Dr. William Schaffner discusses how to limit the spread of coronavirus as cases rise before the holidays. Aired on 10/27/2020.
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Infectious Disease Specialist: Going To Be A 'Grim' Winter | MTP Daily | MSNBC
Being a Misanthrope has its Advantages!
Love it!
@SoCal Surfer16 Biden 2020
Lol. The same Biden’s who made a $E# tape with beau Biden’s daughter???
You cultists defend the strangest people
@SoCal Surfer16 Blue wave next week butthead
@Bill Orcutt naw, the American people are sick of leftist cultists burning down communities of color in their black shirts.
Didn’t Mussolini’s black shirts wear black shirts too??? What’s it like being on the wrong side of history?
Per the CDC – Survival Rates for Covid-19:
Ages 0-19 99.997%
Ages 20-49 99.98%
Ages 50-69 99.5%
Age 70+ 94.6%
The US public supporting Trump, not wearing masks and prattling on about personal freedoms paint a rather poor portrait of US intelligence.
@geofo60 Geof Harris I think you are going to be very disappointed.
If Biden is going to win, why is face book and Google censoring all new political messages from Trump??? Hahahaha liberal inbreeding Nazi cultists hate and fear free speech
*The Big 3 Tax Cut Lies That Democrats Keep Telling*
Aug 2017 https://www.investors.com/politics/editorials/get-ready-for-the-deluge-of-tax-cut-lies-from-democrats/
*Income Taxes:* With President Trump turning his attention to tax reform, Democrats are busy dusting off their shopworn claims about federal income taxes. Almost nothing they say about taxes is true.
Trump plans to make a pitch for tax reform on Wednesday at an event in Springfield, Mo. He will likely explain that tax cuts are the key to a bigger economy, more jobs and increased incomes. Pundits are busy explaining that getting tax reform done this year won’t be easy. True enough. But it will be made more difficult because of misinformation spread by Democrats and their allies in the press about the U.S. tax code.
*Here are the three big lies:*
Bush tax cuts didn’t work. “The American people,” says Winnie Stachelberg of the Center for American Progress, “know from experience under the Bush era that tax cuts for millionaires and corporations will not benefit the U.S. economy, jobs, or the middle class.” They also supposedly boosted the deficit.
Democrats have been peddling this lie for so long that no amount of hard data will likely stop them. But here goes, anyway.
Federal deficits steadily declined after Bush signed the 2003 tax law, which retroactively cut income tax rates — the deficits dropped from $470 billion in 2004 to $167 billion by 2007.
The economy perked up, with GDP jumping 6.9% in Q3 2003 and 4.8% in Q4. In the six quarters after Bush signed those tax cuts, average quarterly GPD growth topped 4%, compared with 2.1% in the previous six quarters. Anyone want to guess how Obama’s tax hikes affected GDP growth?
By the end of 2007, the unemployment rate had dropped to 4.7% — down from 6.1% when Bush signed the 2003 tax cuts into law. Median household income climbed 3%. Income inequality, meanwhile, didn’t change at all.
It was the financial crisis — which, as we have repeatedly shown in this space, was caused by misguided federal policies first enacted under President Clinton — that erased these gains.
The rich don’t pay their fair share. “The last thing we need is for the tax code to be even more rigged in favor of millionaires, billionaires, and corporate insiders,” claims the organizers of Not One Penny, a liberal coalition that includes the George Soros-backed MoveOn.org.
If by “rigged” liberals mean a tax code under which the top 1% pay 39% of federal income taxes — which is up from 33% in 2001 — and that U.S. the most progressive in the industrialized world, then we’d agree. But the idea that the “rich don’t pay their fair share” is utterly false.
In fact, one reason tax cuts always seem to benefit the rich more than the middle class is precisely because the tax code is so heavily skewed toward the wealthy. According to the IRS, the bottom 50% of taxpayers account for less than 3% of federal income taxes paid.
As for corporate taxes, the U.S. imposes the highest corporate income tax rate of any industrialized nation — up to 40% when federal and state taxes are combined. Yet it has one of the lowest collection rates as a share of GDP. Why? Because the code is riddled with loopholes that benefit “corporate insiders.”
The GOP plan is to cut the tax rate, close loopholes and simplify the code. The only losers will be companies that on political connections and gimmicks to lower their tax burden.
Tax reform must be ‘revenue neutral’. “At a bare minimum, tax reform should not lose revenues,” declares the liberal Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.
What they and other Democrats mean by this is that any tax cuts must be offset by tax hikes somewhere else, and that no account can be made of the growth effect of tax cuts.
But the idea the tax reform must be revenue neutral is based on a myth that taxes are at an acceptable level today. The fact is, they are historically high. As it stands, taxes as share of GDP will be 18% this year, which is well above the 17.2% average since World War II.
The reason the federal government is running deficits is because spending will equal 21% of GDP this year, which is also well above the post-War average.
Clearly, then, the country doesn’t have a tax problem, it has a spending problem, which means that both taxes and spending should be cut. And, since tax cuts will boost economic growth, at least some of the revenue “lost” to tax cuts will be regained from an expanded economy.
One final point worth keeping in mind. The mainstream media won’t correct any of these lies, despite their supposed role as guardians against “fake news.”
Per the CDC – Survival Rates for Covid-19:
Ages 0-19 99.997%
Ages 20-49 99.98%
Ages 50-69 99.5%
Age 70+ 94.6%
@Keith Johnson – Shelby GT500 https://www.forbes.com/sites/chuckjones/2020/02/01/trumps-economic-growth-is-slower-than-obamas-last-3-years/#708137464fed
CDC Reveals Hospitals Counted Heart Attacks as COVID-19 Deaths
Trump doesn’t give a F about how many people die. Just give him his photo op and chant “lock her up!!”
@Corn Pop
deaths most certainly overblown
@Corn Pop more lies killer!
@Earnest T Bass your granddaughter will one day call you her old racist gramps. Young people hate bigots like you! You’ll be the laughingstock of the family loser!
@Earnest T Bass then go to a super spreader, marshmallow! Trump will protect you like he did the Christmas hating first bich!
@Rocky Rock Hurry up Rocky you better go get under the bed so nothing can get you.
My local postal worker supports Trump, and I don’t trust him. I just dropped my ballot at town clerk in person to make sure. I voted for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE
Good idea, I’m dropping mine off in person too
Good idea, I’m voting trump in person on election day. Because I don’t vote early and often like the rioting looting leftist arsonists.
@Art K Russians can’t vote in America sergey
@Art K Who are spurred on by far right white nationalist agitators.
I like presidents who don’t disband the vaccine safety board when
needs it most HOW ABOUT U VOTE HIM OUT
Voting, voting, voting! Don’t ignore this election. Vote for the blue! The consequences of another 4 years of Trump’s rule will have to be raked up for many decades.
Naw… I don’t want my town to burn to the ground.
Trump landslide
Moscow Mitch McConnell is often referred to as “The Grim Reaper” as well as being called “The Turtle.”
Good to know. But I thought china gave this low performing virus on us???
@Art K If you’d followed China’s advice on how to fight it, we wouldn’t have this problem.
@Art K and trump did NOT take of it once it was here
I have a notion we will have a virtual Inauguration in January due to Trump’s incompetence.
The next 3 to 6 months will be crucial, look after yourselves!
Hourly reminder! Donald tRump is a weak man’s idea of a strongman!
Covid Trump wants to cause as much pain as possible.
Vote him out!
Trump denies:
intelligence agencies (16)
dem states
dem cities
Trump: “A lot of people are saying with the colder weather it will go away, just like the flu.”
It will go away in April.
America’s Democracy Needs You!
Voting Trump
Biden 2020
Hopefully History will remember that the “Trump Virus” that has killed over 220K American’s. Could have been contained like South Korea did, and others on both sides..
CDC Reveals Hospitals Counted Heart Attacks as COVID-19 Deaths
Instead of addressing the pandemic, Trump is holding super-spreader events and attacking Dr. Fauci. Vote this impeached treasonous sleazy madman out.
The possible combination of the new wave of the coronavirus coupled with another trump presidency will have catastrophic impacts on not only our country but on the entire world.
My family has already cancelled Christmas…. because we want to be together Christmas 2021
“Infectious Disease Specialist: Going To Be A ‘Grim’ Winter” motivating us, the people of America, to redouble our efforts to rapidly find out at any given moment, including even while On-Line, who among us are unwittingly contagious (i.e pre-symptomatic or asymptomatic) in order to #ConvinceItForward for them to call their doctor and to self-quarantine per CDC guidelines in hopes of stopping this pandemic instead of having more #MourningInAmerica