Infectious diseases physician, Dr. Nahid Bhadelia, joins Morning Joe to discuss the surge in coronavirus cases in the South and Southwest and the president's new tweet about the virus. Aired on 6/26/2020.
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Infectious Diseases Doctor: We Need To Fight Virus At Local Level | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Trump s supporters willing to die for him.
..this is what carnage looks like
@Computer User – Look for them where construction materials are sold, like Home Depot or Lowes. I found mine at a granite counter top fabrication tool supplier called GranQuartz.
@Jack Black Tell your president.The’s a Republican you know, The Right takes their cues from him. You don’t need to state the obvious to us but we seem to have to State the obvious to you.
@Jeff Haddix – Yes, “science denying Liberals” was a bit much, I admit. I converse with those on the right and on the left. The common thread I get from Liberals is that they were told something so they believe it (very little self research and facts on their part). The right is all about research and facts but, they fall short when it comes to empathy (which I also chide them for). Excessively dominant hemispheres is truly our divide (90% nurture, not nature). Surely, we can bring it back into more of a balance…?
@Jack Black They are all out, I went to 20 stores and all stores are out. People are buying these masks like they are being discontinued.
Just please don’t bite never trumpers, trumpets
Anyone who believes what he says, needs a shrink as much as he does. More.
@Dave Vir .
anyone who ignores this needs a shrink! Imagine ignoring something this important and crucial! somone de man ding a pro secu tor ( in vest i gat ing h is s o n ) b e re mo ve d i n ex ch ang e for U S a i d m o ney ?
Qanon followers need to have their heads scanned, just to see if they have any brains at all. They’re the disease that perpetuates all of tRump’s lies.
@zztzgza Who is q anon? Im following $ and b ri bes
Says the Man who supports a Party that has TDS already !
Step One: Get Donald Trump out of the way!
Step two get rid of republicans in senate
@sataniccookiemonster Yeah and ban President Stupid as well, 120,000 plus. and he calls it fake. The only thing fake is his intelligence. He’s got to be the worst president America has ever had. The republican party are coming round to accepting what he is, before they lose any more voters.
Step one, find out the REAL quid pro quo call Step 2 Get mad at the l i e s !
@Wonder Wonderful
@Wonder Wonderful
Everything done to stop virus has been done on state level, federal government has done nothing
@newmove I thought it was all trumps fault though? If he doesnt control each state or county, how has he abandoned us? I dont want a dictator! So far Trump seems fair, letting each area decide for themselves.
Which virus?
He was never with us, stupid.
@newmove but was he ever there for us anyway?
@Mark Martin stupid????
Betcha we’re going to see foreclosures again and people on the streets in the middle of a pandemic, Thanks again to the GOP
Macy’s is starting to lay off ppl already now states like NY and Nj will have to lay off first responders b/c of all the money we had to spend on covid with no help from the fed. I wonder where unemployment will be in OCT?
@orphan 200 30%
The end of July is when the unemployment stimulus runs out, and 40 million of us lose our income.
We’re about to see some real hurt!
@Computer User easily
People still don’t believe that a Virus is out there!!
Trump and his Zombies are the mayor cause of so many infections and deaths!
The respirator death rate is 90%
Ban the respirator
themooch that’s not true but even if it were did you ever consider that without a respirator the mortality rate would be 100%
What people still dont believe is Who reall was quid pro quo ing ? ev en de man ding a pro secu tor ( in vest i gat ing h is s o n ) b e re mo ve d i n ex ch ang e for U S a i d m o ney ?
Yes it’s correct
But I find it quite disingenuous on your part to say I have made up facts and then you go and quote some made up fact for your rebuttal. We know the covid mortality rate on its own is not 90%.
Trump should quit encouraging those looters and arsonists and statue vandalising liberals!
These state’s that are spiking are are mostly Republican states. These governors refuses to listen, refuses issue mandates and now wants to do something. We also have a lot of selfish, uncaring, do what they want to do citizens in this county. This country is not setting an example in controling this virus.
Every blue state has its red (rural) areas. So, even some blue states are seeing spikes, especially in their more rural areas.
Setting an example on the world stage hasnt been a priority. Remember scratch my back, ill scratch yours? De man ding so m e on e s t ep do w n in ex cha nge??
The virus is weakening ! And yes Stupid Millenials aren’t listening ! Do they Ever !
@Poe Desta-Emil Scandali I’ve never clicked on a YouTube link from a comment section. Why do you waste your time posting that stupid ship that nobody’s ever gonna look at?
*Trump lives in fairyland… he wishes things away… then he declares they are gone. States must act to control Coreonavirus at a local level… like Hawaii is doing.*
Just think if every mayor and governor were able to put politics aside and come out with a single unified message and response?
@JSK Yeah that would be great. Or if we had one guy we all elected who would coordinate buying so we wouldn’t get gouged and we’d know who needed what, where and when. That would be amazing.
The White House Stands in Disneyland, this country must be under a curse. Dumb Jerk Trump = Worse than Nixon and Agnew. Gonna take years to clean up the mess he’s leaving behind him.
No ! That’s what DemoRats do ! And you are a Fairy !
Steve Sanzari been dropping some bad lsd lately?
I’m watching Lindsey Graham advertisement commercial and I’m truly amazed he does not look drunk or hungover that’s pretty rare
Donald proclaims that he is a wartime president , does that mean you can do him for war crimes ?

He’s a lot of things but wartime president isn’t one of them.
@newmove Do you mean the bonespurs wartime president hiding in his bunker.
No but you can do your Homosexual Father !
@Steve Sanzari Maybe I should introduce him to you.
No need to panic, while the rest of the world is dealing with the coronavirus Adolf Twitler is tackling the real issues like “picking up a small glass of water” and “how to slowly shuffle down a slight decline with a full diaper”
Adolf Twitter, Lovely!
I agree with you
but who stepped down in ex c h ange for US a i d money? “we l l , so n o f a bi tc h ”
Sounds Like your Father !
Think about that for a moment, a dope who wants to reduce funding for testing, a 3 year old would know better..
It seems likely that he does know exactly what he is doing. It is no mistake. He wants people to die, and is doing anything it takes to keep the death rate high, while keeping the citizens of US from accurate knowledge of the true facts.
By Trump Illogic,
just take away all medical tests,
and our country will no longer have any sick people
and Trump can claim he eliminated all diseases
To the author of “strike OBAMACARE out”,
Don’t you have a family?
Or,are you an alien from outer space who doesn’t need a good healthcare…?
Just curious…
I dislike trump. But the penalty mandate in Obamacare was disgusting. Imagine having to pay a fine and still have NO INSURANCE, just so others got it for free
@Truth 90 The ACA subsidizes health insurance for those of reduced means. Only Medicaid is free. Many countries require their citizens to have insurance. Without a mandate, that means scofflaws don’t buy insurance, and get their healthcare for free when they get sick, even though they could have bought insurance.
Curious, have you heard of qu id pr o q uo ? we used to care about it a lot; then we all forgot. Some countries didnt forget.
“Infectious Diseases Doctor: We Need To Fight Virus At Local Level” as we, the people of America, are doing when we immediately find out at any given moment, including while on-line, who among us are unwittingly contagious (i.e. pre-symptomatic) in order to convince them to call their doctor and self-quarantine per their doctor in hopes of stopping this pandemic before all our hospitals are overwhelmed.
“Looks like by April, you know, in theory, when it gets a little warmer, it miraculously goes away. I hope that’s true. But we’re doing great in our country.” – Captain Orange
Haven’t those 15 total cases gone down to zero yet?
Guess you don’t work ? Eh !
The stable genius
And Trump wants the Supreme Court to get rid of the ACA right now.
Trump’s going to start blaming people who died and labeling them as never trumper’s
The 120K+ died deliberately to derail his election?
dump logic!
Captain Dumbo. Ship going under and his taking the country down with him.
Next: Trump will shut down all hospitals so the hospitalization rate will magically disappear.
By Trump Illogic,
just take away all medical tests,
and our country will no longer have any sick people
and Trump can claim he eliminated all diseases
The worst scary movie ever… Because it is reality:
“The Killer is in the White House”
I like the Sequel better Joyce Duncan does Dallas and the other 49 states !