Housing and Urban Development Sec. Marcia Fudge says her department is examining the process in which home appraisers collect data, which she says is systemically biased against people of color. #CNN #News
‘Intentional to some degree’: HUD secy. on racism in home appraisal process

CNN getting a facelift soon
1 eric brown Fuk what you saying it here
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Home appraisals are done by finding 3-5 homes in and around the neighborhood for comparison and then make the average. It is a simple and standard process unless you are saying appraisers are picking bad comparable homes to match with? I would find that to be a bit of a reach. I guess there could be a few appraisers out there that don’t do a good job but to say it’s systemic is so cliché
@Jeff Goddin that’s the first I’ve heard about the comparables chosen. Have a link to that source you can send?
@Bryan When you’re used to privilege, equality feels like oppression, I get it. Now stop being a baby and wake up.
@MacImages you’re making allowances for incompetence, but ignoring the very real possibility one of the appraisers was racist. the swing between the two was way to high and points to more nefarious reasons.
Is this racism or just incompetent appraisers?
It’s racism
@Eric Brooks How do you know that? I would want to hear from a review on both appraisals. One of them pick poor comparables, maybe both.
Finally, some real action and real conversation
“Racism isn’t dead, but it’s on life support, kept alive by race hustlers who get a sense of superiority by denouncing others as racists.” — Thomas Sowell
That mirror really hurts doesn’t it Bryan. You using the word superior validates the theory you’re trying to dismiss. Your inferiority complex.
@Jeff Goddin yeah, that didn’t make Sense to me, either
@Bill Bradskey please explain further
Being the democrats
This has been going on again and again. Am not going to call these white appraiser racist but can any white appraiser explain why they do this? I don’t get it. It been happening to many times.
That happens everywhere even in the African continent although it has got nothing to do with colour it has to do with social backgrounds. I suppose a typical U.S. example would be calling people rednecks.

Us liberals trust the MSM. Lol.
OMG! This is more than outrageous, this is criminal. We need to get some laws to stop this injustice.
1 pamela cassise Fuk what you saying it here
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
I can’t wait to hear Brian Stetler’s high-pitched, whiny take on this issue! When will that be on?
No racism in the appraisal process. It’s an opinion of value. It has to do with the comparables an appraiser uses.
The opinion/bias comes in when the appraiser is choosing the comparables, yes, and when the appraiser chooses to not select comparables from the same neighborhood which is white and affluent because the homeowners are black and instead chooses comparables from a different zip code, yes, that’s racism.
But here’s what you’re really saying: despite cause for concern, I’d rather we not look into this, because I’m a racism denier. Why don’t you want us to look into this, when there’s ample anecdotal evidence to support the possibility that this is systemic?
What comparable do you think the appraiser used in this case that was so different the second time?
Milk milk lemonade, around the corner fudge is made?
The Real Estate business attracts low lifes. Think about the education required to do the job and value of the products they move around.
1 Michael Stancato Fuk what you saying it here
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Happens all the time.
just saying Fuk what you saying it here
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
I wish that someone in media would alert the government in Washington that HUD in Knoxville, TN. are being awfully shady with it’s HUD Housing process. I’ve been trying to apply for years and I have a good job and six young children, and renting a subsidized duplex at nearly full cost.
1 Lamar X Israel Fuk what you saying it here
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
I speak English. Sorry
This has far reaching consequences if you really think about it, that means some people lose equity or gain equity much slower on the same exact investment in the same market.
1 Soji Ogungbesan Fuk what you saying it here
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
So what was the value of the house actually? Who was closer?
1 studyhistory2ctruth Fuk what you saying it here
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