1. @Dorian Shades of gray I’m going to send a crew to your house to enter your property and take what they wish and see how long it takes you to start fighting back.. my hunches say as soon as you see a brown person approaching your lawn you will grab that phone an hit speed dial to 911

    2. @Thomas Michael did it ever cross your mind that these Forrest guardian vigilantes are entering ranchers properties and damaging their property by burning trucks and equipment ?

    3. @Thomas Michael Dorian is a cnn troll. He always takes the oppositional position on every story.

      His trend is he likes to be the most despicable person in the thread. I wouldn’t waste my time.

    1. Niki L, the same thing that’s wrong with trump and the Republican Party. It’s called GREED! It leads to “head-up-their- assitis.”

  1. Sadly this has been happening for a long time. God bless the indigenous peoples who are fighting for our world.

    1. Indigenous tribes in Brazil engage in the ritual killing of infants and children—namely, those with a disability, twins, and the children of single mothers, all of whom are considered to be a bad omen.

    1. @rb89509 you are the loon who beleives his constant lies and delusions but it’s easy for someone who beleives in a magical sky bieng to be fooled.

    2. @mic Smith If by environment you mean chem-trails, than yeah, they are related. Weather manipulation, look it up and stop believing everything the slave masters and their talking heads the media tell you.

    3. Faustino Ocon climate change has caused sea level rise here on the Georgia coast. A coastal highway is being raised up a foot because sea water crosses it now at high tide. Meanwhile the secretary of defense at the pentagon says climate change is the biggest threat to national security

    1. kitana king Not true. The former Chancellor of Germany was very keen on protecting what was left of German forests. Signs used to be posted in forests tha, “He, who harms a forest animal, offends the German people.” 😐😐😐😐😐😐😐

    2. @sam hill the truth hurts them so bad that they make things up for comfort. 1000’s of years of lies, rape pedophilia just devil duties for they’re master.

    1. @Slique Vic I’m a physicist so I paid a lot of attention during science.
      Ecosystem ecologist have modelled how much of the earths oxygen is produced by the Amazon, and the numbers come down closer to 0% .
      Much of the oxygen produced is reabsorbed by the trees in a process called cellular respiration, also it is known that much of the oxygen we breath is a result of phytoplankton in the oceans.

    2. @Dorian Shades of graygoing off what you just posted, if oxygen is reabsorbed by the tree then it’s obvious that trees play a role in the cycle. If you as smart as your comment is you should see how you just made a point of why humans should not be destroying rain forest. Other than destroying habitat for animals who unfortunately have to share this planet with human, we should be preserving our rain forest.

    3. LMFAO, last week you were a political science professor, and the week before a history teacher… today you’re still proving that you’re just a filthy lying FOX propaganda cockholster!

    4. @Trid your right because if it were mines this wouldn’t be happening. The countries that have rain forest is destroying them like idiots. It’s not yours either I assume.

    1. The amazon dont give you oxygen.
      It absorbs all the oxygen it produces.

      You should be more active in criticizing countries that polute the ocean (that is responsible for your oxygen).

      For instance, brazil is having the one of its biggest oil leaks (venezuelan oil) in the ocean, even befores the amazon “scandal”. But you wont see the media talking about that. Why? Because they dont care about the enviroment, they care about the richness of the amazon.

    1. Scrambled Eggs it might seem funny😭but the movie rio with the birds were trying to tell everybody this was going to happen

  2. That is tragic. They’re protecting the worlds lung for everybody mean while they are being killed. Unbelievable.

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