Incumbent Senator: I’m Being Bombarded By Negative, False Ads | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Incumbent Sen. Gary Peters, D-Mich., joins Morning Joe to discuss his race against Republican challenger, John James. Aired on 10/19/2020.
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Incumbent Senator: I'm Being Bombarded By Negative, False Ads | Morning Joe | MSNBC


    1. @John Locke MSNBC is the last place to go for real news. Hate mongering, false stories, and fantasies are what they’re all about.

  1. What happen to the party of honest Abe. With Trump they all have become hypocrites and liars.
    It’s time to rid America of the Trump!!!
    VOTE ByeDon 2020.

    1. @TJ that fact you can say that about joe biden but not trump shows your inability.

      Both of them are wrong and a sign of what’s wrong with our system.

    1. @Decker Wonders You must be so proud of yourself voting for a lying cheating charity thieving misogynistic womanising con man! Yippee for you! No wonder your country is a diseased mess!

    2. Said the party of the Russian hoax and 24/7 attacks on Trump with unnamed sources and fake stories from the wash. Compost

  2. President super spreader is having a rally tonight. He’ll protect everyone like he did Barron and the Christmas hating first lady. BYE-DON 2020!!

    1. @Best Before If you only knew about who you support. Ever read executive order 13603? Rules for radicals? The communist manifesto?

    2. @michael casey no need for apology, I’m just so frustrated with this conspiracy theory crap that I was taking a jab at it with an off the cuff comment, I don’t understand how such a crazy site can be reposted by a sitting president, it makes the USA look insane

    1. @JC X You obviously don’t know that NO Americans were indicted for conspiring with Russians…🤨🇺🇸

  3. Tell those groups that they have the right to remain silent and that everything they say can and will be used against them in a court of law.

    1. Tax cheater and sexual predator. And really an all out ignorant man. Dump the Trump! Biden/Harris 2020

  4. VOTE FOR BIDEN-HARRIS. IF YOU CAN, VOTE IN PERSON DURING EARLY VOTING. Don’t trust the polls. Don’t trust the postmaster. VOTE BEFORE ELECTION DAY. trumps GUN TOTING goons will probably be out. VOTE LIKE OUR LIVES DEPENDS ON IT. Stay safe and stay well. Thanks. Greetings from a senior in Texas.

    1. LOL how do you know that? Wow! The old saying suggests don’t judge the book by its cover. A racist is always racist. So, c’mon people, let’s vote the evil racist out of the people’s house, the white house (regardless if I get to vote or not).

    2. @C W And Trump is in the pockets of the Russians so your point being Like I said before if you tell ally enough times you start to believe it’s the truth that was investigated and debunked do your research

    3. @S Mikell As I said..Let the BEST IDEAS for the Country win! So far Biden’s ideas on expanding the Supreme Court, LGBT Rights, Abortion Rights, Open borders, Globalism, Man Made Climate Change and the Green New Deal, are NON- STARTERS for Patriotic Americans.

    4. @Sask Sun seekers I have healthcare….No infrastructure? Ask Biden why he never did it..Stimulus? Let people go back to work…I researched what Biden did which is much about nothing…

    1. @David In that case you had better tell your president the same thing………between diaper changes of course.

    1. to bad the one you vote for will be declared senile, then you will get a women who slept with wille brown of california to get to the top. she was his mistress. loser

    2. You need Preparation H then for Christmas, because you’re going to find out that Beijing Biden is nacho President!

  5. Name one Republican campaign ad that is not 90% lies and distortions.
    Vote blue for a safer, saner, more honorable, more just America.

    1. @Sarah Petty you seem to be a few people short on your lines when the population of Arizona is 7,286,000….just saying…lol

    2. @Joe Hampton unfortunately you can’t post images here. It really is a tremendously shoddy piece of work. Rudy is just a foolish tool.

    3. @Rob E Bummer because that would have shut up these trump fools….it amazes me how easy people are sucked in…thanks for the comment it was very interesting and stay safe Rob

  6. Wouldn’t it be fun if the guy who made the chant “Lock her up” famous, was locked up after being thrown out of the White House? And unlike his opponents who have all been cleared or were not even accused in the first place, he would warrant it ten times over.

    1. Hmmm. I cannot sing but I understand lessons and will sign up pronto to practice when you get the choir together on the courthouse steps as he is found guilty and locked up.
      It’s ‘ByeDon2020’ now, ‘Put The Pumpkin Out To Pasture’ is part of my love song for Drumpf along with ‘Putin’s Puppet’ and ‘Orange No More’.

    1. @Karl Foster LOL ! I am laughing so hard I have tears now.. You just proved positively that YOU are a mindless simpleton ! Also proving that brainless twits support tRump !

  7. Trump there thinks lock her up seems funny, he’s going to get locked up, it’s called carma. Record turnout coming his way.

    1. @Sean Penn no, I simply see things as they are. When every agency across the board says they are fabrications by a foreign agency that has time and again used lies and the Republicon party to spread those lies, face it… those are lies. Maybe it is you who has fallen for the false narrative of Cult de Trump, and it is you who needs to start diving into more intellectually expanding venues rather than remain thinking that the New York Post is still a legit source of journalistic integrity.

    2. @Brian Kent Information on your laptop HARD DRIVE with pictures of yourself cannot be compromised by Russia. You DUMB IDOT

    3. @Brian Kent OK OK so if the NY post story is FALSE then tell Joe Biden to Sue. He won’t do that because he’s scared all evidence and information will put him in a prison uniform so fast.

    1. oh like the tyranny like riots in the streets murder up in dumocrat cities, policies that keep the poor down and out and shuffled off to projects. yeah ok moron

  8. Sen. Peters, Michigan is behind you. The America people have had enough of Don the Con and his criminal cohorts. Make America SAFE again, vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on November 3rd.

    1. @chameleon habitat – As usual, Leftists have no argument. They just name call like small children. When you grow a brain, try using it to research issues instead of relying on these lying hacks on MSNBC.

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