The Iowa Democratic Party releases the first batch of caucus results, showing an early lead for Pete Buttigieg. Aired on 02/4/20.
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Iowa Democrats Release First Batch Of Results | MSNBC
The whole caucus system is ridiculously complicated and unrepresentative of the voters’ will. “The rural counties are weighted differently”? How undemocratic is that?
Himanshu Goel
Thank you for clarifying that
passtime for civilwar Then we shouldn’t call ourselves us a democracy. Democracy is literally where whoever gets most votes wins. We have fought wars and destroyed countries for the sake of democracy and we don’t even have it in our own country.
From the looks of it, we’re not going to get a representative that most people actually want
My assumptions are that Bernie has all the support and that the DNC and corporate power want him forgotten
Well my “strong suspicion” is that the fix is in to NOT let Bernie lead.
Cecil K. how can you predict the fate is not with sanders this time?
Well if they sideline him like the last election i will vote for trump AGAIN. Who do you think voted him in. We are tired of not getting a fair election. Out of spite i did it and i will do it again.
First: chaos and confusion. Second: give a lie as to who won (Buttigieg, ha, not bloody likely). Third: tell the truth (Bernie won) knowing the lie will hog the publicity.
@steak Johnson Okay then do you agree with the majority of Trumps policies because if not that’s worse than shooting yourself in the foot. He has swamped every major government agency with Wall Street hacks and former CEOs. He’s hired the War Hawks of the bush-era. And in part because of the unprecedented belaying of Mitch McConnell, Trump has now installed more circuit judges than any other president in US history so his major influence will last far beyond his term as president.
SImple explanation: Sanders is leading so it is inconsistent with the Democrats plan
@Build The Wall With Liberals Yeah Trump supporters are pretty disgusting with threatening to storm Congress and execute every congressman. Even Trump admitting on National Television on Fox News that the US is fighting for the interests of Saudi Arabia because they pay us to, goes against the ideals of this nation a freedom and democracy.
@Anzu Wyliei Show me. Show me where “Trump supporters threatened to storm Congress and execute every Congressman.”
Simpler explanation: most Democratic voters abhor Sanders and his policies.
@Build The Wall With Liberals Try his most recent rally in Florida, and a lot of other occasions . And more lies from Trump that we are independent of foreign oil even though oil is all he focuses on in foreign interventions.
“We haaavvee a discrepancy righty nowww.”
The corruption in the DNC & MSM, is there for all to see.
Typical corporate liberal media at its finest!!
my god…….the lefties are actually waking up to what we have been telling them for years now……better late than never i guess
“Bernis is leading here, Bernie is also leading here, But overall Buttigieg is in the lead….”
I’m over 65. I’ve been watching elections for many decades now. SOoo, today, Buttegieg, whom I actually appreciated in some ways early on, went and offered Iowa Dems an app to ‘help’ with the vote count?! And you think we’re gonna to fall for this okey doke? I’m with my kids and grandkids this time : I’ve been listening to Bernie Sanders for years before he ran for president. He has a track record. Go look it up. He has had the courage and character and big vision for AMERICA and has shown himself OVER TIME to be incorruptible. There IS NO ‘GOP LIGHT’, people. . Sanders won this. He’s planting trees for us in a land that he knows he won’t live to see grow to maturity. C’MON, AMERICA, DO THE FRIGGIN RIGHT THING.
They will steal it from Bernie. The DNC really dislikes him.
“Biden Was Poached by Hunter” This should be the headline when this is over.
Biden raised that boy. Biden Encouraged hm to do wrong. Lets all not forget Hunter also does not even claim or take care of his own children and Hunter smokes Crack Cocaine which he was arrested 2019 for.
And that’s another $50 to Bernie Sanders campaign.
The fight is on!
@Hispanic Burrito
With a smile on my face.
He’s not going to be allowed to win. You do know that, right?
Don’t worry, though, Bill Barr and John Durham have the DNC server.
@Derek Hershey
Good for them.
Bernie is a communist whom said recently he wants to spend 16 TRILLION a year on Climate Control. Our budget is 4 Trillion a year. Wake Up America!!!!!!
It’s in the interest of NS that Trump wins this election, all presidents are preferred 8 year terms. If they could make them longer without a debacle they would. The people expect change with changing presidents, and this presents a problem for locked seats of power truly in charge. Also, more hazing, added risks, etc. But you wouldn’t understand.
we are all less intelligent for beholding this masterpiece of a crapshow.
Dude seriously needs to stop mixing Red Bull with his Expressos.
He’s just trying to keep Demotards optimistic in wake of their huge failure last night.
Or meth.
I’ve seen much worse on the early morning news. Before I’ve had my first cup of coffee they’ve had around 10.
@frank rivera I was trying to be polite.
It was “a backend issue”. That tells me that they needed to get in and rig something to make it look like their corporate poster boy get more delegates.
The voters are getting it in the backend.
Pete isn’t ahead though. The 2% percentage lead isn’t enough to declare him ahead of Bernie. Since it’s so close, Iowa has so far awarded Bernie 10 delegates & Pete 10 delegates. They each get 10 a piece evenly. Bernie is winning the popular vote, while Pete is just slightly winning the “electoral college” delegate percentage. We still have 40% of the totals that can still outpace Pete here.
It isn’t real, they aren’t giving you real results. They are playing you. They will give you the results they want.
Reason Bernie’s not in the lead: “These are complicated formulas and we decided to report on them now, instead of later once all results are in, to push a narrative that the race is soo close.”
The race is “close”, which is why Democrats need to go out and vote for Sanders.
the reason Bernie is not in the lead is because the rule counties have less people but make up most delegates and if you take away Amy and Joe’s wins I would see the county’s they won going to Pet. Bernie has more support by number of people but all the people are in one spot and the way us politics work your vote goes to the county and the county votes on your behalf. For more transparency do to how the delegations are split Pet is geting more than he is supost to. Clerks in charge of counting votes are giving Pet more delegates I saw Clerks giving pet 4 out of ten delegates when he only won around 20%. Because of votes going to yang or tom or low number supporters there were times when there would be 1 delegate not given to anyone and most of the clerks in Iowa vote for Tom and give him the extra delegate even though more people supported Bernie.
I hope Bernie demands a re-vote, this time a straight non-caca vote.
Pete isn’t ahead though. The 2% percentage lead isn’t enough to declare him ahead of Bernie. Since it’s so close, Iowa has so far awarded Bernie 10 delegates & Pete 10 delegates. They each get 10 a piece evenly. Bernie is winning the popular vote, while Pete is just slightly winning the “electoral college” delegate percentage. We still have 40% of the totals that can still outpace Pete here.
I so love how the camera moves around and zooms in and out to create “atmosphere” on such a non-issue.
“It’s not who casts the vote but who counts the vote that counts” Stalin/DNC
I got dumber watching this. Wtf is this “analysis”. Didn’t they go to school to learn how to be reporters. “See it”? “Wow!” ?????
1:42 “My suspicion here…my strong suspicion….” Love when the choice of words gives it away….just like giving the White House to Trump again. Anything but Bernie for the corporatist DNC…….they’ve got an App for that lol
I’m not a democrat, and I’m still cringing at this debacle. If I _were_ a democrat, I would be absolutely livid over this complete boondoggle on the part of my party.
This is Keystone Kops-level incompetence.
yes it is
How very odd these results are.
When people said they needed time to rig it against Bernie, it made sense since they’ve done it before, but I wasn’t quite on board. When I showed up to caucus, my name wasn’t on the list, so I witnessed how they were experiencing errors before anyone started voting. But, I’m steadily increasing my suspicion.
“As we can see here Bernie is in the lead in this and that and this and that, but over all Pete is in the lead.” Uh huh
TheRedTen ok he means more people voted for Bernie BUT Buttigieg is in the lead because he has more caucuses, therefore Buttigieg is winning
The Bernie bros are mad..,,awwwwww