Rachel Maddow reports on prosecutors accusing Rudy Giuliani associate Lev Parnas of lying about his finances by omitting mention of a million dollar payment from a bank account in Russia in September of 2019, calling him now an extreme flight risk who should be held in custody ahead of his trial. Aired on 12/11/19.
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Indicted Rudy Giuliani Associate Paid $1M From Russian Account: Filing | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
Just finished my block party playlist for the day Trump is impeached and removed. Everyone is invited, the brownies are free, new national holiday for all proud Americans!!
Mr. Underhill I’m throwing one too but it’s a stone cold sober party because I don’t want to miss one second of the good time.
Cool, Can I attend? Although I am a Trump supporter and I don’t drink anymore I just love to watch democrats pull their hair out.
Dandy Chiggins it’s not about winning or losing. It’s about our democracy. Not left or right, it’s about protecting our Constitution.
It’s about rising the bar and cleansing the office of the con man who even stole 2 million meant forbidden it Veterans by using that money for his campaign. Thankfully a judge ordered it to be repaid .
If he is so rich why did he need to steal the money.
H is the greatest con man in our Government.
I know he is mentally ill oer the 350 psychiatrist who just warned Congress of how dangerous he is.
This is serious, but people don’t realize it.
Sounds Great Mr. Underhill. I don’t drink alcohol and have nothing against those who do, however the day The Criminal of the Year gets impeached, I’m getting dressed up and have a
@Growth is Freedom United Earth Enterprise
Thank you.
Rachel is a true one in a zillion person. So smart. Thank you, Rachel Maddow.
@rtorres81rc the Government said!?!?!>.b habhbahhabvhavbhvbahbahb
@T’Town Tim – That letter is from the government prosecutors. Yes, the GOVERNMENT says. Hey…do you join the 188 Dems who just handed Trump a massive defense budget and a space force? I don’t…I hate Trump enough not to join that group. Lets see if Maddow is outraged over it.
@fsf dsfa finally someone who knows she is just a fear mongering show!
@Mr. Precedent she is fear mongering…she earns $30,000 per show. I am not a fan of potus…check out her show when she is accusing the Russians of controlling the weather!!! This is entertainment! Nothing more…but it is vile entertainment…she says what MSNBC tells her to say. $$$$ I am a liberal!!! Watch something else!!!!!!!
@rtorres81rc you don’t get it. She doesn’t get outraged over anything! She says what MSNBC tells her to say for $30,000 per show!! A show! Entertainment…for money…dough..mulah!!! She has sold her soul to sell fear and divisiveness! How old are you?
There are no words left; no superlatives; we are so past, “The most corrupt administration in history.” The Trumps are a threat to the security of the entire world. Why are you not filling the streets, America? Your Republic has been infiltrated and all but destroyed . . .
Ash R ……………….. I am mindful that ‘filling the streets’ would be justification for trump declaring martial law where mass violence and casualties more than likely . I assert that a subversive campaign, #Maquis style is the better way to go . Then, remove the Fascists one-by-one .
Americans would rather tweet and post and wait for someone else to do the dirty work rather than take to the streets.
@Jan Hall I agree that your statement does apply to some Americans but certainly not to all…I certainly wish I would of thought of that word while making the comment…it fits right in with what I’m talking about. You have to consider the fact that domestic policy does have negative impacts on certain communities throughout the United States. If people believe the government does not work for them then they have no reason to march in the streets.

@sk8queen I wish I would of thought of your comment as well…people are too distracted with technology now and that is an unfortunate set of circumstances.
Is Giuliani actually working FOR Lev Parnas? Seems that he is! Where else is he getting his money?
I love this woman’s detail and mostly sarcasm lol I know she thinks way more then what she says
@ihave35cents If that’s your only point, I’ll take it, b/c it means you HEARD what she had to say and you took it in. She was successful in her job of communicating, to even a tool like you. Nice job Rachel!
@Ihave35cents <<--- is a paid russian troll. Hes a regular here. One of many. Just fyi. #PutinsTrollArmyRealTime #MakinDemRubles
What exactly did Trump say about why the Bidens are so important, for following the US ambassadors recommendation in getting rid of Rudy’s corrupt chief prosecutor client and the oligarchs that fleeced Burisma. Meanwhile Trump, Manafort, and Rudy are close associates to a real world class Ukrainian criminals. In fact Trump and Rudy have done more for those former oligarchs of Burisma than the Bidens ever did just by getting rid of the US ambassador, the corruption fighter. Now they are trying to reassemble that corrupt Ukraine oligarchy run by Putin, everything leads to Putin in the new Republican party.
And I worry that I’m doing something wrong when I send $500 to my family in need in Europe, this guy is receiving a million $ wired to him? Don’t banks ask questions?
AMEN from Mississippi

Banks are owned and operated by Republicans….they look out for their own
You probably worry too much. Besides the information requirements for amounts 10k+, why would you worry
Well, they certainly SHOULD, under money-laundering laws.
Criminals don’t need banks they go to other Criminals Like the Russian Mob!
Yeah but he’s got one good thing behind him like the fact he hasn’t left, but that probably doesn’t help much since he lied to the court…
It is obvious that the Kremlin finances the trump administration and the Republicans.This is corruption and treason.
John Bahlsdeip Betting both.
David Guelette Being part of his minions, yes I’m all for protecting him.
@Doom2exe https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/washington-secrets
This is weird but I get it
“I’ve never met the guy. There may be one or two pictures of him and me but I take pictures with a lot of people.” – DJT.
So they can’t go through Deutsche Bank anymore, ehh?
That’s what Lavrov was doing here; reduced to physically bringing Spanky his allowance!
Moscow Mitch can’t see anything wrong with that.
That’s probably true. It is an open secret that Trump is a Russian agent. It amazes me that Republicans now have a chance to remove him and won’t act for the good of their country and the free world. Disgusting.
I wonder if dumps going to be the 1st sitting president to get on a plane in the middle of the night and fly to a country with no extradition agreement with the US?
@wing Man
We pay for everything right down to all his legal expenses for personal, Pvt business, Senate Trial & all his frivolous lawsuits. Why? ..bc he didn’t do a blind trust.
Ain’t that a kick in the head.
@Downright Dutch you don’t need a psycholog, you are overcooked.
@JoeyFiveandDimes a little plastic surgery and a new paint job, maybe go with an earth tone this time instead of orange, and he’s good to go. But sadly whatever that is that lives on his head might be out of a job.
If Lev Parnas is a flight risk, then so is Rudy and Devine Nunes.
David J Agree.
Stephen Schmengle is that why she’s a two time Emmy award winner? She too intelligent for you. As in Rhodes Scholar? Literally. You can Move on. Too much deducive thinking here for you.
Rudy’s already in the Ukraine, are you kidding me. He got out of the country & fast.
Follow the money. All roads lead to Russia. Maybe trump owes Russia money?
The biggest risk with Rudy is that he’ll come back to the US.

Impeach then execute for treason.
It sounds like Lev Parnas should be locked up because he clearly knows too much, and his life might be in danger.
While Parnas helped Nunes arrange meetings, he also assisted Rudy in smearing Ukraine Ambassador Yovanovitch, who was fired by Trump because he believed she was interfering with his criminal scheme. Last month, the SDNY charged Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman with illegally moving money from foreign donors to American political campaigns, all of which were republican campaigns. Hmmmm
@David J Funny how Republicans whine whine whine about election fraud & interference, yet when you investigate, the only instance you can find of it are done by [wait for it] Republicans.
@David J I choose to ignore the cherry-picking nitwit above who failed to disclose that not only was the US pushing for the firing of Viktor Shokin, but also the EU, the IMF, and the EBRD, all on the grounds that he was basically hindering the investigation of corruption in Ukraine.
That’s why he doesn’t want anyone to see his taxes. He owes Russia billions
I said that long ago. The taxes will take him down. Once Parnas is in custody I bet he will squeal like a pig
1000% those tax returns bear proof of money laundering
“We are just getting started, America.”
Mr. Precedent : But I’ve already had to refill my popcorn a few times since this started . . .
This whole thing is a never ending story that will play out long after he leaves office. His taxes will be THE tell all.
@cocomo – …will come crashing down.
Likely. I don’t have any other reason for him to not disclose them – except that he is a fake billionaire (been lying for years about his money, just like so many other conmen)
That is if he leaves. He and his supporters seem to be laying the ground work for him to be a more than two term president, and his loyal MAGA supporters would not blink an eye at this prospect. More than once they have been heard saying “well if we had to have dictator, I hope it’s Trump”
Jail him
Makes me wonder. Why is Trump trying so hard to keep his tax returns from being released? Hmmm.
Also, why does he refuse drug testing since his attorneys researched Hunters abuse & used it openly in impeachment proceedings ?
@cocomo Well it’s pure hypocrisy that they call Hunter Biden’s job in Ukraine a scandal. They obviously don’t oppose nepotism because Trump has given his kids the keys to the WH even after they failed their security clearances and he had to intervene. If you have no problem with that, how can you rail against Hunter Biden getting a plum job on some gas company’s board?
@Tf2knight I’m so sorry

@Tf2knight you can’t be serious…..
Not only is he a flight risk, he is also a “suicide” risk. He needs to be placed in protective custody.
Vote him Out they silenced him.
@SHADY The 2 guards were playing games on their cellphones. Never did their scheduled rounds.
Hey anybody see this ?
Horowitz blasted all the Trump lies about the Russia “witch-hunt” probe & Trump being illegally wiretapped, watched,
spied on, out of the water. Good report.
Vote him Out oooo ok gotcha. I knew something was going on solitaire huh wonder did they have egg nog with rum with a splash of cranberry juice
Yeah he will commit suicide like ebstien did…..lol
No Surprise, this party needs lots of money to keep the support.
This Party must be a ‘dead’ party by now – so compromised that their only way out of their well-cultivated swamp will be complete and utter treason.
Wow… from where so much money…. Russians simple people very poor, but Kremlin is rich.
@Lincoln Hare russian banks pay for they agents…
@Rek-5 That’s the kind of society DJT will have the U.S.A. if he stays in office.
No surprise, Parnas, Putin, and the like, are used to getting away with corruption. If their law enforcement, judges and journalists expose their crimes, they “somehow” disappear
There’s more Kremlin influence in the Trump administration than American…
The ruskies are more american than the GOP!
Here’s why: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleksandr_Dugin
This guy literally wrote the Russian Mein Kampf, and Putin is his #1 fanboi.
We are witnessing the birth of a Russian Reich, Ukraine is it’s Poland. We’ve already been in a shooting war with Russians since last year, and this POTUS is not on our side.
Faaaake!!!! ))
@4c1dr3fl3x yes. You know how ukrainians call russians- rashists))