Inside Look At Seattle’s Capitol Hill Organized Protest Zone After Shooting | MSNBC

After a third shooting in Seattle's self-declared Capitol Hill Organized Protest zone, tensions are rising between the protesters and the city. NBC News' Steve Patterson gives an inside look into the current state of CHOP. Aired on 6/29/2020.
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Inside Look At Seattle's Capitol Hill Organized Protest Zone After Shooting | MSNBC


    1. @Butch L Republicans will use all of this in ads – Golden, Marxists can’t even run a park and 3 blocks of city street without creating a clusterfuck

    2. Butch L are you sure bout that. Cause every republican has publicly said something against it. Yet not one democrat has

    1. the leftist drones who live on the msnbc channel will avoid this video
      they’re probably trying to force youtube to take it down

    1. @Butch L
      That was a horrible video. Soy reverend?
      Speaking of calming down, 5 shootings now in CHAZ. Sounds very “peaceful”.
      That’s not White Supremacist doing that… Just saying.

    2. @Butch L
      I also wanted to mention, dozens of Churches were attacked by “Black Lies Matter”. No Mosques were attacked, even though Mohammed had slaves.

      If Liberals didn’t have double standards, you would have no Standards at all.

    3. So did BLM, The Mayor, The Police Chief,The Gov. Etc… They all begged Trump not to shut it down with Military support over 3 weeks ago.

  1. The mayor’s trying to save face trying to bait Trump into straightening it out and it failed lol
    People in Seattle are so stupid they’ll probably elect her again. Stupid is as stupid does.

    1. @Fletch oh my God not in King County the taxes go up every year really expensive to live here. I don’t see property going down here at all.

    2. Just so you know, you have to look at more then one media outlet to get the truth, all this stuff is spun and if it has an opinion it isn’t News. Do you believe yourself to be christian? Because if you do, the things Jesus teaches are not what you are showing to the world. Want to fix America

  2. Seattle has lost probably billions of dollars. The streets are filthy,, I mean what is the agenda of these people.
    So many people are taking advantage of the situation and needs to be brought to an end people’s livelihoods are being destroyed their housing their safety just so you could have a whole bunch of agitators right on the walls give me a break.

    1. There are a lot of grownups doing nothing right now and I agree they should be locked up, especially the ones in the white house.

  3. This entire thing has gotten out of control. This should have been cleared up 3 weeks ago. Protesters take over a city . What happened to their city and state government ?

    1. what are you trying to say? there is a security guard that needs to be Charged? Are you saying that Security is in the hands of murderers? please enlighten me.

    2. @Butch L wtf are are you rambling about? CHOP “Security” just murdered a child…they should be arrested like the rest of them in CHOP

    3. @Ima Kitty Cat Right where the one for the 1 and 3 year olds just murdered in Chicago…nowhere…you think BLM is going to go to the Southside and protest that?
      Its a joke

  4. They are killing each other. Anyone with a brain saw it coming. So the Mayor of Seattle was definitely wrong about the summer of love comment! She should resign.

  5. He is clueless as to details of what really happened. How they re-shape things to fit their narrative is sickening.

  6. Mayor Durkan, Governor Inslee, Chief of Police Best, have all failed the
    citizens and taxpayers of Seattle. They have all neglected their sworn
    duty. If not them then who? Who will help the citizens? This is
    beyond belief.

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