CNN's Josh Campbell reports on the history the Highland Park shooting suspect had with police and his troubling social media posts leading up to the July 4th attack. #CNN #News
Investigation: This is what suspect posted online before the shooting

CNN's Josh Campbell reports on the history the Highland Park shooting suspect had with police and his troubling social media posts leading up to the July 4th attack. #CNN #News
“He fled to his mother’s home.”… What a coward I tell you..
Last fight
Where should he had went to then?
@Alfred pierre Well he headed to Wisconsin after he got his mom’s vehicle, maybe to hideout at Kyle Rittenhouse house but he said “Hell no you’re not staying here because you had intentions to kill, unlike me which I killed in self defense”!
@Alfred pierre
Trolls are hilarious
@Horatio Caine good one
We want to see that person pay for what he did, but this needs to be about the people that were more important. Those who lost their lives and those they loved. Those who will never have another smile. My deepest condolences to all the victims families
@Shlep Messing
Many mass shooters bought their guns legally, unlike street thugs who buy their guns via gun smugglers.
Unlike the things you mentioned, a gun is made specifically to injure or kill, no other reason.
The perfect example of why “common sense” background checks are essential. He’s the last person that should be legally able to buy a gun.
@Mel Gillham oh I fully understand it quite well. Now answer me this : in the 2nd amendment, is a single person classified as a well regulated militia? And then go ahead and google for me the word ‘regulated’. Then after that take note to how our military is funded by socialist ideas. (socialism: the means of production are controlled by the people). We pay for them based on our taxes as well as the firefighters and police and public schools. Am I jumping points, yeah so what but I’m also not cherry picking up the individual words out the amendments.
@phillysupra well regulated has never meant government oversight though. That the misconception. They conveniently omit the commas which separate the clauses. Even if that were the case, it says well regulated militia. Which doesnt pertain to the right of the people. Reading comp is important unless you mix in emotional bias. Then it seems education goes out the window with the left.
@Mel Gillham minus the right to vote for minorities and women. Minus the right to not be in slavery and minus the right to marry…. Gotcha but you’re right
Also, I must add that this guy had to do many background checks. 1 for his FOID card and 1 for each firearm. So that is 7 maybe 8 backgrounds done.
There were just TOO MANY DOORS! When are we ever going to learn?
“TOO MANY DOORS! When are we ever going to learn?”
Common Sense via Civility would indicate fire safety SHOULD be a larger/more frequent concern than mass shootings, which is why it gets preferential treatment.
We learned this after several tramplings in the pursuit of fleeing a burning building.
Shootings have drastically increased in the time since we learned that, but all this talk of “personal responsibility” means it isn’t the responsibility of the person who owns the building to protect the public from a shooter. It’s the shooter’s responsibility to act like an adult and not throw the tantrum in the first place.
Hence why people need to stop listening to Republicans.
@Cryst C O That wasn’t as hard or insulting as you thought it was. If I was in a wealthy country with universal healthcare and affordable education watching the American people choose idiocy and refusing to allow sick children access to healthcare because that would mean an extra couple dollars in taxes per check, something several other countries can easily do without problem but would apparently cause the people who have to pay higher taxes to not be able to live comfortably.
@Centurione but you can still buy weapons…
People in power*
@Mike ALIAS er , but nearer PUTLER
Dad: “Hello, police? My kid threatened to kill us.”
Dad to kid who threatened to kill the family: “You only have four guns, do you want one more for your birthday??”
@Alink LoL, ya it’s the gun stores fault
the strickest red flag laws in the country and it’s the gun stores fault
I mean wow 
@Upper 90: You seem to have an ID-10T malfunction.
@Upper 90 We don’t have red flag laws
@Gary Marino Because he’s a troll who gets paid to rile you up.
@Guy Hoffmann Then stop making him money. Don’t feel trolls.
So he threatened to kill people with his large knife collection (which was taken by police) and he was suicidal… But yeah, have all the guns you want. It’s “legal”. Pure stupidity.
And Denial. Close relatives, especially parents, way too often live in Denial about what their troubled children experience and are capable of.
Defund the police and show up over and over with your clipboard. Seems to be not working well
@C Lo There is absolutely no law on the books requiring LE to do so. They know this man has 2nd Amendment rights. They were obviously deferring to those rights. He has every right to protect himself and his family from those who would harm them by purchasing military assault weapons and ammunition. He doesn’t even have to give anybody a reason why he wants to buy military assault weapons in the first place.
@Nathan Sutphin No. There are plenty of laws that could be enacted to prevent these kinds of tragedies. For example, massively beefed-up red flag laws, and assault weapon bans for those under 21 years of age, and mandatory registration of gun owners, etc. etc. etc. We routinely register dangerous things with the government, and nobody even thinks twice about it. You car, for example. These sorts of laws have always existed in this county, even in 1775. The Founding Fathers would be absolutely horrified to see the warped interpretation of the 2nd A today. Only warfighters should have permission to possess a military assault weapon, just as they are the only ones authorized to possess a 50 cal machine gun in most cases, or to possess explosives. Just as you will never stop suicide bombings by distributing bombs to every citizen, just so will you never stop mass murders by arming everybody. We have tried that: IT DOESN’T WORK, and is in fact counterproductive.
How this person can purchase a gun legally, this is absurd!
@Lori Nelson because they want law abiding citizens to carry guns to protect themselves. Why do y’all always blame the gun instead of the shooter
With advanced planning he cannot use an insanity defense. He doesn’t think he’s crazy, he thinks we are, for allowing anyone that wants,to buy a tool that is designed to kill people with very little or no oversight. He would be right about that. Another commenter suggested having to buy insurance like you do for a car. He’s right. People do die in cars of course, but cars are not designed to kill people as guns are. Insurance should absolutely be required for the inherent liability. If we ever find ourselves stumbling into a democracy perhaps we will get that done.
Actually, I like your idea, but how would this work for people like me who own guns and just use them to go to the range once in a while? Should I pay the same amount of insurance as a hunter who hunts year-round? Or who owns multiple guns? Or higher caliber guns? There is a lot to think about in implementing something like this.
ბუ ყ ჰ კ კ ჯ. ფ ე

@Teutonic Nordwind The US Constitution doesn’t say anything about insurance. A long ago ancestor of mine, Maj. Samuel Root, Massachusetts Militia (“Minutemen”), Western Mass; became a veteran of the Battle of Bennington. He had guns to defend and help create liberty for Americans. Freedom isn’t Free — including it brings Responsibility. Maj. Root was one of a type of people the 2nd Amendment was designed to protect: Responsible (caring, skilled, knowledgeable, willing to sacrifice, upstanding) gun owners. “In order to form a well regulated militia.”
It’s not just a question of mental illness. It’s a question of access. Someone experiencing extreme anger or hate will pick up a gun a kill scores of people. Plus, everyone misses the words “well regulated.”
@Peggy Mason I am retired US Navy …. but that doesnt matter because the 2nd amendment gives that right to individuals …. the Supreme Court has already ruled on this
@Acer Maximinus Supreme Court has already ruled …. the 2nd amendment protects INDIVIDUAL right …. its not even an argument anymore
His uncle’s statement seems rather pathetic compared to his past interactions and social media postings.
There’s much more to the family dynamic that needs to be looked at.
@Ronald Nixon <<<< he also says all the people testifying about Trump or being paid. That tells you all you need to know about this choad.
I thought the media was going to make efforts to not show these peoples faces and name them for the glory they were seeking. So much for that
And yet here you are watching this video.
That’s the biggest problem.. they all want the glory.. this shouldn’t even be shown on any news or media
He is absolutely right. Checks and balances need to cover everything in our government system. Especially, weapons when the person has a record of violate offense or intention.
@Cheshire Cat exactly
The client was being handled by mental health professionals: As a mental health professional we have very little power to stop people we firmly believe are capable of this. We have to be able to prove it. That is harder than it sounds. If we had the ability to enact harm reduction actions, we would take away so many weapons. There are people who should not be able to have guns.
@Clarkké Peterson im being serious. Youre obviously on the edge. For your sake. Please.
@Fool’s Foil you’re damn right I’m on edge because I’ve got to keep my head on a swivel when I go to the grocery store for people like you.
Defund the police and show up with your clipboard next time.
@Clarkké Peterson people like who? People who want you to get the help you need to think clearly enough to thrive?
@Clarkké Peterson hey! You’re going to hurt someone or yourself, dude. Im not trolling.
To adopt a rescue dog, I had to have 2 personal references that could not be family members. I had a home inspection and two other interviews. Why is it so easy to get a gun? I’m not anti-gun. I am pro proving you can be a responsible gun owner. Some kind of class and extensive process should be involved.
@Lazy I Ranch Wow.
look at every thing to drive a car!! it should be the same thing. guns should require insurance.
……….. In addition, Canadians must list the names of partners they have lived with in the last two years, who are each required to sign the gun application or be notified by the police before a firearm is bought.”
Great point!!! I needed a PIN one year just to pay my taxes. I couldn’t find the one they sent the previous year to prove who I was. I called them and was like, I’m not even getting a refund, I’m just trying to PAY you guys!!!”
So this guy was basically on suicide watch, and he was able to obtain a firearm legally in a state like Illinois.
Some serious flaws in our system
The second amendment will still exist if people are registered as gun owners and the police and salesman are aware and can make connections. You are allowed to own a car if you have a license and respect the laws…why not do the bare minimum with lethal weapons ?
AND- We need to have something similar to a no fly list. Nationally, If someone threatens, they are put on a list where they cannot purchase or carry any gun and are monitored like probation. Please
Eliminate boutique weapons.
There is an epidemic of young men who feel increasingly powerless who can easily become only one kind of powerful; obtain a gun.
I often wonder if they think they’ll somehow feel better about whatever in their lives is
after they stop shooting. Then they realise that they don’t & that’s why most kill themselves?
Yeah, I’m curious as to the level of integrity his dad has for helping him get a firearm permit. There’s blood on his hands too.
Daddy is a Republican. It’s always the Democrats fault !
@Louisa von Dart This rapper video gamer fits the Democrat liberal parental checklist more than conservative Republican parents. Regardless,
how can any parent allow a kid to threaten people with knives and then enable him to purchase multiple guns. WTF?
@David A., hey, MAGAt; you know he’s PROVEN a fellow MAGAt, right?
Yes, and there’s a mural on their house of a smile buttoned faced tall thin man/boy holding an AR-15 resembling rifle! The dad is sounding too much like the violence-enabling Michigan killer’s parents. Not to that degree: The parents here (with lawyer) did a good initial response statement. And their lawyer pointed out they have 2 other normal good kids. And the dad apparently runs/ ran a food pantry type place. The dad appears deep in denial (self-blocking realizations about Crimo III, since at least 2018.)
The shooter’s parents should be held liable, just like the other shooter’s- for negligent homicide- they KNOWINGLY sponsored him to purchase the weapons he used to kill, when he displayed repeated and untreated mental health issues.
1 Mateo Uriarte Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
@Mohamed Trevino your entitled to your opinion, but WTH did you send me a Vietnamese cooking video in your response?! Lmfao
@Mateo Uriarte Tons of spam. This one is very common. This person must have posted it 100 times on this upload. I got one on my comment. I reported it, but it’s still there.
I agree 100% with what you are saying.
I would like to see the FBI look into possible texts sent from Robert to his family,
and if any of them mention anything about some of Robert’s intentions,
and if the family failed to notify, then the family should be held liable.
And why was this kid’s father helping purchase these AR 15s for him? What kind of parenting is that when you have a child who is deeply troubled? His parents must have legal liability in this matter. I am sickened by the fact that the father aided and abetted his son’s mass murder. Utterly stunning but legally accountable as well.
I agree this was poor parenting, but remember: this was a man, not a child. Whether the parent aided the kid in obtaining his first weapon is immaterial. He was 23, and had therefore long since reached the age where he could unilaterally purchase any number of military assault weapons, and do so perfectly legally. That’s what he did. He didn’t need to ask daddy’s permission.
Is it reasonable to expect that there is a chance a deeply disturbed child is the product of deeply disturbed parents. Or more simply the parents were blinded by love and as is nearly always the case never thought he was capable of such an act. You do realise that there are deeply disturbed teens all over the world not doing mass shootings. Save some of your sickened disbelief that despite children being massacred in huge numbers the US as a society has deemed these deaths acceptable, to preserve the right to own weapons of war to be used against police, soldiers, politicians, or anyone who disagrees with you. This is the true sickness and insanity.
@Joe Tursi yes everywhere else in the world the parenting is perfect which is why this problem is a US one. Easy to fix as well require all parents to be registered and controlled, along with doors, ladders, and rooftops. One thing we can all agree on it is not the easy access to weapons of war right
@Driven By Endurance the official home of adventure imagine if they were. When should the shut off be this kid was 21 so should we make it 30 and patents can be responsible for any and all illegal and anti social behaviour. We could double the US jail population over night ensuring heaps of jobs plus cheap labour. The US needs to catch up with the rest of the Western world where parenting is perfect which is why next to no mass shootings.