Indiscipline at Champs | TVJ Sports Commentary

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  1. You cannot compare a boy running to assault a student to human errors. Do better than that Maverick. You are suppose to be intelligent.

    1. thats just it he is not he is driven by emotions and that shallow brain disease is contagious in Jamaica

  2. In other words…. grace stocks and revenue has taken a hit and istead of coming out and saying this, they rather look for a scape goat than to cause investor panic. Grace foods is under heavy threat from global inflation and they havent been profitable for the past few years so sponsering champs isnt that profitable for them as attendance has dwindled. Grace u can fool stupid Jamaicas but u cant fool me

  3. The starter a go; these young athletes a come. Train them from now not to be like that dementia acting starter.

  4. Trying to correct generational indiscipline with an overkill of 2 young men defeats the purpose. To ban the athletes from the entire event would not have served the purpose it intended to do. This would/ could have lead to resentment and anger. Instead, we should used the opportunity to use these 2 young men as agents for change. I’m not going to talk about the hypocrisy The Maverick outlined.

  5. You are so wrong this time. We can forgive the error of setting the hurdles at the wrong height, it is a mistake that procedures can change to ensure it does jot happen int the future. Officials on the track once a race starts is an act of stupidity that can be avoided in the future. The world will accept these kinds of errors as unintentional. Violence among competing athletes is a crime against the spirit of the game and must not happen at any age. If allowed to be condoned by any one anywhere will usher the death of the game. I congratulate the sponsors whose threat must be taken seriously as violence in any sport must be taken seriously and stamped out before it damages the sport and further damages the image of Jamaica.

  6. Mistake is different from deliberate action. These are adults of tomorrow and if indiscipline is not curtailed now it will only spiral out of control in the future. Jamiaca already have a bad name we cant take anymore. Drastic action wi sey, big up to Sir Don

  7. respectfully disagree with your comparisons. Comparing oranges and apples. No exception for blatant indiscipline.

  8. I get what they are saying but champs is much more peaceful and discipline than it was couple years ago. Champs used to cause hospitalisation and even death in some cases. Athletes at that time were uncontrollable. It’s really not that bad to where they should withdraw

  9. Selective condemnation happens when you’re comparing apples with apples, not apples with oranges. Maverick you’re barking up the wrong tree with this unfortunate comparison.

  10. If someone in higher authority at tvj listened this before it come on air and ok with it then I’ll leave it alone. 😂😅 😅 what a comparison to make 😂😅

    1. So you don’t think an official walking on the tract in the middle of the race is indiscipline? You don’t think setting the hurdles way to high for those kids to try and jump over was way more dangerous than what happened with those two boys or other teenage kids in the middle of competition getting caught up in emotional celebrations? Do you know what the cost would be to sponsors and the committee if one of those kids hurt themselves because of the officials negligence? Waaaaaay more than anything that those kids did.

  11. Oral Tracey is a known KC supporter so what can we expect? If it were a student from a country school that assaulted another athlete, he would have been the first to sound the alarm to combat indiscipline. But since it’s KC let’s find some crazy comparison that doesn’t correlate to the issue at hand.

    1. So you don’t think an official walking on the tract in the middle of the race is indiscipline? You don’t think setting the hurdles way to high for those kids to try and jump over was way more dangerous than what happened with those two boys or other teenage kids in the middle of competition getting caught up in emotional celebrations? Do you know what the cost would be to sponsors and the committee if one of those kids hurt themselves because of the officials negligence? Waaaaaay more than anything that those kids did.

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