The Iranian President canceled an interview with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour after she declined his team’s attempt at requiring her to wear a head scarf. Amanpour breaks down what happened. #CNN #News
Iran’s President cancels interview after Amanpour refuses head scarf demand

He was just pissed off because he couldn’t tell her what to do! It wasn’t about the head scarf… It was just a power trip that he could not go on.
@Miapet Dragon have you gotten your 4th booster yet? dont wanna get classified as “not fully vaccinated” do you? (=
@Miapet Dragon wrong. the government may suggest people to wear mask. but they cannot mandate it.
@Bipolar Mind Droppings so, who will defend the right of the unborn babies to live?
animal has more rights than unborn human in the white supremacist countries.
@Sushi Wolf Men have been controlled for years. I don’t understand how this is foreign to you? Women have special rights unlike men.
It’s not about modesty or respect, it’s about CONTROL.
@Karahan Tepe and head covering was religious sooooooo
Inter your information now to get started your job
@Ranting Ratite Thank you so much, Ms. Emu. I value your opinion as I do your dung.
@Sam “Like how in America a woman can abort the son or daughter of the father for any reason, without his consent? Is that about control as well?”
Control over one’s body, yeah
The voice of the people will always be greater than the voice of the government
@Kiana Ingram Troll Bot Alert !
This is true. We’ll see it here in the US in November
In Iran, the government of the Islamic Republic shoots people with war weapons. In one of the cities of Iran, a battle tank was brought to the streets, all the people are dying In schools, universities, administrations and everywhere suppress people. If women’s hair is known, they will be stolen and killed in the worst way! The government is destroying Iran and its people No country helps people Everyone behind this government is a criminal Please, I am asking the people of the world, I am asking you to help us Here in Iran, they kill 2-year-old girls to 90-year-old men People please support us do
The country’s internet will be cut off soon!
Last fight
Not when the so called journalist makes the story about herself rather than confront the Iran President
Most people don’t know Christiane Amanpour’s story. It’s impressive. She was born in the West London and her father was Iranian, from Tehran. Amanpour was raised in Tehran until the age of 11. She was sent to a boarding school in England by her parents when she was 11. Amanpour moved to the United States to study journalism at the University of Rhode Island. During her time there, she worked in the news department at WBRU-FM in Providence, Rhode Island. In 1983, she was hired by CNN on the foreign desk in Atlanta, Georgia, as an entry-level desk assistant. Worked her way up in CNN to eventually conducted interviews with Constantine II of Greece, Reza Pahlavi, Ameera al-Taweel and actors Angelina Jolie, Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep. She is now an international correspondant for seven news outlets all over the world. She has earned her accomplishments.
@Ken Johns I think you’re thick as a plank.
@ZualaPips a typical libturd response, everything’s just fine as long as you use your lens, typical narcissistic view, your view is very important; truth, can’t handle it.
@ZualaPips a typical libturd response, everything’s just fine as long as you use your lens, typical narcissistic view, your view is very important; truth, can’t handle it.
In Iran, the government of the Islamic Republic shoots people with war weapons. In one of the cities of Iran, a battle tank was brought to the streets, all the people are dying In schools, universities, administrations and everywhere suppress people. If women’s hair is known, they will be stolen and killed in the worst way! The government is destroying Iran and its people No country helps people Everyone behind this government is a criminal Please, I am asking the people of the world, I am asking you to help us Here in Iran, they kill 2-year-old girls to 90-year-old men People please support us do
The country’s internet will be cut off soon!
@Aneseh AlborziAre u from Iran?
As a Pakistani woman, I always found myself having to decide when I had to cover my head and when I was safe enough not to… I finally stand up for myself and never wear hijab… I salute Al these Iranian women for fighting for womens rights
@Faiz Muhammed

@Amanda Darkwood in France a woman with hijab can’t work in a government office.
In Iran, the government of the Islamic Republic shoots people with war weapons. In one of the cities of Iran, a battle tank was brought to the streets, all the people are dying In schools, universities, administrations and everywhere suppress people. If women’s hair is known, they will be stolen and killed in the worst way! The government is destroying Iran and its people No country helps people Everyone behind this government is a criminal Please, I am asking the people of the world, I am asking you to help us Here in Iran, they kill 2-year-old girls to 90-year-old men People please support us do
The country’s internet will be cut off soon!
@Anne Stovgaard i’m nt talking about freedom i’m talking about my sisters modesty so I don’t want them to walk naked with bra and underwear walking around people like west culture so stop giving them wrong advise
@Haqq Center yes protect women from rapists and women beaters who use the coran as an excuse to fulfill their inner fantasies
Respect for Iranian Women.
May Allah guide you all.
@Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini hello supreme leader
What about Palestinian women?
In Iran, the government of the Islamic Republic shoots people with war weapons. In one of the cities of Iran, a battle tank was brought to the streets, all the people are dying In schools, universities, administrations and everywhere suppress people. If women’s hair is known, they will be stolen and killed in the worst way! The government is destroying Iran and its people No country helps people Everyone behind this government is a criminal Please, I am asking the people of the world, I am asking you to help us Here in Iran, they kill 2-year-old girls to 90-year-old men People please support us do
The country’s internet will be cut off soon!
Last fight
Heartening to see men standing up to the violence perpetrated against their mothers, wives, and daughters.
@Yakooza88 “whatever it is” Iran and its president are much much better than the US and its presidents who are nothing but the poppets that chosen by the I$rel!s.
Netanyahu Unaware of the Camera ‘America can easily be moved’
Understand politics, mam
@Shakib HossenWhere r u from?
In Iran, the government of the Islamic Republic shoots people with war weapons. In one of the cities of Iran, a battle tank was brought to the streets, all the people are dying In schools, universities, administrations and everywhere suppress people. If women’s hair is known, they will be stolen and killed in the worst way! The government is destroying Iran and its people No country helps people Everyone behind this government is a criminal Please, I am asking the people of the world, I am asking you to help us Here in Iran, they kill 2-year-old girls to 90-year-old men People please support us do
The country’s internet will be cut off soon!
@Bart Simpson idk we dont watch cnn. but this one about iran is true atleast
Christiane, you’re amazing.
1 Larraine Mac Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
What’s done in dark comes to light!!
1 12thman reppin Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
He thought he’ll come out and control her the way he controls his wife?
1 amaka E Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
and every female in his family
In Iran, the government of the Islamic Republic shoots people with war weapons. In one of the cities of Iran, a battle tank was brought to the streets, all the people are dying In schools, universities, administrations and everywhere suppress people. If women’s hair is known, they will be stolen and killed in the worst way! The government is destroying Iran and its people No country helps people Everyone behind this government is a criminal Please, I am asking the people of the world, I am asking you to help us Here in Iran, they kill 2-year-old girls to 90-year-old men People please support us do
The country’s internet will be cut off soon!
How dare he demand ANYTHING in OUR country!
Praying that the people’s movement gains strength!!!
1 Conscious Pilot Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
I’ve spent 33 years of my life in Iran and I’ve seen the worst of what you’re witnessing first hand. Unfortunately, I don’t see the slightest glimpse of hope that these protests can result in any meaningful change to the way the country is ruled. I last visited Iran in 2019 and what I saw was a mostly surrendered and compliant population and the level of prosperity is so lowered close to the poverty and survival level that most people who are not part of the governing minority and armed forces simply cannot afford to sustain any form of long lasting resistance. I’m sad to see this happening to a once thriving nation and culture and I want to warn the western democracies and supporters of dangerous characters like Donald Trump, you don’t know what dangerous path you are following. Protect your democracy with all you’ve got and let Iran be an example of what happens if you lose it.
In 33 years what do you recognize as the best part of Iran?
As an Iranian myself, i respectfully disagree with you in regards to unrest, it may not be this time but government of iran is definitely on a slippery slope and sooner or later they will have to go… infact same factors that you mentioned such as poverty, oppression etc is key to their downfall….i am very hopeful ,as i said it might not be this time but it surely going that way

It’s time women stand up. It’s about control. If men had to cover there face hair and hands 24/7 It would not last 2 minutes..WAKE up..It’s all about CONTROL..
Last fight
This really feels like a historic moment. She had all the power and he ran away like a child. Injustice against women anywhere is a threat to women everywhere.
His need for control over others is sickening. It’s such a weakness in some people who are run by their egos, and not their heart.
@LLM Well, you really cannot blame the poor chap; he’s been around a heck of a long time, not to have succumb to American influence in geo hegemony ! Amen & Awoman !
@Anthony Martin maybe respect goes both ways? She had a scarf on when visiting Iran.. so maybe they should respect HER culture in HER country?
Last fight
@Anne Stovgaard And maybe for a distinct change, Americans should additionally learn to accept: Respect goes both ways ? Or, is this a matter of American convenience ? Confusing isn’t it !
Great move Amanpour for not bowing down to Raisi.
Wearing a head covering is not a sign of respect when they are willing to murder over it. It is a sign of fear and submission to monsters.
I am grateful to all of the men, young and old in the streets fighting for the rights of women and girls. That is truly wonderful to see. Keep up the fight and you will be successful.
Why would you say something like that? The Iranian regime has crushed all opposition brutally in the past. You are just telling people to risk their lives and their families lives for something that will not change. Our values and perspective on life should not be projected onto others, especially if we know nothing about them. I would love for Iranian women to be free to choose how they want to dress and how they want to live, but im not gona tell them to go fight against their Regime who has killed hundred if not thousands of its own citizens in past protests and demonstrations. Pretty reckless to just throw motivational sentences in the air that are more dangerous than realistic.
@Adam Adler The whole country can change the gov’t. They are already up to 6 days and ’80’ cities. Sounds like you want people to cower and stay home to be safe – living under a monstrous regime, where they can take anyone off the street and kill them. YOU need to look at what you are saying.
Christiane Amanpour is a remarkable role model for what true journalism is. I can’t remember a time in my life that I have not relied on her work. She has lead an incredible life & we the citizenry are better for it.
If you know Raisi you would find it embarrassing that he has problem answering simple questions. He also had difficulty reading his speech which was written in his mother tongue. I believe he was looking for an excuse to pull out of interview so he brought up Hijab. He was at Shanghai summit about a week ago where alcoholic drinks were served and consumed on the table he was sitting at but he never complained. To shed some light, it’s a prerequisite for diplomatic sessions with Iranian side not to serve alcohol or they won’t attend since 1979.
I love how Amanpour emphasized “I have interviewed every single one of them since 1995”. She knew what was up with the headscarf request