President Trump pushed aside his acting director of national intelligence, Joseph Maguire, because he was angry that lawmakers were briefed about Russia's plan to interfere in the 2020 election to help Trump, according to reports. Aired on 2/21/2020.
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Intel Sources 'Absolutely Aghast' Over Maguire Removal | Morning Joe | MSNBC
This mf is handing out jobs as if they’re rewrapped Christmas gifts.
Well. You managed to attract the Trolls. Tis the season digsdeeply.
@Paul Wilson You are in a cult.
@NEIA You are in a cult.
Since Trump stands an excellent change of being unemployed and an indicted felon in mid January of next year I am not so sure anyone would want to play in his pig stye.
Sooo how many times can trump do an ‘Autocrat’ thing before someone stops him? Never? Thanks Republican Party you are handing my country to the Russians.
It was never your country, you have received your blessings, ” the fatness of the earth and the dew of heaven. Your time is coming to an end.
@Chris Goodloe I wish you a gentle and complete return to reality.
The Republican Senators were too terrified of Trump’s blackmail on them to remove him from office even though they admitted the impeachment charges were accurate. They did this to us. They gave Trump the green light to do anything he wants. This was all so predictable and they knew it.
Maybe they think they can’t win their own elections without machine vote shifting from D to R, which has been going on since 2004 at least. I doubt that Ted Cruz won his Senate election in 2018 – the evidence for shifting machine votes from O’Rourke to Cruz was indisputable. And it was happening even to people voting a straight Democratic ballot, which people often do if they worry their vote might be messed with. They caught the shift on reviewing their ballot. How many voters don’t bother to review their ballot and so didn’t catch the shift?
The disinformation campaign in 2016 was also intense. Bots smearing Hillary Clinton and promoting Trump’s agenda were popping up everywhere, not just in political forums. They must have been using keyword searches for hit-and-run posts (the Church of Scientology does the same thing). They used Anglo type first names as their usernames (instead of the variety of monikers the regulars typically used) and always presented themselves as “ordinary Americans”, often in slightly off English, before launching into Trump talking points and outright lies about what Hillary Clinton had said or done.
I clicked on the profile of one vigorous Trump supporter in a 2016 Facebook discussion. I am a professional translator and have done line-by-line critiques and edits of bad translations from Russian into English by Russian citizens, to help translation departments decide if their work was fixable (Russian journal editors were pushing to get Russians hired for such work rather than native English speakers). I can guarantee that
1) the profile was a very bad translation from another language by someone who did not live in the US and
2) whoever badly translated the profile was not the same person who was posting (he had a decent command of English).
The poster’s profile was claiming to be active duty US military and a graduate of an American university. Even a recent immigrant would know the proper terminology and phrasing for university or military work, even if grammar and style was wonky. The translator (not a native English speaker) simply was pulling words out of a dictionary and translating into English very literally, as bad translators do.
This is what we will see again in 2020 but most likely at an accelerated pace. If you see it, call it out. Don’t just ignore such posts. Check profiles and try to decide what is real and what is not. Forget about “don’t feed the troll” advice. You don’t have to engage with the trolls multiple times, but you do need to set the record straight when you see lies and deception. You are responding once to inform the other people reading such posts who might actually believe they are coming from actual Americans who do actually support Trump, rather than from Putin’s hirelings.
Push for paper ballots either in unalterable form as machine backup or as the only voting instrument. We know how to protect paper ballots by proper bipartisan monitoring. Insist on hand recounts. Push your state officials to make paper ballots available and to make hand recounts mandatory.
Push the Democrats to insist on recounts rather than being afraid to be seen as “sore losers”. Our elections are contaminated by manipulation of machine votes and the Democrats have to stop being so naive and polite about it.
And get everybody to vote. In an election where we cannot trust the machine vote tallies, our only hope is to outrun the hackers. That requires massive turnout. Obama did it in 2008 and 2012 and Hillary Clinton almost did it in 2016. Don’t let anybody claim voting doesn’t matter – it does, now more than ever. We have a hostile foreign government interfering in our elections and deciding US foreign policy through a Putin puppet. The Republicans failed to do their duty so we must get as many of such Republicans out of office as possible in 2020, especially the Puppet-in-Chief. But if the Republicans continue to control the Senate, nothing will get done to counteract corruption of our elections in future and the corruption of members of Congress that allows it. Under Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, hardly anything gets done on other issues as well. He won’t bring bills to the floor for a vote and he won’t hold hearings as much as he can.
@el bee Nah. Let him stay out in Left Field. If nothing else, he’s amusing.
@el bee it’s too bad you don’t understand the bible, but if you did you would know you live in the land of the lost tribes. He’s going to reveal the truth to everyone. The plagues may be here now. I wish the same for you also.
Yes, that’s exactly what someone suffering from pathological narcissistic personality disorder would do!
Is Susan Collins expressing any regret over her vote on removing the president from office?
She will express regret when her bid for re-election fails in November.
@Nick Thomas Susan will say, and do, anything that she thinks will appease her constituents.
This is very concerning
Sperup AD the key is what she “thinks” will appease her constituents. I think she has a grave misapprehension about what her constituents want this time.
I have a question for whomever is willing to listen, HOW MUCH IS TOO MUCH WITH THIS ADMINISTRATION?!!
James and Carole …at this rate voting may be useless
—- > What do you think? They already approved giving nuclear technology to the Saudis, withdrew from Syria to protect Trump’s real estate there, and left a criminal, who, most agreed, was guilty of Bribery and Obstruction of Congress in the Oval Office.
Google: Trump admin gave green light to nuclear permits for Saudi Arabia after Khashoggi killing (nbcnews)
… “Well, I also have, I have a little conflict of interest because I have a major, major building in Istanbul and it’s a tremendously successful job. It’s called Trump Towers — two towers instead of one. Not the usual one, it’s two. (Donald Trump, December 2, 2015, Breitbart News Daily)
Chaos In Syria, DC After President Donald Trump Pulls U.S. Troops | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC @ 5: 48 – 6: 10
@jannmutube The More information that comes out on Trumps unethical business practises the more the worldwide condemnation grown.I can’t wait until his Financials are on full display. The Hate for anything “Trump’ will only intensify!
THE RUSSIANS ARE COMING ……hee hee, ha ha!! And Putin’s Pup and the fools are letting them! Bye bye America!
“temporary” – till the election; he needs a dummy until then
so what dem candidate would you put in? lol
I DON’T CARE WHO, how many of you know that this guy 45 is the biggest national security threat? We need someone we can hold accountable to turn this thing around before it’s too late.
A loyalist dummy asskisser who will do and say whatever his master tells him.
I wish he would hire a new pilot for Airforce One following the same principle: a trumper without any education.
@Greg Jensen Hmmm. Maybe Marine One? Still top notch equipment but a much smaller ground damage footprint.
A necessary sacrifice made in order to save humanity itself.
That would ge funny if no one wanted to fly him around.
As long as they use one of the “new” jets that took over for the pilot.
D B, Funny but not nice.
@Stephen Duquette _ More likely the Mob shot the Kennedys, but still crazy. When tRumps crazies wake up from the spiked Kool Aide, they won’t be happy with what they see.
This is the only sinking ship where the rats stay on broad.
And those rats are all red
w leota, Bill Barr wants to jump ship, but, he is much too way in.
WATCH,COMPLAIN,WATCH,REPEAT.(It’s ,now almost,Hitler,Trump time! That’s why he pardoned all his, “soon to be”,military leaders)
1) Reach out and talk to people who will listen
2) contact democratic and Democratic organizations to see how you can support and participate.
3) Vote in all elections for the foreseeable future
Also pray that God may strike the anti-Christ down.
tRump learned his lesson. So much learning, like america has never seen
Nikita Khrushchev’s chilling prediction: ‘We will take America without firing a shot’
@Lydia Bell So do I. Back then, it really wasn’t possible. Now, it’s highly LIKELY.
@Roald Shakleton Because, if it comes to trump trying to use the military to take complete control, he’s going to be faced with a VERY rude surprise.
@Ignacio Couce I think Americans are too attached to their political parties & their ideals to realize that Russia could care less about Communism & leftist ideology. Russia is a complete oligarchy with Putin as chief oligarchy. America was standing in the way of his plans to make Russia great again. Trump certainly has obliterated American foreign policy and, consequently, significantly reduced our credibility on the international stage. We have an opportunity to work on correcting our current path but no if we keep Trump as President.
Right-Wing Scare Tactic. I hear your mother calling you Stephen Duquette.
@slactweak I believe it would have been a slow burn; with police, national guard and the military controlling insurrections where needed. Like he did at the border. Putin would have been the Derringer in the pocket.
Democrats have said enough,Republicans when are you going to say enough,we were told this would happen Do you care at all what happens,Republicans.
ты наш америчка!!
NOPE!….They have sold their souls to the Devil
That acquittal is looking more and more like treason. Aiding and abetting enemies of the Republic, both foreign and domestic.
@David Aponte You didn’t. You are in a cult.
@Ignacio Couce You are in a cult.
Don’t believe it for a minute Grant, just believe because I actually did vote for Hillary, remember her, the candidate that was so ridiculously awful she lost to the likes of Donald Trump. Think about that Grant, everytime you see Trump thank Hillary, not the Russians, not wikileaks, not Assange, just Hillary.
Grant you have to be living under a fu-king rock not to see that as it stands now, Trump has more support than literally any candidate on the Democratic side. You must be from New York City or Los Angeles. Trust me, where it counts, like Ohio and Pennsylvania, Trump will win, and there is no one to blame but the Democratic party who can’t seem to stop shooting themselves on the foot. In an age when Americans want real change, as Trumps rise has shown, they give us another corporatist hack like Bloomberg or Mayor Pete, a hack who will kneel and blow every CEO this country has to get elected. Grant, wake up dude. WAKE UP.
Trump’s concept of ‘Best People’ are those with no skills or experience.
If your not as stupid as him. You have a job.
His concept of ‘best people’ is those who are easily corruptible or already criminals.
I thought it was having the ability to steal and not get caught doing it. So far trump has not hired anyone good at it.
@M Gomez Or stupider, so it makes him look smart.
He had to go! He did his job and he told the truth! Two things Trump can’t stand!
Funny how Biden’s son was under qualified for a corporate job, which has zero consequences for ANY ONE but Biden and the company that hired him, but #45 keeps hiring unqualified people to political offices. His daughter for starters, his son in law, grennel, and the list goes on.
oh the irony…
Madison, amazing point you made there.
Not irony, Rank Hypocrisy.
Only Trump and his base can be corrupt~….as for the rest we are all traitors, because we are against his crimes…This is what he believes…
Nothing he says is surprising after his “Lisa Lisa” outcry. This man is a reincarnation of Boris Yeltsin and his antics on American And World stage.
Boris Yeltsin was a boy scout by comparison. Not even close. Yeltsin was a boor and a drunk, but he did not sell out his country.
invoke the 25th already! enough of this orange chump
Vote the orange clown out on 11/3. Make America sane again.
Voting may not be the answer at this rate, way too much time between now and November for the Russian Trump mole to have the voting process fully infiltrated or annihilated, this Republican administration and its dictatorship must now be removed by force.
So Devin Nunes went running to Trump: “Daddy, daddy! That scary Mr. Maguire visited us today and he said a lot of bad things about uncle Vladimir! Please, daddy, make him stop!”