Cindy Blackstock from the First Nations Child and Family Caring Society says it's now up to the feds to follow through on the $40B Indigenous child welfare compensation deal.
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$20B is just insane… This is not reconciliation, it’s profiteering.
Ok racist
@Ray & J’s L.G.Sno not racist . Profiteering is correct my friend
Actually it’s $40 Billion…
@Paul Nobert yeah Canada can afford that eh
This is a joke . Tell them to get a job like we do .
Next year we’ll still be talking about clean water on residential land.
What’s your point?? They had trouble with water for years how is them getting reconcilliation related to water??
@Ray & J’s L.G.S they should have clean water like every other human on Earth deserves water as essential human right. Naturally. But will they take the $40 Billion and better their community. Fix their water problems and homes ? Doubt it. Next year they will be complaining about their living conditions and poor water conditions. The money will disappear.
@Ray & J’s L.G.S They will be asking 40 billion for water next. The handouts never end.
@Mmmdonuts this money is for reconcilliation not water? Lol are you drunk??
@Trevor Roth ya well they deserve clean fresh water don’t they??
Dont forget to minus the one who’s parents sent them to school to better themselfs!
The culture of victimhood can never be reconciliated…
No mater how much money is given…
There will be less than 5 cents, on the dollar, that actually makes it into the hands of the band members, across Canada…
I’d like to see money be used for work out gyms. Healing centres. Theathers for families to bond things like this will help instead of nothing on reserves just booze and drugs
$40 billion…
Do you think that there will be a paper trail, to follow, on this one..?
lol, ya… probably not…
Stop being racist
Thats just smart accounting, and every cent should be accounted for no matter who recieves it
No – the Liberals cancelled the Harper Law making them accountable. After all, it would be racist to make them accountable, according to the Blackface regime.
AsKiNg ThE LiBeRaL pArTy To ShOw tHeiR sPeNdiNg iS rAyCiSs
The posts disappear just as fast as they are posted… lol…
gimmie gimme, lolol. what a hustle
Its nice to see the government treat different races differently. Reminds me of the 1950s Southern United States.
Plus still goes on today with who can go out and who can’t if your not vacinated you can’t even leave the country your held hostage
I remember when payouts to this special group used to be in the millions and then tens of millions. Next is was billions and like all previous amounts, it was never enough. Soon the payments will be in the trillions.
Let the Laurentian’s pay for this .
My vote just changed.
Is it going to come out of Justin’s bank account? When it comes to public funds, nothing is too extravagant.
So what about slavery I’m all for change but I’m not for giving out money for the past let’s stop this from happing but paying billions will only cause more tent jobs everyone in this country is suffering
Try being a single dad in general the mother can take your kids from your abs make money from it leaving the father with no say at the end of the day lost dads want there kids in there life and no there have been holding kids hostage to get at the father for years why is this never addressed
Trudeau delende est.
WTF….40 billion….Jesus Christ….Money money money Is all what INDIANS GET…..gimmie gimme gimme…..Just Gonna Buy Booze & Shacks with this money money cry in months we spent it
“Words on paper”? I’m sure it will be different this time.