Legal scholar Dahlia Lithwick joins The Beat to discuss new N.Y. law, that meant to make victims ‘whole again’. Lithwick adds in the wake of #MeToo, the provision is ‘immensely important’ for many ‘vulnerable victims.’
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In Epstein Wake, New Law Enables ‘Justice’ To ‘Empower Women’ | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC
Barr is a useless tool of Trump. A true clown and an embarrassment to democracy.
trump 2020
@Me Crazy La La wrote”We don’t have a Democracy it’s a Republic.”
Well then, it’s about time you yanks stopped with your “we are the world’s greatest role model for democracy” crap.
Maga 4eva2 since you Russian trolls love him so much, why don’t you take him back to Moscow. Putin/Trump 20/20 has a certain ring to it.
Trying to brush the dirt under the carpet Barr…
By trump-command ……………….
What does Trump have on Barr and or the Republicans, something is off here, no one destroys themselves on purpose.
The real meaning of GOP is Grey Old Pedofiles, mabey that has something to do with it.
@a. barker Why did Barr’s father hire 20 year old unqualified Epstein to teach adolescents at an elite school? Barr probably has his own reasons for silencing Epstein. Pelosi is after Pence in line for president.
@Cathy Baggott yes she is. But they will never let her get in that position. Pence would come down with some mystery illness. Has to resign, and they slot Barr. She would only get it if something happens to both of them.
Barr proved that he is dishonest during the Iran Contra scandal under Bush. Barr should be disbarred, and put behind bars.
@Cathy Baggottyour right, but they will never let Pelosi get that close to it unless a tragedy occurs and both are unavailable. Pence will come up with a misterious illness that he has to step down and Barr gets in his place. Trump has to do the same. Because he will need to be pardoned by someone that can get him off pending litigation he will be facing upon exit. I would not trust pence to get that done. Barr is the guy for that. Far fetched but something like that will have to happen.
Maybe the reason the Attorney General of the United States, I mean, Trump’s personal attorney, hurried over to the crime scene was to retrieve something that he was told was left there by accident…. LOL.
Yeah barrs cell phone!!
@Betty Lonv HaHaHa! Or maybe a pair of work gloves. But the phone could be a real possibility. Take care.
@Wado Waleli you take care as well…
Barr was appointed for one reason.
To keep his fearless orange leader out of prison.
Woe on to him
Could Judge Kavanagh accuser use this law?
@Deborah Freedman bummer
@Deborah Freedman She could have filed charges any time including today. Obviously she didn’t because she is unable to remember anything. Or so the liar says. Remember when she failed to remember anything convincing while testifying?
Which ones?
@Betty Lonv The trustworthy and believable ones; none.
@Betty Lonv all the New York ones .
Barr is the problem, his law firm represented Jeffrey Epstein! WTF!!! This dude is trumps flunky and we the people have seen ENOUGH
Barr should be disbarred, and put behind bars. Impeach AG Barr.
@Chris RecordIn my opinion they are all old white collars crooks and I mean all. Good men would have stop this
long time ages ago. Barr was left to soar to the top.
NS is correct Barr should be disbarred and jail. Under Military Code of Justice the President and Barr would be stripped of their pay grade, title and strown in the jail.
@JoAnn Holmes Mame are you
@Brenda Levatte yeah by the lowest form of a person known to be the FAKE president!!!! Makes you wonder how trumps new fixer made Epstein go away?
Donald Trump got him killed so that he doesn’t rat out.
No Hillary paid for the hit,she paid 5 million.
LOL, so pols having people killed is fait accompli to you. RIP Seth Rich.
Epstein knew that Trump is banging Ivanka. That’s why AG Barr had Epstein killed. Barr is Trump’s new fixer.
@N S When I think about how disgusted your mother is that she raised you this way I laugh a little.
Henchman Barr better have plenty evidence tucked somewhere in case Orange turns on him and blames him fr everything after the honeymoon is over lol!
If Barr investigates there will only be more lies and cover up by the Republicans
Thats what trump wanted. Wonder how that works investigating yourself , being the last one to see Epstein alive, and barrs cell phone was found in Epsteins cell. I find that really questionable and a conflick of interest!!!
Yeah more lies, lies and new lies, because that’s all what msm is telling you. Keep your heads in the sand or stay on other planets. You know something…documentation beats conversation….so keep on talking, talking, talking….but trust me, the declassification is real, why don’t they sue for making those lies????? sue Bar sue Justice for making all those lies…why not?? maybe it’s true after all, think about that…maybe watch real news…then you’ll learn and you can come back from your planet, down to earth, you can pull your head out of the sand and look around becauser there’s a world to find….OMG…you’re sooooo dumb..
Impeach and disbar Barr for lying ton Congress under questioning from Kamala Harris.
Barr is to Trump what Cromwell was to Henry VIII. Let’s hope history repeats itself…or at least rhymes like a muthafucka.
Like Trump would have him executed and go on for twenty more years?
Tell Barr not to worry about the dead crook. Let’s get back on this crap with weapons and cops gettin killed. School is also starting and nothing happening with gun laws wtf did we forget already!!!!!
Go justice. God bless you!
Good work NYC!
Barr is trump’s fixer. He is not our Attorney General
Montana Crone never was and we knew this from the start. pure corruption, all of drumpfs cronies like barr and steve miller and mcconnell are evil to the core.
Barr works for one person sitting in the highest office, why would anyone trust what he says?
Freddie Flintstone, BB, will be held accountable! He is not working for the People, he is backing Comrade Trump!
Get rid of William barr…I don’t trust him.
Also get rid of Kavanaugh
They both bad for kids and woman.
AG Below Barr’s job is to keep Trump above the law. Neither of them can be trusted. Trump sees conflicts where they don’t exist, and ignores those that do. Barr should re-recuse himself.
Bar is covering up the murder for trump. Like he cover up the Muller report.