In an extraordinary move, a federal judge is condemning AG Bill Barr for “distorting” and “misleading” the public with his handling of the Mueller Report. MSNBC Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber reports on the unprecedent rebuke by a federal judge against its leader. Melber reports on Barr’s egregious actions and efforts to suppress the findings of the Mueller report as he is “still fighting to keep parts of the Mueller report secret” despite “normal” procedure would give “judges” the “deference to that kind of government request.” (This interview is from MSNBC’s “The Beat with Ari Melber, a news show covering politics, law and culture airing nightly at 6pm ET on MSNBC. ). Aired on 3/6/2020.
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'Insulting Distortions': Judge Rebukes Trump AG Barr Over Mueller Secrecy Clash | MSNBC
Disgusting how corrupt William Barr’s cover-up has been.
@Bud Fudlacker Berne is not a communist. You need to educate yourself about different political ideologies. You have communism in N Korea and fascist dictatorships all around the world, not the least in the Middle East and you can be sure human rights are not on their agenda. Not universal health care, no protection of the environment, no good education, no free media and free speech. They protect and support rich and control and oppress working people and threaten them with prison and death penalty if they oppose the elite. You don’t know what you are babbling about. Bernie´s agenda is the exact kind of policy the real democracies pursue. You don’t know anything about other countries. Educate yourself and you don’t have to make an ignorant fool of yourself in public. You are really misinformed. Further more, Putin´s Russia is not a communist country, it is a fascist oligarchy and a dictatorship and that is why Donald admires and believes in Putin. Study some international politics, you really need it.
Posted from Europe
@Bud Fudlacker What has serving in Vietnam anything to do with this discussion?
@Tom Towers Just where did you get that idea that republicans at its core are racists? I am not white…. The core support of democrats have always been white elitist liberals and poor minorities ( many which are in fact illegal)… and which makes up the many social programs. You will never have a greater divide. Even in NY we see this EVERYDAY. The more minorities who gain wealth, the less we rely on those govt. programs which are designed to keep us there barely scraping by. And stop drinking the Kool -Aid. Donald Trump didn’t hire any of those illegals personally…. he probably had someone do the hiring for him ( a democrat). And you just proved my point… Most of those corporations ( are white elitest democrats) who hire illegals( poor democrats)…. You criticize Republicans, but you can’t have it both ways… You can’t make fun of ‘poor’ red states and say they are responsible for corporations…. that’s what propaganda does….. It makes you believe that your eyes are lying to you. I think your anger is misplaced.
@Bud Fudlacker Hey dummy – Sanders went to Russia in 1988 to establish a sister city there. He went on his honeymoon in St. Lucia. Get your facts straight troll!
It’s about time this orange nonsense was called out!
WTF are you talking about? He’s been called out daily since before he won. Nothing has been done about it so far, why is this different?
This same JUDGE WOULD NOT RELEASE CLINTON’S during the 2016 elections because it would hurt her chances and would reveal who was in the deep state. Reggie Walton protects Hillary in 2016 saying that people are violating her personal privacy during the whitewater incident of the 1990’s because he didn’t want to affect her presidential run and he probably knew Hillary had something going on with a Russian dossier….. He claimed Disclosure of the drafts of the proposed indictment would not shed light on any agency’s performance of its statutory duties, but potentially shed light solely on the character of Mrs. Clinton, independent to her position as a public official, which is not the objective of the FOIA.” IN OTHER WORDS IT WOULD REVEAL WHO WAS IN THE DEEP STATE BACK IN 2016.
@Joy Phillips It is 2020 and Traitor Trump is the President. Shut up about the Clintons. It’s all lies anyway.
My opinion? Billy Bullyfrog Barr LIED! Rig-it Rig-it That is what he does for his love interest, Traitor Trump – he RIGS-it.
These words form the federal judge say what we know. Something needs to be DONE.
Number of judges
There are currently 870 authorized Article III judgeships: nine on the Supreme Court, 179 on the courts of appeals, 673 for the district courts and nine on the Court of International Trade. The total number of active federal judges is constantly in flux, for two reasons.
I bet this story is not on FOX News
They are literally reporting that trump is suing CNN for libel , that AOC is calling for all illegal immigrants to fill out the census, and that Ilhan Omar is giving anti-American speeches to empty rooms.
@skywriting33 So says fox news.
@My pants are falling off Still living in your alternate (Faux News) universe are you? Lol!
Pathetic Trumpers lunged at the bait like a hungry bass. They’re stupider than bass, though,
We already knew Barr was full of it; just wondering whether anyone was ever bringing out the truth and most importantly if anything was going to be done about the lies being told.
Book-em Dano.
These despicable swine will still be torturing truth well into their incarcerations.
I just read a few comments, and you people don’t know how good it makes me feel to see other people knowing the same things as I.
The Framers had it right. This is the beauty and power of an independent judiciary.
Now if it would act consistently we might move forward. There is a reason why the GOP have worked so hard to stack the bench.
What you got to say about this Mitch McConnell Lindsey Graham,
Go Judge! The Judge is like a breath of fresh air…
“they are all in the loop” bought and paid criminals and they know once trump is brought justice he will tell on the Republicans crimes
@David Lafleche What is your opinion about keeping big parts of the Mueller report secret? You paid for the investigation with your tax money, so why don’t you want to know the whole story? And why do you think Donald did not allow his aids to witness during the impeachment process and why do you think he refused to hand over all documents concerning the Ukraine scandal? Any opinion? Donyou think Donald has anything to hide? Most people do. An innocent person does everything to clear himself from such severe accusation that Donald is most certainly guilty of, but not the lying, self-serving Donald. Why this obsession with a deeply mentally ill, corrupt so called president? The world is watching all the chaos, scandals and corruption Donald has created with horror. The American president is a dangerous, anti America so called president and a global security risk.The most disgusting, incompetent and uncivilized leader in the western world.
Posted from West Europe, free from corrupt, lying, mentally ill politicians.
@David Lafleche is a well-known troll. Ignore his comments.
@Terrick Reddick Hillary Clinton paid Christopher Steele to make up the whole thing.
@karin backstrom david is one of the senseless shiteating jackbooted halfwits that roam the internet baiting the reasonable, sane and curious. You won’t get a response from him that couldn’t be shut down by a 9 year old schoolgirl.
The judge summed up the entire administration, too.
@Terry Michaels No im literally saying use ALL CAPS so that people can discern your butthurt over all the banjo twang. You seem upset
Terry Michaels lol my evidence is watching trump and the irrefutable evidence that he is not being honest or promoting honest people to positions of power. You are either a troll or not very intelligent if you are still defending trump.
@Terry Michaels
Judge Walton was appointed by President George W. Bush
This man and his
Axis of evil Republicans
I think you mean Axis of Evil, but I agree.
so true!!!
doj standing by the work that they did is laughable…
The judge should bring in MUELLER to explain what he founded.Under Oath
Mueller made a mistakes in not looking into Trump’s financial ties to Russia.
Finally a judge confirms on the record what everybody outside the cult already knew
The full- unredacted Mueller report needs to be released to all Americans !
It wont matter. There was enough unthinkably unethical behavior outlined in the 400 pages we were given and…nothing. Too many people in this country just don’t care as long as they get their ridiculous wall, get to dehumanize desperate immigrants, and “own the libs.” The GOP politicians do not care, as long as they get their extremely right wing judges, and get to raid this country for $$$.