Internet chokes on President Trump’s reaction to Mulvaney’s cough

President Donald Trump kicked out acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney for coughing and ordered Anthony "The Mooch" Scaramucci to get a penicillin shot. CNN's Jeanne Moos reports on the Germophobe-in-Chief. #CNN #News

Internet chokes on President Trump's reaction to Mulvaney's cough


  1. Well I remember when he was running for prez he made a women with a baby leave the audience caused IT BOTHERED HIM poor baby NOT the womens – the prez !

    1. @dub2459 you don’t know what hysterical means.

      Go to school, if you can still afford it.

    1. @Cassidy Alexis-Starchild I was just about to say, there’s no way he has any melanin left in that thin skin of his–it’s definitely a spray tan. What a choade!

    2. @will drew You’re right–we liberal elites just hate him because of sour grapes, and pick on his appearance because we can’t find anything to criticize about his behavior (which is very stable) or his intellect (some say he’s a genius) or his work ethic (what a powerhouse) or his policies (I hear health care is going to be AMAZING.)

    3. quinton merkson
      actually Trump passed out and his face fell into a pan of that yellow powder that comes in a package inside the box of Kraft Mac and cheese.

    1. markj6700 yes! 👍 the dude who can’t spell is definitely a typical trump supporter. Anyone who can hate women like that and make fun of sexual assault on women is 1.) probably a trump supporter and 2.) definitely a troll. The first one is pretty scary. 2nd one…not at all! They should be so proud of themselves…and good god, please do not let them procreate!!

    2. tony plow actually, no, I don’t think that. But whatever makes you feel better. Take care 😃

  2. Hey, Mickey, may I offer you another glass of Orange Kool Aid or maybe a cup of covfefe with maggots?

    1. Even 34% of Germans supported Hitler to the bitter/better end when he committed suicide in his bunker.

    2. Poor, Mickey Mulvaney is a pathetic evil twin of Simon from Alvin and the Chipmunks. Unlike Simon, Mulvaney was born in Alexandria, Virginia, (a former slave state) He grew up in Charlotte, North Carolina (another slave state).He later moved to Indian Land, South Carolina (yet another slave state). Enough said about Mulvaney’s Neo-Confederate cultural background. Loathsome tree rat was even thrown out of WH.

    3. Nice literary reference. Speaking of Lord of the Flies, poor, sniveling, snotnose Mickey Mulvaney is a pathetic evil twin of Simon from Alvin and the Chipmunks. Unlike Simon, Mulvaney was born in Alexandria, Virginia, (a former slave state). He grew up in Charlotte, North Carolina (another slave state). He later moved to Indian Land, South Carolina (yet another slave state). Enough said about Mulvaney’s Neo-Confederate cultural background. Trump only threw the loathsome tree rat sycophant out of the Oval Office. If Trump really is not a racist, he should send Mickey back to Dixieland.

    4. Typical white entitlement and male privilege–remember the classic line from the Access Hollywood: “They let you grab their pus*y when you are a star.” Melania has to swat his creepy hand when he wants to hold hers.

    1. People care more about making the economy better and better for the working class than someone who slick talks you and acts like they are perfect. A smooth president can’t change the world but policies can

    2. @Snootches Bootches And we all know that Trump is riding on teh coattails of Obama continuatian trends. But thanks for reminding us all.

      Trump doesn’t actually have any policies, in case that had slipped your mind…

    1. Joshua Monson Its spelled illegal – and while it’s not illegal it’s sure immoral for a married man whose wife recently had his baby to sleep with multiple partners. Sure talks to his total lack of character. But then everything Trump does talks to that.

    1. @Dumbass NPC What’s it like knowing you have to constantly defend the dumbest president of all time?

    2. @Genghis Smith Trump tried to get into the driver’s seat in the mini clown car at the circus but he squashed and killed the clowns already in the car.

    1. @Gavin , Thanks Gavin ,This is what it sounds like when a Trump klansman cries after coughing up Trump cum,

    1. Ernest Alicea
      Yes!! Absolutely, but Trump’s always too far up himself to notice anyone earning him. And too stupidly stubborn to pay attention.

    2. Well It Was His Cheif of Staff, Not Just Some Low Level Aide!
      And No Matter, He Still Stuck His Foot Right Into His Mouth Anyways…
      So If It Was a Warning To Change The Subject, It Made Trump Look Like a Blind Fool… Who Dares To Never Be Questioned; On His Allmighty Wisdom!

    1. Jennifer Erickson only a warped person thinks that way.That little brain of yours focusing on breathing in and out… may be starting to overload ? Give the phone back to mom.

  3. He thinks he’s a “badass” just because he can order people around…but he’s the biggest baby-adult I’ve ever seen

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