The Inspector general is reviewing new changes made by postmaster General Louis DeJoy that slowed down mail service by eliminating worker service and hundreds of sorting machines. This comes a day after President Trump said he opposed United States Postal Service funding because he doesn't want to see it used for mail-in voting this November.
#CNN #News
DeJoy should be removed immediately!!!
Yes, how cannot it be a conflict of interest? Where are all the locks and measures to prevent this from happening?
@Don’z Lockz what is the conflict? DeJoy owned a freight company, how much freight does usps move, 0
I sense another inspector general is about to be fired.
If he fires this one, he will open up being impeached again.
Hope not. Isn’t trump hurting his own cult?
@OneBigBugga Oh please!
He’s also messing with people’s jobs and livelihood
@David H :- It doesn’t take a never trumper to realize that that idiot in the Whitehouse will do anything to stay in power, including making the U.S. Postal Service even more inefficient and prone to tipping the balance with regards to mail-in votes. The Republican party has been afraid of American voters for years now, and especially now with an incompetent buffoon in the presidency.
Yes he is. Thank goodness I’m almost done
@David H mismanaged absolutely
@Richard Hunt who did he kill idiot?
@dankpimp06 t
wasn’t that ‘ Trumps ‘ ideA?
Unreal. You’ve got the POTUS actively trying to undermine a democratic election in order to get him reelected just like some dictatorships in 3th world countries. I wonder: when enough is enough? When will our nation wake up an demand this dangerous and crazy man to get out?
The post office has been underfunded for years, Obama mocked them in 2009 saying UPS and FedEx are doing fine, you guys covered it.
Dictators don’t allow ballots.
Nov 3…. We gonna put all our outrage into ACTION!!! Power to the people!!!

Look at Russia China and Belarus. BY the way Americans..Putin is assisting in Belarus. Maybe Don’t let him visit America. Maybe send Trump and Putin a message in November. ? ! ?
He is cheating and should be disqualified. Period. He needs to go
@Cinematic Man BS, the statistics show that any kind of voter fraud is negligible…FOOL!
@Cinematic Man you cry about missing ballots but seem impervious to the voter suppression by republics, where they simply don’t count votes or otherwise “list track of them;” particularly when the votes are for the deomctatuc candidate.
@Cinematic Man we’re in the middle of a pandemic, where the trump administration is currently responsible for over 180,000 deaths; apparently that’s not enough people dead, you want people at risk going to vote at the polls…screw you!
@Charlie O. Price I agree with you so why am I a fool?
@Charlie O. Price Voter suppression is not allowing me to vote in person. Voter supression is fireing me if I vote for Trump, Voter suppression is getting beaten up over it, Getting attacked for wearing a hat.
Louis dejoy should be investigated and arrested period
And so should Obama, Clinton Comey, Strzok, McCabe, Rosenstein, Brennan, Clapper and others for the attempted coup against trump. They already indicted one FBI lawyer, and more to come. Sweet!
@rbbartho Oh FFS…. Stop sniffing glue… Your brain cells are sticking.
@Aaura …FBI lawyer pleads guilty in Russia Hoax….
Immediately if not sooner. Trump has turned him into a criminal as he does with everyone who crosses his path.
That’s why he should have been impeached but they didn’t now we’re suffering the consequences
Victor Blüd sorry I don’t swing that way buddy if you want a man to dance for you this isn’t grinder
And trump is your president
@Ant Beats Oh no someone trying to use homosexuality as a negative. How…bland and unoriginal. He isn’t my president and he’s still an impeached/disgraced president and soon to be expresident in an orange jumpsuit so hey, things are looking up.
Victor Blüd someone’s triggered
And he is your president
Victor Blüd I have no problem with you being a homosexual I’m just saying YouTube is the wrong place for you to be trying to pick up on men brotha
Victor Blüd trump 2020
This mail issue is going to have a domino effect. They need to fix this now.
its going to be a bleak Christmas for America…
The post office has been underfunded for years, Obama mocked them in 2009 saying UPS and FedEx are doing fine, you guys covered it.
This is the “ethics” of Republicans. How sickening.
Hopefully not all republicans
I can’t begin to imagine what the republicans would be saying if Obama enacted measures to disrupt the post office leading up to an election during a pandemic.
…exactly! Those GOP sheep enable that evil genius!
@Mindful Observer I may have drunk Kool Aid but you’re eating it dry with a spoon. Which do you think is dumber?
@michael ouellette LOLz thats some rough sand you got in yer vag there kid.
@Ash Roskell you are so right should be a coast to coast strike
Mr DeJoy has exposed himself, at the least, to a charge of “subverting an election”.
Didn’t they expose him? no? You say he instead exposed himself? ok What’s the difference?
@Cinematic Man He himself took action that exposed him to such charges.
@Arnold Fossman Thank you
How is this even happening?? If someone said publicly, “I’m going to break into abc Bank” wouldn’t they be stopped??
The U.S. Senate enabler, Republicans are allowing this to happen.
‘If someone said publicly, “I’m going to break into abc Bank” wouldn’t they be stopped??’
Not if the “police” tasked with enforcing that law have no objection the crime being committed. The republican Senate already showed they have no problems with trump doing whatever he wants.
@R D Yes! Barr is case and point! – – I just thought this was a BLATANT crime. I know Americans take anything to do with the US Post very seriously. I agree with you of course, it still dumbfounds me how a crime in plain sight can be committed.
@joyce Loesch I’m still at a loss. Is this not a *crime being perpetrated in broad daylight* ??!
When the president has control over the speed of mail-in ballots, this country is in big trouble.
Proposal for a safer election
Warren is already giving them hell.
@Christian H Christian, you’re confused. That is what the democrat is doing. They are losing voters by the droves and are desperate for new votres. They don’t want voter iD, favor voting rights for non citizens and 16 year olds, and now they want mail-in ballots that are not secure. Trump favors absentee ballots. If you can go shopping, you should have no problem going to the polls.
Go vote in person then.
Those are lies perpetuated by the democrats and media allies. Trump just denied it. Go to your polls and vote, same as going shopping. So, stop whining, little girl.
This dangerous buffoon is trying everything within his power to stay in power.
Trump 2020
He’s acting like Putin with Putin’s directives. In other words, there’s a bonafide traitor in the White House.
@Patricia McKenzie that doesn’t really make any sense.
Patricia McKenzie I totally agree with you sis! #Biden/Harris2020 #VoteBue2020
@Duane Harington Right! Trump for Prison 2020

Lock him up! Lock him up!
Bye-Don 2020
This is so worrisome. It’s like a god damn robbery, a dictatorship !
close from using tanks and the army to suppress and intimidate voters!
This is easily like that voting scene from the Sacha Baron Cohen movie ‘Dictator’.. Trump is
He just made the Post Office people hate Trump. He had the machines removed, now they have to do the labor by hand. Bet you they won’t want to do it again after the elections. I think he kneecap him self.
This is worth going to the polls to vote against.
Trump 2Q2Q! WWG1WGA!
Trump 2020!!!!
Equality Evermore I’m disabled & immune compromised but I am seriously considering voting in person just to vote trump out!
@Tech ti moron
Trump is doing it again, distraction from the deaths of the vrus.
The “virus” is a joke
Oklahoma had a 1500 day of positives and Trump wants us to sacrifice our children for the stock market.
America: First World potential, Third World actions.
The US is more of a 2nd world country. Since a large portion of the US still doesn’t have access to bandwidth internet.
The UN should send independent election observers to the USA!
… and Trumpturds want to keep it that way!
After someone chooses to be a Republican their brain shuts down.
18 US Code 1703 DENIES him the authority to “slow down the mail”
Every single person involved in it needs to be fined and locked up for 5 years, that is the maximum defined in the law.