Iran denies shooting down plane, bulldozing crash site

Iran denies shooting a missile that downed the Ukraine Airlines plane, or that they have bulldozed the crash site. Paul Workman reports.

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Iran denies shooting down plane, bulldozing crash site


  1. “Iran wants evidence” those mofos bulldozed all the evidence in a few hours. Car accidents get investigated far longer in duration than the idiots in iran just did

  2. Iran DID shoot down the Ukrainian plane. Every evidence point to that and them tempering with the boxes is the bottom line.

    1. There are so many psyco extreme groups in Iran any of them could have shot it down thinking Americans were on the plane, because no Americans were killed in there missile attack on the bases.

  3. Why would anyone believe anything from the middle East. They are all liers an think we in the West are stupid enough to believe what they say. Iran just admit you shot it down . everyone knows you did .

  4. Ok… where is the intelligence? Sounds like the usual he said, she said. Prove it or shut up .

    1. Also before it was bulldozed the wreckage itself showed the airplane came apart mid air. Thats why everything is/was scattered the way it was, without any dramatic impact crater. It broke apart midair and came down in pieces.

  5. They’re calling the “intelligence” a “video”… Just watch, their going to say the video was the intelligence… oh boy..

  6. Iran will tell Trudeau the plane ran out of gas and crashed. Trudeau will then shake Sayyid Ali Hosseini Khamenei’s hand, then hug him ,then kiss him, then give Iran $ 1 Billion in cash and an apology.

  7. Makes sense…when you’re investigating a plane crash site, you want to bulldoze the surface before the evidence can be collected and studied.

  8. Trudeau is probably going to send Iran 100 million dollars to replace the cost of the missals used to shoot down the plane and bomb the other places the night before.

  9. Any country in a conflict as hot as Iran made that one (by launching ICBMs) would take responsible actions to ground all civilian aircraft.

    The question everyone really want to know is “was this deliberate?”

  10. Is the regime sending a message to the Iranian diaspora? ‘Don’t come back to Iran to spread your Western ideas or you will pay!’.

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