No this fiasco is entirely on Biden’s administration and it wasn’t the first nor will it be the last failure of the Biden Administration.
Don’t forget the mess that President Sleepy Joe Biden made of our immigration system when he had the bright idea to revoke Former President Trump’s Remain in mexico plan that was actually working.
There is also the fact that President Biden blocked the Canadian pipeline while removing all road blocks from the Russian pipeline thus removing the ability for the US to become energy independent.
But…this congressman is a Republican?
@Joshua How dare you speak facts and not be guided by irrational emotions fueled by hatred for Trump!? You must be cancelled at once!!
These are Trump’s Taliban! They made a deal! Honorable people!!
@1MinuteFlipDoc Trump made the deal and Sleepy Joe Biden broke that deal when he unilaterally extended the deadline to August.