With a split call in Iowa and equal delegates going to both Bernie Sanders and Pete Buttigieg in New Hampshire, Democrats head into Nevada and South Carolina with no true leader. Mara Gay and John Heilemann react. Aired on 2/12/2020.
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Iowa And New Hampshire Leave Democrats Without A Clear Frontrunner | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
MSNBC at it again. Keep ignoring Bernie. We will keep helping him win.
Let the Republican commie tears flow. They just love Trump and Putin so much.

You guys would hand your kids over to creepy uncle joe and sick willy to prove what good democrats you are
@Chris Smith Wow! That NPC talk right there! LMAO did these guys get trained in a camp? Bernie will annihilate Trump, and your c$%^ of a leader will lie and cheat his way to victory. We will have another 4 years to make this movement even more of a threat. The US people are tired of your #$%^
That colostomy bag called Donald Trump is counting his days alongside the 1% that are his allies.
*We are coming for your everything.*
Despite that come join us at Bernie.com sign up to volunteer or pay for some Pizza for volunteers. We are hungry for your everything.
Bernie won. In a democracy – votes matter. Each of them. And Bernie won the popular votes in all two states.
@Mike Ortiz Sure it is, it’s not that you’re uneducated and can’t write it’s because you just don’t have time!
*No one believes you.*
@MoppyPuppy uneducated? I’m an Electric Engineer who’s dicking around on his new phone lol. Pretentious dickhead.
@Mike Ortiz LOL … I dont think you comperehend the meaning nor irony behind your use of the word “pretentious”

@MysticMarble crickets**
-Bernie Sanders gets most votes in every primary/caucus so far and polls 1st nationwide-
There’s really no way to tell who the frontrunner is.
The BERN is a dumpster fire on the left. The nation will be left even more divided if Bernie wins
This is getting beyond pathetic. Their “paid” contempt for Bernie is becoming an international joke. Any human being with 1% brain activity sees through their BS, a mile away.
As someone who prefers Warren, but wants him to win over anyone else..the votes have been way to close for comfort just 1-1.5% apart. With proportional delegates awarded no one has the clear advantage and anyone could still win. Yes its worrisome, but not contemptuous to say Bernie doesn’t have it in the bag yet.
Thanks for this comment. can’t believe it’s at the top of the comments.
There is a frontrunner you just dont wanna name him
Say my name! :-)!
@litoo2002 oh Bernie will make them say his name. They are clearly trying their hardest to prevent him from winning
Cant wait till Nevada when Bernies margin of victory will increase! He does better with more diverse states.My God they are stupid or just Liars Either way it is not good!
Oh really, no clear front runner??? I’m so done with MSNBC.. your bias is showing!!
@WoW All media outlets steer the narrative. It’s doesn’t mean MSNBC is making up the numbers.
@Peter Gubanyi Pete is a tool for Wall street and the military Industrial complex. He’ll continue the wars of business while Bernie wants to stop them.
You should start watching “The Young Turks” and other progressive channels on youtube.
@Kieran Considine TYT is MSNBC lite. Secular Talk, Jimmy Dore and Status Coup are much better.
fake news
Billionaire puppet Brian Williams says Bernie is not the front front runner. What a shock?!!
The like/dislike ratio. ♥
Imagine calling someone with 10% nationally a possible front runner compared to someone polling at 25%. MSM will do anything to downplay Bernie. Corporate stooges from the top down.
Delegates. That’s reality. And this is coming from a Bernie supporter.
If the DNC screws Bernie again it’s the end of the Democratic party.
The Democratic Party died in the 1990’s, was dug up and used as fertilizer for the Clinton Foundation in 2016. Debbie Wasserman Schultz assured that in 2016.
LOL, look at the like ratio before they make google change it.
WTF! Not a clear front-runner?
Clearly it’s Bernie but MSNBCannibals gonna Cannibal
Smh @ MSNBC, dislike this crap
“If you came in 2nd you were the 1st person to lose.”
Because he’s leading in… VOTES!
Not in delegates.
@Ivan Anthony Guison delegate thing is corrupt. bernie won the most votes but doesnt have the most delegates.
@Scapone2001 Because delegates are allocated proportionally, per congressional district. Ideally, the nominee shouldn’t just be able to win the popular vote by running up the margins in major urban areas and population centers. Rural areas need to be highlighted as well if we are to expand the Democratic base to win the general election. We risk losing again like in 2016 if we just aim for the same strategy of winning the popular vote but losing in the electoral college.
and somehow MSNBC actually gets worse. There’s definitely a front runner and it’s clear as day!
Just wow
They will have to fall in line at some point, unfortunately it will be to late for MSNBC…