UCSF Infectious Disease expert Dr. Monica Gandhi joins Morning Joe to discuss the spread of the delta variant and when she believes the transmission of the variant will slow its pace.
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Jonathan Lemire. Straight off a bender.
There are other Variants waiting in the wings. The Lambda and Mu Variants are still out there.
@KittenMittensMeow WV 300,000 cases & 3151 deaths !!
@maria schultz the composting shitbag variant- That would be you
The Shanghai Shivers Variant is much worse than the regular Kung Flu.
@Sick McDiego good to know . The one that kills you is the worst .
@Deborah Freedman TY for the excellent info
“Speedy diagnosis Doctor.” Hope she’s right. It sure doesn’t feel that way when we see crowded bleachers full of people and few are wearing masks over labor day.
This is a hard way to go, allowing the virus to burn through human beings destroying
families, businesses and peace of minds. It’s like lives are expendable, no biggie, right Doc? 
This lady is a doctor. A well respected one at that. She is just expressing reality of what is going to happen and trying to give it in a positive light without shaming anyone or going into the emotional rabbit holes we seem to be stuck in these days. She is not telling us that this is the way to go but telling us the way that it is going. I think she has a strong reverence for life. It is a “biggie” to her and is why and where she is. San Francisco could have been really bad and this lady is one of the reasons it was not.
99.98% survival chance. You probably wish it was a black plague
@Elffirr Design like Fauci??
“NEWLY RELEASED documents provide details of US-funded research on..coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology..The Intercept has obtained more than 900 pages of documents detailing..work of..EcoHealth Alliance..at the Chinese lab..”
@Elffirr Design San Francisco also have very strict rules on gathering indoors. You have to show proof of vaccinations in order to get into a club and you still have to use a mask when you are inside. Also, vaccinated people are getting infected outdoors. My roommate caught COVID from going to outdoor concerts, and he was vaccinated. Masking is necessary in groups over ten both inside and outside if you are in quarters. Any vaccinated person can be a silent carrier. Use your mask!!
@TruthSeeker08 is a badly programmed bot.
Who is the little guy” who shows up at the bottom right of the screen? He is there during most of the news broadcast.
Watching today show right now,they have doctor on talking new mu variant,flu shots problem thought CDC said everyone even vaxed ware mask no one on show waring mask how bad is this new strain
Never ever gonna get it
No, you’re never gonna get it (ow!)
Never ever gonna get it
(No, not this time)
No, you’re never gonna get it.
– En Vogue
9/11 required literally ZERO inconvenience or altering of behavior for the average Americans daily lives and the parts that did were made into laws thus ppl had no choice but to comply if there were a bunch of “inconveniences” that we were asked to do to protect our fellow American it would have been the same as covid . A bunch of selfish idiots would cry “freedom ill do what I want how I want no matter who it affects cuz I can.” Coupled with the leader, aka Trump, saying and modeling said behavior, is totally fine and acceptable, falsely claiming it American. So comparing the unity then to covids division is a ridiculously false irrelevant comparison.
You are correct in all respects except characterizing trump as a leader.
There’s hope
So according to this Dr, it’s not going to affect the whole West . Someone needs to tell OR that. Lol. I’m glad it’s not going to hit my state as well. In all seriousness I’m pretty sure we kinda knew this information already,
The delta variant has already been around in the west coast. The wave wasn’t that strong
It’s been here in Oregon for awhile now. I live here. We now have the National Guard’s help to relieve the stress of the overwhelmed doctors and nurses. Delta is everywhere.
We also have a Governor strong enough to resist the idiocy displayed by Republican states, despite the whining of her conservative opponents.
@grod805 Guys, it was sarcasm, although it hasn’t hit all western states yet.
@Lizablue Sarcasm, I was being sarcastic.
I hope she’s right!
It may happen just before thanksgiving and another uptick until January 6 or so,if the uptick goes down still get the vaccine,and get the phyizer booster shot if you’re eligible but no vaccine mandates.
infectious disease expert : “delta variant may slow… and mu variant may accelerate”
Positive outlook is one way to say it. It’s too late tho. Way too many variants now
She really didn’t say anything we don’t already know.
When every other specialist has a different, even contradictory, message about the near future, it’s time to conclude that there are too many unknowns to confidently predict anything. What we can do is protect ourselves and each other as much as possible, while cautiously doing the things we need to do to keep society functioning. I missed medical appointments for 1 1/2 yrs due to covid, and ended up catching some serious problems in a recent check up exam. Multiply that times the number of people who avoided check ups, and there’s great loss of health due to isolating. On the other hand, when I see young people partying at bars and clubs, etc. I think that is completely reckless. The ideal, imo, is to avoid *unnecessary* crowds indoors, esp. when you don’t know who’s vaccinated. Is it necessary to send unvaxxed kids to school right now? Not sure. Time will tell. I think a few months of home education pending the children’s vaccine would have been wiser, but I’m no expert.
Stop talking about this. Enough we all know what it is and like the flu it won’t go away.
“Whatever’s out there, it ain’t human. We’re all gonna die.” – Billy from the movie Predator
Did anyone at “Morning Joe” bother to pre-interview this guest? Respectfully, her non-stop equivocating and vague answers are not providing any value to viewers, one way or the other. Can anyone explain her conclusion? Did she say that “natural immunity will be the avenue out of the pandemic?” Because it likely won’t be, if additional variants develop.