The FBI continues to investigate the violent January 6 attack at the U.S. Capitol, and the agency's top federal prosecutor expects indictments to be handed down as soon as this week. Ari Melber joins Morning Joe to discuss. Aired on 01/27/2021.
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#USCapitol #CapitolSiege #MSNBC
Indictments Tied To Capitol Siege Expected As Soon As This Week | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Justice moves slowly – but it Does move.
@K T See Glenn Kirschner for help
Stock market fell 600 points! Way to go Biden!!! Already killing it!
@Lisa Riggs
Que Viva President Joe Biden 

Lock them up!! Tattoo a red hat on their foreheads.
Slow enough for tRump to spend 5 years breaking almost every law, killing more than 420,000 Americans, then leave office. If not convicted in the senate for inciting an armed insurrection against the United States of America the orange menace could run for another office.
Then he and his family can again live rent free as the governing family of Florida.
Gee… it’s almost like there was some sort of coordination (street level, inside level/info, and administrative) with the intent of ending congress leaving the way for martial law?
Hope to hear about the WH connection and coordination during the impeachment trial.
Those who claim finding Trump guilty of inciting the mob will be divisive are all wet. To not find Trump guilty will only turn January 6th into a dress rehearsal. The next attempt could be led by any of the ambitious GOP Senators who are far more competent than Trump ever was.
@John Swo
Tip of the iceberg….
Gfis that
oh yes
Throw them in gitmo
The more I hear about this the more it sounds like some weird DLC for Division 2.
But yet they don’t want to indict Trump… they want that case thrown away…. hmmmmm wonder why
What’s crazy is some of those Trumplicans were among the people to be hurt maybe killed and they are still running towards the man that did it to them. It reminds me of a person being abused, that keep running back to their abuser. Which isn’t the least bit funny!
Not indicting trump is a horrific behavior of the republicans.
The longer it takes, the more evidence will come out before
Did anyone see the part of the speech when Trump said PEACEFULLY AND PATRIOTICALLY? If you watch msnbc you probably didn’t. They edit that part out. Guess it’s viewers don’t deserve the unbiased version of events. You can’t honestly think Trump wanted people to be murdered. Think about it
@Workout Warrior uh oh, my sincere apology for that!! let me buy you a drink.
Trump said to Trumpsters – “I’ll be there with you” – and went to watch them on TV.
@Tina Dmytryshyn reading my mind
@James Brown just like the dems used antifa and blm to burn cities and do their dirty work for them.
@Fred White Your attempt and failed comparison speaks volumes… FOH
He would pardon them for two million smackers… Thats dollars or bum spanks.he has no preference. Anything with his face on it, except Rudys crotch.
What ?
Ok, allegedly…
@James Brown i stand corrected .Trump unlike the dems didn’t condone the violence like the dems did for months on end. Wasn’t it the fake vp that set up a fund to bail out those arrested during the real riots? The riots the police were ordered to stand down during which innocent people saw their livelihoods destroyed? Trump not once advocated for violence at the capital in fact he told people to go home peacefully
Many of these terrorists are laying the blame for their actions at Trump’s feet.
They were following Trump’s instructions but that’s not a defense.
yep, as journalists have since discovered from QAnon chatrooms trying to make sense of Bidens peaceful inauguaration: “we were only doing what Trump told us to do, whine, whine whine ..”
And they will still flock to him again.
LOL!! And trump told them that he would pardon them all!!!! SUCKERS!!!!
@Ink Bass even soldiers are allowed to refuse an order if they know it is illegal. Following orders is not a defense. It only proves again that the retrumplicans always blame someone else for their actions.
Make these charges stick and make sure it goes on their permanent records.
@Diane Hooper so what is the difference between that and trump supporters?
@Diane Hooper I don’t like to deal in double standards.
Tfis that
oh yes
@joe guy what about your stupidity?
Exactly! Those antifa members should pay for raiding the capital.
Yeah, one of those people who, “carefully planned the attack,” was Donald J Trump! Lock him up for his attempted Coup!
The Democrats planned Antifa and BLM riots. Why are you not questioning that?
@Mary Mclendon the delorables are not republicans..they are independents, and they are the reason the antifa anti-American globals should leave the country. They are the equivalent of the Viet Cong. thats why they are known as Deplorables. they are going to do deplorable things to the families of traitors
Plenty of videos of Antifa at that capital breach and many videos of police officers not doing anything and just chillen eating popcorn. You lefties need proof? I got it.
@Ged Farnan he became president. You didn’t expect that
There are people who a seriously believing these crazy conspiracy theories. I know, I can’t believe it either, but a friend of mine was telling me some of them last night and he was seriously believing them! Trump and his people MUST be indicted and brought to justice to prove to these people believing the conspiracy theories that they aren’t true and to set an example for future administrations that the is America, not a banana republic, and here no one is above the law, no one!
brilliantly said, ty all! and serious federal charges, not the babyish ones applied so far!
We do not negotiate with terrorism! One of the few things that I agree with during the Reagan administration.
@Mike M Exactly but you are wasting your time unfortunately. He eats False equivalency in a Whataboutism sandwich for breakfast lunch and dinner
@Mike M after Biden’s was sworn in BLM and antifa vandalized the Democratic headquarters in Portland. The authorities are still having trouble with them at the Portland federal court Building and the ice Federal Building. It does not matter if the building is in Portland or Washington DC. They are still a federal building. Just because BSNBC and CNN does not report on it does not mean it is not happening….
@Greg Aduring the Reagan administration, they were with America fighting against Russia. We fought with Russia in WW2. Time change alliances.
@Rodney Bean your diet of fox news, oan, newsmax, is not healthy. We’re you there to witness this in person?
@D.W. Black actually I didn’t see it on any of those channels. I saw it on a Portland news channel. Channel 6 or 11 I forget which one. Where you there in person???
So if you can’t impeach Trump then he should be arrested like the other citizens because he can’t have it both ways
@AJ let’s let the courts decide the level
@AJ a speech to incite a riotous mob to insurrection is no protected. It’s akin to yelling fire in a movie theater.
@AJ See Glenn Kirschner for a good time
That so very fair and just.
Louis, that would be a good aircraft banner over scare a logo.
This is when America gets to see if the F.B.I. can solve a serious crime.
We already know the senate doesn’t want accountability.
With Barr gone I think we’ll see full focus on domestic terrorism.
FBI needs to charge Brennan amongst many of the previous administration also
Millions of children go missing every year. Maybe the FBI should investigate that and stop ignoring it.
@BRUH trump stole like 600, I hear they’re in a cage somewhere.
They have to disqualify the GOP who were involved from judging their own crimes.. how would the founders have dealt with deliberate corruption in their ranks like this?
Firing squad
They would’ve put the gallows that those asshats erected to good use. There would be a few open seats in GOP districts that would need filling.
Expulsion, tar and feathering (public humiliation) and the gallows
Ironic everybody involved in this is punished, except the man that incite the thing to happen. Mind blowing.
@TheOffkilter Of course most of those who stayed out of Capitol property likely didn’t break the law. Unless they contributed to instigate the act, calling and agreeing for it to happen. But otherwise you’re opinion doesn’t match what former FBI officials have said. Their opinion is rather that anyone who took a step on the stairs to the capitulum will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Sure… those who just “hanged around” behind all the others may not be charged for sedition and insurrection. But those who evidently can be shown to have had an ambition to—as they them selves call it—“stop the steal”—by preventing democracy to take place inside congress—are in real legal jeopardy. Even if they didn’t get inside the building. That is sedition with a penalty up to 20 years in prison. As are those who called for this to happen on social media in serious trouble. Really anyone who “liked” any such call for insurrection on social media can be looked upon as pushing for the crime to happen.
Those who went first, and as WSJ has shown, urged the others to “take it” (the capitol) won’t be leaving prison for a long time.
This was not a riot. This is a successful attempt to overthrow the republic and democracy. It was successfully for a few hours. And during congress absolutely probably most important duty. There were no government for a few hours! Especially since the President refused to answers calls from other politicians, law enforcement, and the Pentagon. No: 1, 2, 3, and 4 in the succession of power were disabled in their duties. The anarchists also making it possible for whatever spy to come and go. And top secret information that perhaps can put American lives at risk were stolen too.
Those who don’t understand the severity need to listen less to Qanon and conspiracy theories, and live in the real world.
If the lawyers representing all these people in courts are smart, the best defense would likely be to admit to the crimes. But then argue that they were just acting as they thought they were supposed to. That they really thought the elections was stolen, but now have realized it was all a lie. A lie propagated by Trump. Believing that Trump, Giuliani, and the other political figures close to Trump, wanted them to “stop the steal” in this fashion. That they are ashamed for so easily having being played. And so on.
Expressing regret increases the chances to a shorter sentence. But it is also good for the Senate Trump trial—at least if a few of these indictments have reached the courts by then. There would then be sworn statements that some of the insurrectionists really believed they were acting on Trumps wishes. Some of them have already expressed this… that they were just acting as Trump wanted them to act.
Mr. above the law!
They need to get them all
From the top to the bottom
Starting with Trump
@BRUH I agree. I probably know not much about the true story.
And this is why Lindsey Graham and his fellow Republican Senators want this Impeachment trial to be over with ASAP. More evidence will continue to come out!!!
I don’t think that would really matter.and it’s sad
That is so true, Jake!
I just saw on the news how a bunch of them are running scared now because some of the monsters want to eat the creators. Not a good time to be a republican. lol
@Jake Colson— yep – they know alot of criminal behavior will be uncovered and it’s making them VERY NERVOUS. No matter WHAT they find Trump will most likely still not be convicted and won’t be blocked from running for office in the future. REPUBLICAN’S are a bunch of scared little beings with no morals.
Trump was not involved in this atrocities?
If the Republican Party denies this facts the system that we know is broken.
@Aurelia Seak its Democrats calling Biden Jesus,
And Trump was The Voice of American s.. He was US.. are you Capable of Comprehending that?.. Illegal
Chairman Bejing Biden Mao, Chinese Communist Party asset
Yes I know ..jjustice for all
@Noir Path BLM=OBAMA racial hatred savage guerrillas.
True patriots would turn themselves in and show remorse.
What Patriots?
These weren’t Patriots. They were
Trump didnt have a guy named remorse working for him to pin if on… Otherwise that would be the plan.
One way or another it all leads back to trump
How many times as Trump tried to overthrow democracy yet he still enjoys life golfing he incites then lets the rioters pick up the pieces.