Erin Connolly from the Center for Arm Control and Non-Proliferation discusses Iran's latest announcement about plans to boost uranium enrichment and what that actually means.
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Not having nukes leads to nations being “freed” and given “democracy” like Libya was
And all men on the Planet shall be named Muhammad and all women Ayisha !
This doesn’t mean anything
If they get nukes the western world is screwed.
The West is already screwed due to the United States behaviors around nuclear weapons.
What about Pakistan or Israel or north North Korea? What about Iraq’s non existing WMDs? This is just an excuse for war. They could have relieved sanctions as long as they kept the lower amount for energy until the deal expired and they could have made a new one once iran saw all the economic benefis.
Iran has oil and 2nd most natural gas with other resources
Afghanistan has minerals
Iraq has oil
Venezuala has oil
Resource war
Solution: turn 180 degrees and they become “the west”
There is only one country in the entire world that could use a nuclear weapon with impunity, and it is not the United States. Any country other than this one particularly trigger happy country would pay dire consequences if they ever attempted to launch a nuclear weapon of any kind in any direction.
Everyone knows the name of this unnamed country. That in itself speaks volumes
Must be Trumps fault
Hopefully it means that it will keep the eternal parasite known as Israel in check.
Well Iranians enjoy your remaining months of having a place to live.
Nothing to fear at all
Trudeau is standing up for Canadians
Iran gets to powerful Trudeau will cry and make them laugh so hard they pass out from exhaustion
Shutup boomertard
IRAN has every right to pursue CLEAN nuclear energy. ISRAEL, USA and their sociopath allies think it’s okay for them but not anybody else. Don’t be stupid, just go back in history and pay attention. IRAN never dropped nuclear bombs but the USA has ……….. twice. They’re aware of USA & ISRAEL’S war mongering. Silly to not at least prepare themselves for another USA invasion for the bankers and special interest groups.
Iran is crossing the line, they are putting themself on the danger
Danger from who? You think so much of United States bro the world have changed no place for bullies
All lies.
we can’t stop bible prophecy this will continues and get worse.
the bible is childish nonsense
Didnt America pull out of the deal first! They broke out of the deal and did knee breaking sanctions. Why dont you talk about the deaths related to sanctions in Iran. Lower income there cant afford medicine any more! This is economic terrorism!
Ah. The young and naive who believe that Iran was abiding by the terms of Obama’s deal.
A boomer calling someone naive lol now that’s ironic
Israel have 80 atomic BOM. Why blade dog not stop Israel they always discuss only Arab
Not going to happen, ladies. Better brace yourselves up there. Don’t screw up, we’re watching.
Iran and Obama administration reached an agreement on a deal called JCPOA.
While Iran honoured the deal , Trump grudging Obama dismantled the deal .
The Iranians want the deal to work as they’ve been following all the rules of the Nuclear Deal and verifications , even though the USA pulled out of their obligations..
If according to Mr Trump Iran had not held to the “Spirit of the Nuclear Deal”, then work should have been towards rectifying that, not playing into the the hands of war thirsty people and countries.
Nice technical scheme…hotpart,