Iran vows revenge after top nuclear scientist apparently assassinated

Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has vowed revenge and to continue the country's "scientific" activities after the killing of the country's chief nuclear scientist, as top Iranian officials pile blame on Israel over the killing. Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, who became the face of Iran's controversial nuclear program, was killed in a district east of Tehran, in what Iranian officials are calling an assassination.


  1. Has anyone recognized that the timing of
    pompeo latest trip to that region is suspicious.

    Edit: pompeo not barr.

    1. @pravadotonell Right! because Hillary, owns her own CIA, and Pompeo, never had nothing at all to do with the CIA. Anything Else? You FOOL! (Giuliani’s Voice)

    1. Trump, and Pompeo, gave the green light on this attack, in conjunction with Israel. They are attempting to leave a war behind to sabotage Biden’s presidency. Thank god Biden is too smart for trump! on January 20th, Biden will kill that noise. Iran will fall in line with Biden, they all know trump is causing this disturbance. “If Israel is the culprit, Biden should sanction them, for attempting to drive America into another senseless war, for trump’s benefit. “Was that Israel’s payment for trump’s, move of their embassy?”

    2. @Helle Geist hehehe trump and you must be filing it in Russia, you’ll get what you’re dreaming of from Putin.

    3. @Dixie Normous What mess!? the one trump made worse!? Afghanistan, were he ignored the intelligence of Russia paying bounties, on the heads of american soldiers? Syria were he allowed all those families and children to be gassed? How was that a mess Obama Left behind, when trump did nothing to make them better? When Obama Left the White House he left everything in Order. Now the white house looks like the room of a messy teenager, with foot odor. “With Hamburger wrappings thrown all over the place.

    1. @SGT Gardner trump has actually increased military spending, and has killed more with his drone strikes than Obama ever did.

      “There have been 2,243 drone strikes in the first two years of the Trump presidency, compared with 1,878 in Mr Obama’s eight years in office, according to the Bureau of Investigative Journalism”

    2. @Loyi Kyong the people who you are talking about arent the majority they are regime s supporters who are doing what they are ordered to by regime as usual, but most of the Iranians are happy . believe me I am one of them in Iran right now we are different from the terrorist regime we are being hold as hostages in our country

    3. Really ? Putting the blame on Israel… yeah sure… now that’s something democrats ” ahem” wouldn’t set up…. What’s next? Are you going to discuss the John’s Hopkins report that was deleted because their research didn’t match up to Dr. Fauci as well as yours? Covid was manufactured to pressure democrats into voting for Biden…. The research PROVES IT that Covid deaths ROSE, but deaths of OTHER DISEASES FELL? YEAH THAT DOESN’T MAKE SENSE IF COVID WAS SO DEADLY….. Way to go CNN for not focusing on the ” Covid crisis” anymore.

    1. The bombing will start as soon as Iran gives them an excuse to justify it.
      If Iran doesn’t respond to this assasination, there’ll be more attacks until they do respond.
      The bombers are waiting.
      The US economy will be wrecked and 401Ks will take quite a hit. A lot of pain coming to the US.

    2. @Bill Burgess hint: it was a Boeing drone. Trump’s friend Elon Musk does not like Boeing. Trump’s friend Putin does not like Boeing. Lockheed Martin which is controlled by lsrael does not like Boeing.
      Iran likes, Boeing China likes Boeing.
      More than meets the eye here.
      Maybe Iran accepted the blame because it was convenient and someone close to lsrael and Saudi (Putin) actually shot the drone.

    3. @Far 2 great trump in a 2016 debate against Clinton said ” why have nukes if you can’t use them” that was disturbing

    1. And what’s Biden’s plan to deal with it ? More cash in the Middle of the night ? Lift sanctions so they can retaliate ?

    1. @Jewish DNA Needs Gentile Diversity
      And the sad thing is that people don’t seem to realize this truth
      ( that you mentioned in your comment) And partisanship has created a deep wedge of hatred between the people, and guess what, they’re both getting cheated and fooled! What an ironic situation…..

    2. @Troy Waters
      You are correct. It’s surprising how few people, particularly in the US, seem to be able to SEE through these aggressive violations of international law by the US govt. all around the world, decade after decade, year after year…….

    1. @Truth91 now now, you know the US has plenty of tax payers $$$ to say pleeeeaaaase don’t threaten poor little us

  2. and this happened as trump pulling troops out of middle eastern countries. either iraq is getting confident or US had something to do with this

    1. @ras222 no. They are going to reverse that certification and in the process of doing so. Good luck. Sports don’t count it all. In the end of this will go to the Supreme Court and we all know how that will turn out. December 14th Trump will be announced Victor.

    2. @Sparky Sparky
      Lol.. you people are seriously gluttons for disappointment or something idk…. Oh well whatever. Live in your Newsmax/OAN delusions. Not my problem.

    3. @ras222 buy you people do you mean the 72 million of us? By you people yes I include all the dead and living who voted for Joe Biden. Trump is getting another four years.

    1. @Heidi Pomeroy Heidi, the Nazi bastard would be burning books ……but they’re digital..Not much kindling there.

    2. @realmoses1 Blac Lives Matter movement is not racist. It was long over due.Confederate flags/Confederate monuments etc. should’ve been removed from public property ages ago. Police nation wide need retraining. Justice will become the norm.

    3. @realmoses1 if you voted for trump you sided with racists and religious lunatics who have literally burned books that didn’t agree with their views.

    1. Pompeo is instigating hate across the world which makes US a dangerous place to live in. No one knows future retaliation will come in what form

    2. @ahloke cafe I would’ve just said incompetence just as the entire Trump staff does but I guess hatred is being spread too.

    3. @Tony Martin Sad, real sad that you’re trying to denigrate someone as competent and accomplished as AOC. You’re only showing your own incompetence and how misinformed you truly are.

    1. Really ? Putting the blame on Israel… yeah sure… now that’s something democrats ” ahem” wouldn’t set up…. What’s next? Are you going to discuss the John’s Hopkins report that was deleted because their research didn’t match up to Dr. Fauci as well as yours? Covid was manufactured to pressure democrats into voting for Biden…. The research PROVES IT that Covid deaths ROSE, but deaths of OTHER DISEASES FELL? YEAH THAT DOESN’T MAKE SENSE IF COVID WAS SO DEADLY….. Way to go CNN for not focusing on the ” Covid crisis” anymore.

    2. @jlbueno0611 WTF are you talking about??? FYI Dr. Fakhrizadeh, was the founder and mastermind of the Nuclear Program in Iran. Clearly, Mossad (Israel) was behind it ….knowing that in 2018 Netanyahu displayed a lengthy presentation to the World about how dangers he was. This is the 9th assassination of an Irani scientist in the same Nuclear Program that Dr. Mohsen Fakhrizadeh created.

  3. Behind the door are other people involved including some that want to hold on to power,by murder to start a war,

    1. “The greatest jihad (struggle/striving) is to battle your own soul, to fight the evil within yourself. ”Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

    2. It’s truly terrifying. 🙁 It would be a tragedy if America died by way of that emotionally stunted, double Y, yellow-raccoon-hairpiece-wearing, mob boss, garbage person. :*(


  4. Didn’t DJT ask about bombing a nuclear research facility in Iran, a week ago?
    This seems like the scalpel option, heads would prefer.

  5. For a guy with 20 years at State, you’d think he’d know that the next administration is Biden’s, not Obama’s.

    1. Obama is not going to stand back and allow biden to steal ALL the money 💰. May God blind them All at the same minute, now that would be funny

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