1. @John Herold under Trump my taxes were 12% then Biden got in office and raised it to 85% I was forced to move overseas or go bankrupt and more companies been moving overseas because of it

    2. @Jeremiah Jenkins RIGHT and if only your orange demi god would come back RIGHT! you could come back to U.S RIGHT! And the world could great again RIGHT! GIVE U.S A BREAK

    3. @Basement Dweller go back to your basement & STOP trying to show off that bogus degree from tRUMP University! In the ART of the BS! PU! STINKY

    1. Hilariously stupid. Nope. 25 Top accomplishments of President Donald J. Trump
      1. Executive order enacted Jan. 1, 2021 requiring hospitals to provide medical prices to patients upfront so they can shop around.

      2. Reversing the ascent of the Islamic extremist terrorist group ISIS.

      3. “Most Favored Nation” executive order so that the U.S. (through Medicare) would pay no more for a drug than what’s offered to foreign countries, saving the U.S. an estimated “$85 billion in savings over seven years and $30 billion in out-of-pocket costs.”

      4. Moving the U.S. embassy in Israel to the capital of Jerusalem.

      5. Building more than 450 miles of new and replacement border wall.

      6. Leading U.S. to a level of energy independence (exporting more oil than importing for the first time in 70 years), allowing international policy decisions to be made with less regard to how an oil nation we once relied on would respond.

      7. No new wars.

      8. Drastic reduction in regulations, opening the door for entrepreneurs and businesses to succeed, expand, and hire more people. According to the Trump administration, they promised to eliminate two regulations for every new one, but actually wound up eliminating 8 old regulations for every 1 new regulation adopted, equating into an extra $3,100 a year for the average American household.

      9. Expanding Republican reach among African Americans and other constituents who traditionally lean Democrat.

      10. Cutting taxes in an initiative that benefitted every tax bracket.

      11. Doubled the child tax credit.

      12. Operation Warp Speed: accelerated development of coronavirus vaccines.

      13. Eliminated the Obamacare penalty.

      14. A series of trade agreements and changes seen as beneficial to Americans, including replacing NAFTA with USMCA.

      15. Instead of 2-for-1, we eliminated 8 old regulations for every 1 new regulation adopted.

      16. Provided the average American household an extra $3,100 every year.

      17. Started the Space Force.

      18. Instituted “Right to Try,” allowing terminally ill patients to use potentially lifesaving, unproven treatments.

      19. Prioritized and made permanent funding for historically black colleges.

      20. Brokered peace deals or normalization agreements between Israel and five Muslim and Arab-Muslim countries.

      21. Banned the teaching of “Critical Race Theory” in the federal government.

      22. Withdrew from Iran nuclear deal.

      23. Withdrew from the Paris Climate Accord.

      24. Instituted a Buy American policy within federal agencies.

      25. Achieved a $400 billion increase in contributions by NATO allies by 2024 with the number of members meeting their minimum obligations doubling.

  1. Vote republican for the total destruction of our Republic.
    Vote Democratic in 22&24 and we may still have a chance to save our Republic of the people, by the people and for the people.

    1. Last I checked… censorship is the first step towards losing democracy…. Those on the right certainly aren’t doing it. This entirely being done by the left.

  2. Where’s Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon? Was there some sort of career ending rivalry, or is your network dying even faster than your influence? Without airport TV contracts CNN wouldn’t even exsit.

    1. The Democrat’s assault on Democracy is being dealt a swift blow with Nancy Pelosi’s termination in about a week by the people of America. 🦅 🇺🇸

    2. That’s because they’re not talking to you. They’re talking to other dims. They want them to think that there’s a rivalry because it gives hope. Even facetious hope is better than no hope.

  3. Responding to the comment/ question:

    “I don’t know why they tiptoe around this subject..”

    It’s called “Walking On Eggshells ” it’s a huge RED FLAG that you’re in a relationship with an abuser.

  4. Geez! if I was a Republican running in NY the last person I’d want stumping for me is DeSantis, well maybe Trump.

  5. As a third party voter looking in, I don’t see Trump running in 24. Don’t get me wrong I think Trump will draw media attention up until the decision deadline for running. I can see DeDantis running instead.

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