“The energy was there. The costumes had been bought for years. They had been sartorially prepping for this moment since 2016. Someone finally said, “Go!” and it happened,” says Jordan Klepper on covering the Trump-incited riot at the Capitol. Aired on 01/19/2021.
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#JordanKlepper #Capitol #MSNBC
Inside MAGA: The Daily Show’s Jordan Klepper On Covering The Capitol Siege | All In | MSNBC
He’d still have a show if he had a different time slot.
That’s why you tube’s important. Watch when appropriate!
Americans have a TV watching ritual which is pretty well planned out. We get home from work at 5:30, watch the evening national news which is a half hour block, then we watch the local news for another half hour, get dinner, and sit back down for the sports game of the day or some other “prime time” show at 7:00. Prime time usually has comedy and drama shows, like game of thrones, the office, and others. This time block ends at 10:00pm and shows tend to shift over to news for another half hour. After the news comes the late night comedy, Fallon, Kimmel, Seth Meyers, and Saturday Night Live. After this first hour block of comedy, most people are tired, and so the second hour of comedy is not often watched.
The show was great and I still recommend the journalist school segment as an expose into right wing misinformation. It is a great insight into how the right wing media presents stories that have facts but aren’t factual. The only problem is that to parody these people takes you so far right it’s hard to stay away from the hateful elements to provide humor.
@first last yea….that is true…ritual is changing though
Gtis that
oh good
The daily show really knows talent
Is that why their ratings have been in the toilet since Noah?
@Nobody Nobody I dont watch anymore
@jeff cook exactly
I like trevor noah, he is funny and pretty smart. But now that u mention his supporting cast, i dont find them funny at all and seems like they are trying to hard. They eont have that natural humor. More like amatures.
@bonbons525 his jokes are very childish. Doesn’t hold a candle Stewart or even Jordan.
Please Jordan Klepper keep exposing these people, even after Trump is gone. They will still be there. You are hilarious and you are a hero!
Indeed we will.
@Sherwinvega18 turds in hand, ready to start smearing, I’m sure.
Watch Klepper! Great show he did while he was off the daily show. He even got arrested for his activism.
@redundancycheck lovely. What was the charge?
Honestly, I’m glad he had security. Was honestly concerned when watching that segment.
I don’t think there was any way he would do it without security, especially as he said, after the election. His cameraman is lucky he didn’t get more hurt.
So happy this guy is finally getting more exposure outside of Comedy Central. Brilliant brilliant wit.
Agreed! He’s help kept me sane. His ability to get these people to speak so freely is so funny
he had a great docuseries of his own [also on comedy central though] called klepper .. too bad it got canceled
i think portions of it are available on youtube!
He’s just amazingly brave. I was always so nervous, and when he talks about the guy falling down and accusing him, it feels like what I was expecting all the time, and yes, it happened, but they never showed that.
I’m torn about that.
Trevor gave him a chance….twice actually. But I love that guy. He was the only one white enough to do what he did in the team.
I’ve been saying this forever. He’s the only thing that made watching Daily Show funny again. I can’t stand Trevor Noah. His stand ups don’t translate to Daily Show anchoring :/
Jordan Klepper roasting these stable geniuses is the only thing I’ll miss about this presidency.
@B. P. I’m not a barista, nor have I ever been a barista. I don’t even drink coffee LOL. Fake news spreading like wildfire. I think the original reply just assumes anyone that dislikes Trump is left leaning and anyone that leans left is a barista…from what I gathered from their broken English. And again, nothing wrong with being a barista. I just don’t happen to be one.
I’ll scan in a copy of my resume’ to everyone in the comment chain.
@Rebecca Ratliff if an immigrant that just showed up can take your job, you need another job. How many guns were confiscated under Obama Biden? You fools are too funny.
@Rebecca Ratliff relying on the federal reserve for the rest of your life. You realize that Nixon a Republican took us off the gold standard. Of course you don’t. You are just a clueless parrot repeating the lies you were spoon fed. 8 of the last 9 recessions happened under a Republican administration. Fyi
@Rebecca Ratliff Jews were not persecuted for their political belief, but for their birth. I’m actually trying to find anything accurate in your post, but no luck.
@Rebecca Ratliff 1890. A whaler says millions of jobs have been lost to this useless petroleum. So much cluelessness in one place.
If he wasn’t a 6’4″ white guy he wouldn’t have gotten out of these rallies alive
@Nobody Nobody whatabout this whatabout that. Donald Trump and his insane cult are traitorous liars. America. Love it or leave it punk.
@Bob Smith Are you serious??
@Random Guy It was literally a Klan mob with Confederate flags, Camp Auchwitz shirts and a gallows with a NOOSE! Seriously, you’re really that fragilie?
@Jay Wilkinson Um he’s at a rally surrounded by Irrational wt people with Confederate flags, Auchwitz shirts, a gallows with a NOOSE to hang people. They were screaming F Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA. It’s a RACIST anti press MOB dude

not exactly the safest place for a BLACK reporter
Did you even go to school? This is like Reason 101
This man is quick, hilarious and sharp as a tack!!
never have a battle of wits with a comedian…they talk shyt for a living!
Although you don’t have to be smart to outsmart these people
@Chris, Just Chris Don’t forget the tiny
s of Dump and his supporters.
You got it
Ftis that
oh good
Soldier cosplay

OMG I’m going to start using that. Watch who melts 

I just say they’re a bunch of grown men still playing GI Joe.
@tom mcfeely guaranteed most of those guys are probably single, their exes moved on to someone more successful and actually decent, so now to vent their anger they dress up as fake soldiers and try to pretend.
Military LARPers.
They’re cosplaytriots
Soon I will drink to celebrate, rather than to cope.
@Wally World Honey bun, dude, you gotta get the laws passed! Get off your couch!
Yeah, I know it’s hard. lol
Special People……I’d been saving a bottle of expensive red wine for 4 years only for this occasion ….I’m ready to follow the transfer of power on television as well as having a conference call with some good friends ….I do not want to get drunk, I want to enjoy very minute of it……GOSHHH 4 years !!!!.
She’s obviously a Trump University graduate !
Maybe just be a stable genius with a good brain?
I didn’t know Trump had a twin brother

and damned proud of it!
@Ttd Ttd also you are using taiwanese writing, not normal chinese writing
Ya think. Most of them are semi illiterate iignorant idiots, it’s no wonder they come out with the crap they churn out.
It’s like Televised Wrestling for the politically perverse underachievers
Jerry Springer should be proud.
Jordans’ segments were the best thing to come out of the Trump era.
Because he can’t be funny on his own. Its easy to poke fun at someone you can literally make anything up about any others will believe it. If only they knew the truth they would see Trump is the greatest president ever. I’m not saying he’s a great person. not saying he has the best personality, not saying his character is top notch….
I’m saying as a president, he has done more for America and her allies than a lot of others would or could have.
All you have to do is search Trump accomplishments . If you don’t do that and you still hate Trump after this, even after Trump has never done anything wrong, just name the worst thing he ever done . okay now weigh that against just 1 good he’s done. That 1 good thing will outweigh all that “bad”. I say it because there’s so much fake news and I never liked Trump before. Now I do because of what he has done. I formulate my own opinions and see more than 1 side. This video is 1 sided its biased. Just keep searching and you’ll find. The truth will set you free. Not Trump not Biden, not Clinton, not anyone but the truth!
@Hey It’s Drew lol you must be on acid to believe that dribble. By the way watch out for dragons.
@kaylanbaby particularly Seth Meyers’s impression of Rudy Giuliani
@Hey It’s Drew oh so _that’s_ how you excuse his “caping” a 13yo.
(YouTube won’t let me write the real word.)
I wanna cry… That woman…. She sounded drunk but so so ignorant
@ABBRA KADABRA I could find any number of these kinds of interviews with someone from “your” side saying incredibly stupid things. Does that make you a moron for having some similar beliefs?
My point was that the true idiots are those who take these interviews seriously as being representative of the other side.
@davetseng99 if they were fair? Have u seen the complilations? Read a comment section, or witnesses any of the happenings? This isn’t abnormal for them in the slightest. There is no excuse for this.
Yep, drunk with ignorance.
Perfect description of these fools is drunk on ignorance.
She was talking about her constant quarrel with her husband
I love when Jordan Klepper brings out the ignorance from these people

I beg to differ, he exposes it!
I say he tricks them
@Mark Sanchez -He tricks them by asking questions only they can answer? Nah, they’re just really stupid.
It’s not exactly difficult to expose Trump supporters for what they are which is mainly

Ignorance! you mean stupidity. they are just plain stupid.
He is funny and brilliant! I’m glad he wasn’t hurt!!
He was white enough to do it.
I would have been a member of Klepper’s security team for free.
Facts him Bill Burr, Dave Chappelle, Jon Oliver need to protected at all costs.
“Soldier cosplay” a perfect way to describe it.
@Ralph Hernandez Yup, that’s it, you nailed it lol
I mean, it describes them perfectly. They play at being soldiers, at being patriots, and end up deluding themselves into thinking that that’s who they really are
@Ralph Hernandez That’s a good one. I like to call them Faketriots
Seriously the guy on his knees, then getting up whining about he was attacked… just perfect symbol of their stupidity.
And that is what he did to feel smart….
“Is it possible, that a President who has NEVER polled above 50%, just lost an election? And he’s just sore about it?”
-Jordan Klepper