NBC News Correspondent Steve Patterson brings the latest from Arizona where a record surge in COVID-19 cases and deaths is being traced back to the lapse in the state’s stay-at-home order in May. Aired on 7/07/2020.
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'In Crisis:' Arizona Continues To See Record Spike In COVID-19 Cases And Deaths | MTP Daily | MSNBC
“Durr, wonder why, durrr………”
The trump rally
We can hope that the people who are saying that the improvements in knowledge and treatment strategies and the younger age of those infected will result in fewer deaths and disabilities than some are projecting, but it seems equally likely that they are mostly just failing to appreciate the lag between initial infection and tragic outcome. Either way I guess we will know in a few weeks, but if the “no problem” folks are wrong and we listen to them, we are going to be seeing a whole lot of death and destruction that would have been easily preventable. It would seem that “so far the death rates are way, way lower than in other places hit in the past” should be making us more cautious, not more complacent.
Arizona: Struggling to do something so difficult only 95% of the countries not named USA were able to do it.
Paul Wilson, with Arizona having 90K active cases, give it 2 weeks, it will be 10K deaths by then. What you are seeing today is what happened 2 to 3 weeks ago. The same thing was said about New York when it was 100,000 active cases, but it’s only 1000 deaths, two weeks later cases skyrocketed and 12K dead, a month later and the deaths were 30K.
@Colin Cleveland Medicare pays hospitals 20% bonus as per the CARES act, which works out to around $10k on average depending on hospital. You can search the text of the act for “20 percent”. They can just diagnose clinically (even though there are no covid-specific symptoms) or even epidemiologically. AND, they are further incentivized to do this, as their “non-essential services” and elective surgeries were canceled, so if they didn’t do this, they faced bankruptcy.
@robotron17 So you think this is a hoax?
You think this a hoax that has been adopted by 215 countries just for laughs and giggles?
You think that 11,000,000 plus people world-wide are ‘paid actors’ who are shamming sickness and actually dying to make it look real?
You think WE are stupid?
I see………
@Andy Smitty You are just making an opinion with the only thing to back it is New York state started out low then it grew. I don’t buy it. New York failed at containing Deaths. We will not.
Paul Knowsit good luck with that!
what do the Vietnam war and Covid-19 have in common????
Trump wouldn’t fight in neither
In either
@Minnie Minosa um no…vietnam did not get help from china…they got it from russia. That is still a touchy point between the two countries….N. Korea got chinese help for their war.
So as usual thanks for playing Minnie, but you are wrong again…come back again and try your luck and “tell the actual truth”
@Dale Hartley your dead wrong man…… China did assist N Vietnam….. not to mention the millions of tons of equipment and logistical support, they sent at least 300,000 troops to assist……. theyd been at it since the early fifties. read 1954 Geneva Conference…tx for playing…next contestant Udora Klempchik is a single mother from Albania. She has chosen to answer questions on “stupid youtube commenters” First question Udora….Who is david hartley……
I know how I’d divide those resources. Anyone not wearing masks…goes to the back of the line regardless of age.
anybody that was “protesting” to open up the state, anybody the has tweeted, commented in Facebook or used any social media about freedom of choice about Covid, gets kicked right out of the Hospital! They got what they wanted, now live/died with your freedom!
@Qualicum Wilson Sounds good to me! Give me death or Give me liberty! ™
I remember the red states saying that this was a “blue state” problem. I guess the shoe’s on the other foot now. It’s been an every state problem but red states and conservative media have kept their heads in the sand and pointed and laughed at people dying in blue states. I won’t laugh at people reaping what they’ve sown but karma’s a b*tch.
@MJB For Trump Cases are not rising in protest areas any more than other areas. If you have data to dispute that (you don’t) please post it. Data, not datafied opinion
@Paul Knowsit You can say that again You can say that again You can say that again You can say that again You can say that again You can say that again
@Sparky McSpark No. It’s an individual’s responsibility not the governments.
@Paul Knowsit yeah, the operative word being _good_
Did you forget the first four months of Covid 45?
Deaths lag infection by 3/6 weeks.
Those people on ventilators?
Half are dead already, they just haven’t stopped struggling yet.
You know FcukAll, Paul…
@Colin Cleveland What are you talking about? Have you been drinking. Type slower. Close 1 eye if you have to. Get back with actual information.
The media hasn’t shown enough of those age groups in the hospital. You have to show them that this can and will happen to them.
I don’t know about you-all, but I don’t know how much more of this “winning” I can take. Less winning please….
@Bunker Baby dRumph

@frictionRx9 I’m not a liberal and I don’t drink so, I wouldn’t know. I guess I’ll yield to your expertise about such things.
I see that you don’t wish to have an intelligent discourse and are only here to bash liberals so, I’m moving on. Bit of advice–Try having a thinking person’s conversation sometimes. You might find it more stimulating than trolling. Have a nice day.
The sad fact is is that it did not have to get this bad. Deny,deflect,distract Donald and this administration failed us all. 130k dead and counting is far too high a price to pay for total incompetence. Vote them out
@David J yeah big news flash Trump is a liar , and he’s not very knowledgeable on science.
You silly spoiled snowflakes look up to government as your savior, you will be very disappointed
@frictionRx9 yeah, they tiktoked your orange fuhrer good, eh boy?
Those liberal millenials …
People need to see the dying in the hospital. They won’t believe it until they see it. Words aren’t enough
Crystal Giddens you really want to compare the US to Norway? Seriously? These countries differ in many important ways, including demographics, civil disobedience, population density, patterns of social interactions, air quality and genetics. Norway got it right the first time. They believe in science
@Crystal Giddens Yeah some source…it is a division of a facebook news group from right wing nuts…I trust it like I trust the plague. Sorry public failure on your source outed as FAKE news lol…actual fake news.
@Paul Knowsit slightly larger amount? They are still dying from the flu this year…well I think flu season is over now, but while we built up those 130000 numbers that blow the worst flu season in decades away we were STILL losing people to flu. 24-65k lost to flu in 2019-2020 that is on top of those 130k so far from Covid-19. So even taking the max number of 65k that is half covid in less months.
What is sad that people like you like to misinform about potentially life threatening things. Dont let the people like this fool you…actually DO do research and understand that people like Paul here are lying, or stating what at best can be called an uneducated guess opinion.
@Mugdorna Her article is also a subsite from an facebook only opinion new service that had to change to a different page because facebook devalued them.
@Dale Hartley Its sad that the media has led to your way of thinking. It’s a slightly higher death rate flu. No doubt, its nasty. If people took normal personal responsibility. Washing hands etc. We would of been done with this. Instead we cower in our homes like scared fools. Close the world down and where back where we started. An article that supports herd immunity.
America sees more cases in 2 days than what Canada has seen in total.
@Bud Fudlacker No one travels to Canada? You must go to the ostrich school of international studies.
@roof pizza Why would anyone go to Canada % Well I guess someone might go to Canada to easily be the toughest person in the country!
@Bud Fudlacker Canadians are so tough we send our doctors to play in the NFL. You’re not very good at this are you?
@roof pizza He couldn’t even spell his own name, poor sob.
Life for Bud must be like swimming with a mill stone round his neck.
This maniac has abandoned his own nation & people.
Roughly 1800 total Deaths from covid In Arizona. 0.02% of the population. 12,000 people on average die from Heart disease in Arizona. We seem to be misguilding our medical Resources in the wrong direction. Heart disease is preventable so is covid. Wash your hands, cover your coughs and sneezes. Dont go out if your sick. Problem solved with covid. Now what to do about heart disease
@Paul Knowsit
How many defenceless children have been murdered in their mothers womb in the last 5 months, completely preventable…
@KC JONES Agree also preventable.
Arizona, Texas and Mississippi all just saw their worst ever day in terms of deaths. Not cases, DEATHS!!
When the case numbers started going up 3 weeks ago, Trump instantly claimed that this was purely down to an increase in testing. He said the fact that deaths we still decreasing proved this.
We told him test positivity rate was going up, we told him hospitalisations were going up, we told him deaths lag several weeks behind cases.
He and his allies like Ducey, Abbott and DeSantis didn’t listen!!
Deaths may still be falling in Northern Eastern states, but in Southern states they are going up a lot!
Ha Ha.
agreed 100%..And what Month did Republicans start asking their supporters to wear a mask to stop the spread.

Just before and during the time they had gatherings with no masks…
Pence has said masks do not allow his to speak eye to eye to dying people.
Pence now says wear a mask unless you are at a Trump rally- It would take away your first Amendment rights..
Deaths slowed down because New York managed to get the virus under control, but people forget that there’s more people in New York City than multiple red states combined. So while red states trended upward, it was hidden by the decline in nyc. Now deaths, the three or four week lagging indicator, are spiking across red states
I’m in California where we’re getting hit pretty bad, but we’re the most populous state so of course we would have bigger totals. But if you look at percent of population infected, we’re surpassed by: Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Texas, South Carolina, Nevada, Iowa and Louisiana.
In a vacuum of leadership (where’s FEMA trump, waiting for it to get so bad we need camps?) half a dozen NE states made a pact and a common science-based plan. The results speak for themselves.
Keep in mind the death rate will increase drastically when the hospitals run out of ICU beds.
Death rate goes down as more cases are confirmed. Soon covid will not even qualify as a pandemic.
@Sparky McSpark

@Rui Cunha Here’s a pdf straight from cdc’s website. Deaths are going down and cases are going up. That means death rate is going down. Soon it won’t qualify as an epidemic anymore. Similar death rate to the flu.
“Mortality attributed to COVID-19 decreased compared to last week and is currently at the epidemic threshold”
@Sparky McSpark Yes, I read that! You wrote in your first coment “as a pandemic”. Now you fixed to epidemic. They are totally diferent things.
As soon as I read the article I tought: the cases goes up 2, 3 weeks before deaths, so it’s premature to say that will no longer be an epidemic. Later on the day I went to see the US covid data from today on Worldometers an I saw that today was the day with more deaths in US (994) since 10th June.
Sparky McSpark we don’t know yet! Some people still haven’t died yet. Spending as long as 3 months in the ICU! So data can’t be calculated until months out from now.
Yet more electoral votes for Biden. Sorry, Don, you blew it.
That the vaccine arrives and while it arrives we will continue at a distance and with the masks to help a little in this abysmal emergency.
Wait till the antivaxers speak up.
I wouldn’t touch any vaccines affiliated with this administration.
When you listen to Republican politicians rather than science professionals, this is the tragic result.
Like nancy saying to party in Chinatown? Everything is partisan with you morons, the funny thing is they are all against us, it will be too late when you realise, oh well…
@KC JONES She never said to “party in Chinatown”, low-information toad.
@KC JONES https://www.factcheck.org/2020/04/trumps-false-claims-about-pelosi-and-chinatown/
I guess all those “PROTESTERS” were spreading the virus afterall, the DEMS and the MSM were WRONG again!
MJB For Trump Funny how Trump was going against the advice of the CDC even though other countries proved that mask and social distancing work by enacting the very laws that trump didn’t looks like you Republicans DISAPPOINTED all of us yet again
Trump must have a injection of the strongest tranquillisers to put him to sleep at night.
I think that is why he is taking Hydroxy..But I could be wrong
Elmosweed nice one Elmosweed knowing trump i wouldn’t be surprised but if trump was in the Middle East America would invade the country and take him out has a threat to world peace it’s unbelievable what he’s getting away with in America I can honestly say that I’ve never known a politician like trump in the western world in my life and I’m 58 this year I don’t know if you’re older than me if so maybe you remember a worse politician but it’s trump for me buddy take care of yourself my best wishes to you from Stevie boy in Britain
New York: 423,000 cases, 4.3 million tests
The UK: 286,000 cases, 10.8 million tests
Italy: 242,000 cases, 5.7 million tests
Texas: 218,000 cases, 2.5 million tests
Florida: 214,000 cases, 2.4 million tests
Turkey: 208,000 cases, 3.7 million tests
Germany: 198,000 cases, 5.9 million tests
New Jersey: 177,000 cases, 1.6 million tests
Canada: 106,000 cases, 3 million tests
Arizona: 105,000 cases, 0.8 million tests
South Carolina: 47,000 cases, 0.5 million tests
Poland: 36,000 cases, 1.7 million tests
South Korea: 13,000 cases, 1.3 million tests
Australia: 9,000 cases, 2.7 million tests
Donald Trump “The only reason the United States has so many cases is because we are doing so much testing”
What an absolute lying pig he is!!
And for all those who say “deaths are going down” in the North Eastern States they are! In the Southern states they are going up! Soon they will be going up nationwide too, just like what happened with cases!
The goal was never to stop people from getting sick or even stop the spread. The goal was to slow the spread. What are you getting upset about? This is herd immunity happening. Chill out.
Sparky McSpark thats going to be to costly according to some metrics id say herd immunity well cause to many deaths honestly the only other alternative is to do what we were doing. Honestly when it comes to this virus i dont believe anything what anybody says im sure the virus exists and has killed some people who truly knows how much and who truly knows how many people are sick
USA has gone from a world laughing stock to a country the world pities.. So much winning.. Sad..
How are we winning?
truth teller
I guess all those “PROTESTERS” were spreading the virus afterall, the DEMS and the MSM were WRONG again!
@MJB For Trump lol, Herman Cain and Donald Jrs girlfriend both tested positive after the Tulsa covfefe.
Plus half a dozen Trump staffers, and some Secret Service.
Who’d a thought that Texas and Arizona and Florida had so many BLM supporters?
Winter is coming for House Trump.
People have got to demand these republican governors and mayors take responsibility, in November. BIDEN 20/20.