In Kobe Bryant’s final interview he shared his future plans with USA TODAY | FULL INTERVIEW

In his last on camera interview on January 17th, 2020, NBA legend Kobe Bryant sat down with USA TODAY's Mark Medina to talk about all of his latest projects. They touched on his book project, his recent involvement with the Lakers, and even talked about his daughter Gigi's favorite NBA player.

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In Kobe Bryant's final interview he shared his future plans with USA TODAY | FULL INTERVIEW


    1. for sure kobe was a great success, and hopefully a man of god as he was catholic, and credited priests for holy guidance his life. i pray dearly that all 9 in that heli had Jesus when they departed. god needs everyone to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of their sin, and then they shall receive the holy spirit. the truth is that we must all know salvation is gods gift to us… having not earned this gift, after we receive eternal life in Christ Jesus for his payment of our sins on the cross. we must retain that eternal life by letting the holy spirit guide us to commitment in the ways of god and freedom from sin, this is salvation, and the truest love ever… may they rest in heaven with the father, to all in the accident. amen.

  1. Death don’t have no mercy. It’s all the more shocking when someone who’s light had shined so brightly is suddenly gone, and nothing’s gonna bring them back.

    I’m an LA boy from way back. I remember when Magic announced he had HIV, and it was so devastating to think that someone so enigmatic and so significant in our lives seemed likely to die soon (back then we thought HIV was a death sentence). Kobe and Shaq were a whole new paradigm of Laker greatness, years after Showtime had ended.

    Man…the shock that Kobe is gone. It’s big.

  2. Last interview Kobe did before his death my heart hurt for everybody and Kobe Family we truly loss Legend Rest in Paradise Kobe & GiGi💔💔

  3. RIP GOAT 🐐

    If you’re a 90”s kid this was who you pretended you where when u played basketball keep saying “KOBE”

  4. We all love Kobe Bryant he was the bestest person on the world RIP 😢😢❤️💙
    He’s in a better place now I’n heaven 💙❤️💕💓

    1. Right it just doesn’t feel normal to say he’s dead like Kobe Bryant dead it just doesn’t seem real I feel like I’m in a long dream can’t believe it’s been over 24 hours

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