Inside China’s new lab conducting late-stage Covid-19 vaccine trials

CNN's David Culver takes us inside a brand new vaccine lab in China and speaks to scientists there about how close they are to a coronavirus vaccine.
#CNN #News

Inside China's new lab conducting late-stage Covid-19 vaccine trials


    1. Yashar’el in Captivity dude your an idiot, those numbers are fake, there counting unrelated deaths as covid , gosh you people are real sheeps 🐑 it was done to boost the mortality rate because not enough people are dying it’s a 0.032% mortality rate, meaning it’s a hoax and was overhyped and you were lied to by the enemy of the people the media, your probably going to be ignorant and discredit me but that’s okay I already your answer. You cnn people are something else 🤦‍♂️

    1. @D W I was referring to the WHO’s time line.
      I don’t know if China has them in their pocket, but over the last 9 months more than a dozen have had charges brought against them in the US because on non disclosure / providing material support to the Chinese government.
      Give the Epoch Times news paper a read, they are pretty good.

    2. @camjamsdad sorry dude. The Chinese general wasn’t crazy just putting out propaganda.
      It’s a virus found on bats 600 miles south of Wuhan.

  1. *”I believe them and I respect them being able to tell their story and having the courage to do it,”* – Kamala Harris

    1. But on the other hand he’s not a bad-guy. After all he picked me to be VP. All those Bitches are liars!


    3. @Simple Guy “I don’t like Joe Biden and do not like his history with certain people or who he’s aligned with,he’s trash to me.” – Kamala Harris
      June 2019

  2. The most stupid mistake in the history of the country is Trump’s 45th appointment as President of America.

    1. @Mindflayer 03 instantly showing your gullible ignorance with that bleach line. Lol you’re stupid enough to believe the media when they said the potus was actually telling people to inject bleach. How sad for you.

    1. @Yashar’el in Captivity The Democrats will most likely accept the genetics altering vaccine once they start rolling it out. I bet they are okay with stuff that will make them animals once it is injected

    2. @S500 Triumph We need to wake up these idiots too as difficult as this maybe…before it is too late. The enemy is the 1% ruling this Planet. They need to be tried for Crimes Against Humanity. I am in favor of not even holding trials. It is either them or us. We can worry about political affiliation later.

    3. ​@Yashar’el in Captivity Interestingly, these criminals are known and they are not many as you think> I guess they are terrified about Trump’s second term because some of them could be rounded or exposed< Most of them are the elite in democratic party and have been controlling basically how you live including what you eat> I am posting from Africa where I also live because I am concerned with the events in America< Should the U.S fall, the rest of the world will fall too because the Dems are working with Chinese communist party to establish what I can call Satanic new world order

    1. @Nalita Cloud9 what I never said we need to live in quarantine for the next 5 years don’t even need now all they keep saying are cases and deaths if you dig any deeper there’s nothing but confusion if Fauci is supposed to be the expert here then why is he so absolutely clueless

    2. You do not have to to trust. 1.4 BN people trust it, cuz this government is the only one who can control and beat the Covid but Trump government cannot definitely.

  3. He’ll “warp speed” a poorly tested, unsafe vaccine that he says he and his cult won’t take and no one else will trust.

  4. This clip is praising china for the exact same thing that trump has done. Only real difference is that the U.S has stricter regulations.

  5. “Judge somebody by the content of their character and not the color of their skin.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

    1. @Christopher Lawn You’re contradicting to yourself.. If Chinese just copy and make cheap products, then why all the factories including luxury ones are in China..

    2. @Hua Tian Because people invent things then they use your countries for slave labor. Which is wrong but you do to your own people.
      Even if they patent or copyright, your country does not follow the rules and copies it.
      That’s why we have respect for Japan. Their innovation in technology is amazing.
      So I am not contradicting to myself. Your country is a cheat. Always chasing that big fat money cow.

    3. @Christopher Lawn You started to respect Japan AFTER they got bullied in 80s and lost their dominance in global economy.. Back in 60s you claimed Japanese had small hands and their TVs are cheap craps… I bet you don’t read a lot – that’s common knowledge if you care to read a little bit on the Internet..

    4. Christopher Lawn No, it is just simply the US jealous of China’s growth, and you sound like someone who got brainwashed by an ugly orange

    5. @AznAstrondrew 828 This is the last comment because I am sick of talking to stupid children who say stupid thing. There are too many on here.
      China has grown, YES. From slave labor, YES. From lowed paid workers, HELL YES!
      Is China’s per capita GDP 87th in the world, YES. That is shameful and nothing at all to be proud of.
      China is a scummy nation. It is grown from cheap labor. The only power they have. Without it they would go broke.
      There is no jealousy here. There is just wise distrust for the big red snake.

    1. This is a very basic overview of virology and immunology in relation to this pandemic that for some bizarre reason are not being discussed by the scientific mainstream. There are likely dozens if not hundreds of corona virus antibody immunity’s in all of us right now from historic past pandemic outbreaks. Right now in present time there are 7 corona viruses circulating the globe that nobody really even knows exist by virulence dilution from our internal immune defense mechanisms and antigenic shift (mutations). (This is also precisely the reason why there has never before in history been an effective vaccine for a cor/virus, the virulence is invariably weakened and the spike and surface proteins will have altered multiple times by the Ribosome’s error prone replication system inside the cells nucleus long before any vaccine has time to be developed and tested). Even though SARS-cov-2 is considered a novel virus, our immune system recognize cov19 at least in a partial RNA sequencing and the foreign invader is usually snuffed with relative ease and commonality. In microgenetics terms by definition there are no such things as a totally novel and independently genetically coded virus, they all share similar RNA sequencing and hijacked and borrowed protein micromachinery. This is precisely why Sars-cov-2 goes undetected and is completely benign and harmless in the vast majority of the populations infections because there is partial antibody T-Cell memorization recall recognition occurring with almost everyone across the globe, making the virulence malignancy very weak within the healthy population. The problems only really occur with corona as with flu virus infections when the immune system is damaged or isn’t working properly from immunity degradation in very old people or people with severe chronic comorbidity’s or other immunocomromise diseases.

    1. Gary what about Fox News? They should do it too if CCN is doing it. I see where you get your news from fox.

    1. Nalita Cloud9 important you do what’s great for you. That’s all that counts. I’ll keep being me

    2. @William Greene This is a very basic overview of virology and immunology in relation to this pandemic that for some bizarre reason are not being discussed by the scientific mainstream. There are likely dozens if not hundreds of corona virus antibody immunity’s in all of us right now from historic past pandemic outbreaks. Right now in present time there are 7 corona viruses circulating the globe that nobody really even knows exist by virulence dilution from our internal immune defense mechanisms and antigenic shift (mutations). (This is also precisely the reason why there has never before in history been an effective vaccine for a cor/virus, the virulence is invariably weakened and the spike and surface proteins will have altered multiple times by the Ribosome’s error prone replication system inside the cells nucleus long before any vaccine has time to be developed and tested). Even though SARS-cov-2 is considered a novel virus, our immune system recognize cov19 at least in a partial RNA sequencing and the foreign invader is usually snuffed with relative ease and commonality. In microgenetics terms by definition there are no such things as a totally novel and independently genetically coded virus, they all share similar RNA sequencing and hijacked and borrowed protein micromachinery. This is precisely why Sars-cov-2 goes undetected and is completely benign and harmless in the vast majority of the populations infections because there is partial antibody T-Cell memorization recall recognition occurring with almost everyone across the globe, making the virulence malignancy very weak within the healthy population. The problems only really occur with corona as with flu virus infections when the immune system is damaged or isn’t working properly from immunity degradation in very old people or people with severe chronic comorbidity’s or other immunocomromise diseases.

    3. Different Persons first of do not need education about this at all. You should of wrote your own comment rather then reply to my comment. Do take care

    4. @William Greene In 2009, while preparing for a series of comeback concerts, This Is It, Jackson died from an overdose of propofol administered by his personal physician, Conrad Murray. Fans around the world expressed their grief, and Jackson’s public memorial service was broadcast live.

    5. Different Persons okay great you have great knowledge. Enjoy. Still if the vaccine works? Great blessings. Obviously no one knows yet?

    1. Now, don’t be racsist…
      There’s plenty of Sheniqua’s, Maria’s and Lynn’s out there too.
      That attitude ain’t just for Ole Whytie McDevil…

  6. This is a very basic overview of virology and immunology in relation to this pandemic that for some bizarre reason are not being discussed by the scientific mainstream. There are likely dozens if not hundreds of corona virus antibody immunity’s in all of us right now from historic past pandemic outbreaks. Right now in present time there are 7 corona viruses circulating the globe that nobody really even knows exist by virulence dilution from our internal immune defense mechanisms and antigenic shift (mutations). (This is also precisely the reason why there has never before in history been an effective vaccine for a cor/virus, the virulence is invariably weakened and the spike and surface proteins will have altered multiple times by the Ribosome’s error prone replication system inside the cells nucleus long before any vaccine has time to be developed and tested). Even though SARS-cov-2 is considered a novel virus, our immune system recognize cov19 at least in a partial RNA sequencing and the foreign invader is usually snuffed with relative ease and commonality. In microgenetics terms by definition there are no such things as a totally novel and independently genetically coded virus, they all share similar RNA sequencing and hijacked and borrowed protein micromachinery. This is precisely why Sars-cov-2 goes undetected and is completely benign and harmless in the vast majority of the populations infections because there is partial antibody T-Cell memorization recall recognition occurring with almost everyone across the globe, making the virulence malignancy very weak within the healthy population. The problems only really occur with corona as with flu virus infections when the immune system is damaged or isn’t working properly from immunity degradation in very old people or people with severe chronic comorbidity’s or other immunocomromise diseases.

  7. China: It is a competition with virus. We must be faster than virus transmission.
    US: America first…

    Go, US. Make a vaccine and don’t smear and rob others.

  8. I love how CNN clips off Trump’s speech so that they can claim, he is doing it for the election. When he states he is doing it to save lives and not for election right after where CNN cut off the video. Here is the link, if you need a fact check:

  9. China is a role modell how to handle the pandemic from early on. On january 20th, China announced human to human transmission,only three days later they put 10% of worlds population under lockdown and stopped the pandemic in China within 56 days (Wuhan 76 days). Since then, China is virus-free, only foreign countries like the US spread the virus into China, but these Americans get quarantined immediatly after entering China.

    1. China is authoritarian régime. If Trump did 1 percent of what China did he be named a dictator by the fake news.

    2. @Jonathan Cruz69You are right …only by the fake news. The serious news wouldn`t name him a dictator if he would copy the successful strategy of the Chinese leader to stop the pandemic within 56 days.

  10. My colleagues took the vaccine today, and I’m also volunteering to take it next round.
    The news didn’t show the fact that apart from those front line workers at borders or government workers who are based overseas, most of people who taking the vaccine are taking it voluntarily.
    When facing a global crisis, I think Chinese people are generally have a sense of responsibility. Not because of the guilt Trump think, but because most Chinese people are always thinking about others.
    I am not a communism party member, but personally I just feel the need, the duty we young people need to take, to help the world be better. Only for that, I can be proud to be a human.
    I sincerely hope me, my colleagues and all other volunteers around world, for all candidate vaccines, can be safe, and can make the vaccine and the cure happens.
    Wish you all safe. Just wait us a little longer.

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