Ioffe: Putin is now a prisoner of his own propaganda

Meduza's Ivan Kolpakov says Putin believed his own "huge propaganda narrative about Ukraine as a failed state." Puck's Julia Ioffe says "the Russian propaganda machine has trained the Russian public to want blood, and now they want blood." #CNN #News

Ioffe: Putin is now a prisoner of his own propaganda


  1. Are we supposed to feel bad for him? Perhaps if he sat at a normal sized table he could hear his advisors.

  2. he’s been a prisoner since he agreed to be President of a kleptocracy, there’s no going back for him.

    1. He made himself a prisoner, because he choked democracy by his own hands. It’s a well-thought choice. Russia had a potential to be a really democratic state, but this guy chose another path


  3. Remember that Trump literally said he trusted Putin more than American intelligence services. Glad we’re trying to protect democracy overseas, but we’ve got to protect it from Trump-Americans here at home.

    1. @Andrew Santa-Cruz No. Everything is not subjective. Theres cold hard simple facts in this world, whether those facts benefit or hurt you, they exist. I’m an engineer. My career depends upon my ability to limit my bias to the best of my ability and be objective about what I see whether I like it or not. You can’t deny the simple fact that when right wing media, especially people like carlson, talks up men like putin and orban, and a former president endorses a man responsible for destroying democracy in his country, that their base will follow suit. What was it, last month carlson literally said, im not paraphrasing, we should side with Russia not Ukraine, theyre bigger, more powerful, and a bigger player on the world stage, that’s who we should side with not Ukraine. What was his guests response? No. No we shouldn’t. We should side with a democracy, a democratic government decided by its people, not an authoritarian who puts down his opponents by any means necessary. We should side with democracy. Tuckers response? Well uh..I guess I’m for democracy, I guess. Yes he said it twice. Then he quickly ended that interview. Cmon dude.

    1. You automatically jump to conclusion without facts. Zelensky released prisoners it could have been a serial killer. I highly doubt the Russia could be so stupid to leave the body laying their. This why I don’t believe it was Russia. It could have been soldiers with civilians cloths and probably some local thought it could be funny to put them like this to start some kind of response.

    1. Zelenski on Fox news. “Azov Neo Nazi volunteers, are what they are. “They were defending our country”. “Everything from all the components those who volunteer battalions later were incorporated into the military. The Azov began as a military infantry unit made up of civilian volunteers drawn from far-right, neo-Nazi groups that were active in Ukraine, such as the Patriot of Ukraine gang and the Social-National Assembly (SNA). With its highly motivated band of fighters, the Azov unit recaptured the strategic port city of Mariupol from the separatists. Following this crucial military triumph — which had eluded the official forces of Kyiv — the Azov unit was integrated into the National Guard of Ukraine in November 2014.
      73% of Ukrainians voted for Zelenski, a corrupt drug addict. You reap what you sow!

  4. The man bought into his own propaganda so hard he actually thought he could reshape reality… senior moment lmao

  5. This happens in corporations every day. The fist-pounding CEO surrounds himself with yes-men and never gets the real story. Everyone is afraid of losing their job or being bullied. Easier to tell him what he wants to hear.
    Sad that everything we teach our kids NOT to do is played out every day by politicians.

    1. absolutely correct corporations are highly structured and they dont tolerate independent thought

    2. So true. It’s why unions actually help corporations IF upper management stops fighting them and listens to them. Unions protect people when labor laws are strong so they can speak truth to power and improve the way things are done and good conditions lead to better productivity.

      It’s also why healthy democracies are better than autocracies. It’s why preventing some from voting or trying to control people with propaganda eventually leads to a very sick society. Exactly what we see in Russia.

  6. *There is a saying in the PR world that would do Putin well to learn…*
    “You’re in trouble when you start believing your own press releases.”

    1. meh. I also think you’re in trouble when you don’t believe your own press releases, but what do I know…

  7. “Press the Russian government to do something else.” Hmm. I don’t think she understands Putin’s autocracy and how effective his propaganda is. That said, I’ll support any independent news agency working to get the truth to Russian citizens.

    1. @desertbluesman But it is their parents and grandparents who are running the show. My father is an American Psychiatrist, and he has been completely consumed by Trumpism and right-wing propaganda. Dr. Richard T Quick MD… You can check online and read about him. When things get this bad in America, I cannot imagine how bad it is in Russia.

  8. “He got high on his own supply, so to speak…”, and he will have to pay the price. Imagine being lost in a mine field of mistruths, ever step of the way is a danger.

    1. @Mike Salcito “mostly rational human beings,,,”, suspiciously sounds robotesque to me… faulty like a Kremlin propagandist.

    1. @Kepler186F well first off all this is written as Babii Yar not Babin Yar or Baba Yar or Baba Yaga or Babushka Yar. Babii Yar. Second of all that was Nazis killing Ukrainian and Russian Jews. Most of the Nazis were German, Lithuanian, Estonian, Latvian and omg Ukrainian (who would have thought). As for Katyn these were the army, not civilians and no one actually can attribute this to the Soviet army. Again, there were the very same Nazis there. If that does not ring your presumably liberal brain, probs nothing will. Yet again, in the 1980s ppl like you genuinely thought that Osama Ben Laden and Thaliban are the brave freedom fighters, fighting for democracy 😃😃😃😃😃 then what happened? 9/11 and a few dozens of other ” expressions of free speech”

    2. ​@Owen Anderson Afghans wanted freedom from oppressive Soviet dictatorship. Your ideas are stupid BS. Majority of Ukranians (some 4.5 million) fought against nazi Germany.

    1. Zelenski on Fox news. “Azov Neo Nazi volunteers, are what they are. “They were defending our country”. “Everything from all the components those who volunteer battalions later were incorporated into the military. The Azov began as a military infantry unit made up of civilian volunteers drawn from far-right, neo-Nazi groups that were active in Ukraine, such as the Patriot of Ukraine gang and the Social-National Assembly (SNA). With its highly motivated band of fighters, the Azov unit recaptured the strategic port city of Mariupol from the separatists. Following this crucial military triumph — which had eluded the official forces of Kyiv — the Azov unit was integrated into the National Guard of Ukraine in November 2014.
      73% of Ukrainians voted for Zelenski, a corrupt drug addict. You reap what you sow!

  9. Supporting Meduza is as important as sending arms, food, defense supplies to Ukraine. Great article!

    1. Dan Moreno:Exactly, and that’s where you got it from the movie New Jack City where it says about during the Crack epidemic during the 1980’s about drug dealers!!!!

    1. @Richard Quick II Most off my news comes from BBC/MSNBC/CNN..All three make me sick with their unbalanced view of events in Ukraine..They prop up teddy bears in front of every refugee and just lay it on thick…

  10. Unfortunately I’m thinking that the citizens of Russia might still support his actions no matter what the true facts are,! But nevertheless it does reminds me of a former Person here in America spreading untruths, and still to this day is highly regarded as some kind of a savior in support of their own ideologies 😯.

    1. And he just recently asked putin – on public television (again) – to dig for dirt on Biden. Looking back it’s clear putin & him refer to the same playbook.

    2. Trump lives in your heads rent free… I love that😁

      Trump 2024! God bless Donald Trump 🇺🇸

  11. “Propaganda does not deceive people; it merely helps them to deceive themselves.” Eric Hoffer.

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