The House impeachment managers on Thursday requested Donald Trump testify at his upcoming Senate impeachment trial, in a dramatic move to try to get the former President on the record about his conduct surrounding the January 6 riots at the Capitol.
Lead impeachment manager Jamie Raskin sent a letter to Trump's attorney Thursday requesting that Trump testify before or during the upcoming impeachment trial, which begins on Tuesday, arguing that his testimony was needed after he disputed the House's allegations that he incited the insurrection at the Capitol.
"Two days ago, you filed an Answer in which you denied many factual allegations set forth in the article of impeachment," Raskin, a Maryland Democrat, wrote. "You have thus attempted to put critical facts at issue notwithstanding the clear and overwhelming evidence of your constitutional offense. In light of your disputing these factual allegations, I write to invite you to provide testimony under oath, either before or during the Senate impeachment trial, concerning your conduct on January 6, 2021."
It was not immediately clear how Trump will respond to the request or whether he would consider testifying. Senior aides talked Trump out of going to the House floor to defend himself ahead of his second impeachment in January, a similar tactic he also considered the first time he was impeached.
The House's letter did not threaten to subpoena Trump if he does not appear voluntarily, though Raskin suggested the managers would use his refusal against him, writing, "We reserve any and all rights, including the right to establish at trial that your refusal to testify supports a strong adverse inference regarding your actions."
#Trump #CNN #News
Impeachment managers ask Trump to testify at trial

yeah they can frame him
as cuba reflects on it
Trump insists he won, therefore he’s still impeachable, according to his logic.
@John Brennan I’m not sure what Popodopulus was charged for. I think Cohen was charged for lying under oath. Strok’s texted were reviewed by investigators who found no evidence that he did anything wrong or improper in his investigation into Trump and his allies.
My point about the leak was that it was small and was over like 15 hours before the people left. The two are unrelated. Also, the claims based on that video have already been debunked.
@John Brennan if Rudy has all this evidence on Hunter, why hasn’t he released any of it?
@John Brennan The FBI didn’t say that the laptops had that stuff on them, the computer repair shop owner did. In fact, the FBI never actually claimed to have the laptops.
Either way, you can say things are gonna come out honestly now, and coverage about the laptops on right wing sites has noticably declined since the election. Take those as you will.
@Leonie Romanes probably because some of it is sick and not suitable for the publi,that my guess cuz i saw some of the photos and it disturbing…but a lot of email have been released and its not very good for joe..time will tell i guess
@hunter blane may i ask what the were pulling out from under the table
Just tell him he can’t testify and he will be there with bells on!
Here’s a video of Trump saying the n word with a hard er:
Taco bells
not how america worked
5 people dead. This is not a witch hunt anymore. Drag him there to testify.
peli wak’d someone …
@CtG idk maybe his entire presidency…… Does the whole Russian collusion scam impeachment not ring a bell?
@GiveMeMuhFreeSpeech YoutubeHitlers oh you mean when republicans refused to even allow evidence to be heard on the senate floor?
@SilentStrike117 shh you can’t bring up facts and reality with these people it scares them too much
How many died this summer from blm/antifa shouldn’t Maxine Waters be brought up on charges?
I am sure his bone spurs will keep him from showing up.
@Paul Cummins Well their leader is not even in the light anymore. But people like you keep bringing him back so what does that say?
What your basically saying is screw half the country, well if we thought that way we wouldnt have a country.
@Jim Brew It does’nt matter, nothing will come of it. your wasting time and resources. There are more pressing matters.
@Paul Cummins This does nothing to prevent an insane president. If anything it increases the probabilty of having another one, as you just insite the other side.
i h8 dems like that, too
you should completely fulfill the Mexican caravan confederacy,
shopping at their gun stores
with gun rights
for foreigners
in the cool states
All they need to do is to tell him how big the ratings would be. He’d be there in a flash.
Soooooo true!
You got that right
Huge ratings….
Trump would out do Jack Nicholson in “A Few Good Men”. He won’t be able to resist blowing up his own defence!
@Ada Bellana7 I’m honestly not sure about the best way to fix it, but the fact that one president can shape a third of the court for 40-50 years does seem unbalanced.
@Margaret Nicol
@Jeff B i mean they can walk & chew bubblegum. We got vaccines on the way and another stimulus that Republikkkans keep trying to block. How is this impeachment wrong? The president got people killed after inciting insurrection, just like how he incited foreign adversaries to interfere with the elections on his behalf, just like how he tried to strong arm Ukraine into smearing biden to help his election chances. The guy is a crook, anybody with 2 brain cells can see
To quote the comic strip Herman: “Your honor, if I have to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, what kind of fair trial is this going to be?”
To quote Ricky from the Trailer Park Boys, “Your honor, if I can’t smoke and curse in court, I’m fucked”
@Christopher James McCaul
You should do standup comedy, you have my Vote ! Peace

The truth is he’s insane beyond a reasonable doubt, and he should plead insanity, because that’s the real truth about him hands down.

Amazing that lying in a courtroom is a felony yet lying incessantly from the White House pulpit for four years is okay
@BoxVan Go Not true! Toddlers are the most amazing of humans. Have you ever watched them? Learning and curious? Absolutely amazing!
@Sky Lark Good analogy.
@TheChiefEng mehhh not as bad as getting burned at the stake or stoned to death in the middle east
@Andrew Cowan nacy should be in jail then for telling people to go to chinaaa town
DJT’s EGO is going to make him want to be heard in the Senate.
@The Truth in his diaper
Nah. He wouldn’t testify or even be questioned by Mueller. He wont show!
may be he wants to live a peaceful life like me dickheads
@The Truth You must have missed the latest news. There was no voter fraud apart from 2 folk who were dead
An oath means nothing to him, he would still lie.
@Burt P You guys need some new material.
@Burt P whats your opinion of the far-right capital rioters?
@Burt P Why were you not storming the capital with the rest of the so compatriot ?
Were you too busy hiding in your mom basement during that time, is that it ?
What do you really expect from the criminal cabal of liars, fraudsters, thieves, hypocrites, cowards, perverts and traitors formerly known as the republican party ?
Most probable, but still most politicians do it. Its just obvious with him.
He was never going to testify last time; all bluster bs.
That’s because he’s a citizen now and there is no reason to have lawyers if you are gonna speak yourself. The other thing is Trump will most likely put his foot in his mouth. He does not have the training that a lawyer does.
save tax payers, just lock him up. We all known he did it.
You stupid marxists know. We all know this was the biggest fraud and montage ever
@The Truth do we though?
Surely not ALL of us believe this was a fraud.
@The Truth all the real marxist have been whacking menshie the hardest they can, master, we swear
can’t have sodomists running the place
@The Truth I believe in something if its backed up with evidence.
Just like he had a ‘perfect’ phone call to the president of Ukraine, his speech to incite a riot and attempts to kill members of Congress and even his own VP, was perfect as well.
Not “Mad Maxine” tho! Thats right she was BLATANTLY calling for violence unlike Trump!
Wonder how joes cracked head son is doing down there?
Why don’t they just skip right to trying him for perjury. Everyone knows what the goal is.
They must not hold their breath, for Trump to testify.He might just ” swear ” on an ” upside down” bible
@Michael Williamson LMAO … like you would have any idea. Truth and facts are what matters, and what helps people enjoy life and live in reality. But you sound like the one who lives in a fantasy world that embraces lies and misinformation.
Don’t forget, not only….upside down, but backwards as well…
Yah … I hurd you won’t make it far without that bible …
He’d perjury himself in the first five seconds.
Trump: *Your honor, I swear I didn’t know she was 15, Rudy told me it was cool…*
Presiding Officer: *Mr. Trump, you’re not here about… That… You’re here because you incited a riot at the Capitol on January 6th, 2021…*
Trump: *Of course, I knew that, I was just testing the fake news to see if they’re going to take my words out of context as usual…*
Oh, I would pay big money to see this assailed bury himself in front of the American public!!! Please Trump show up and tell everyone how you wanna talk!!! I want to see the “art of the deal!”
Dud your right on the money on this 15 minutes in he would bury himself so deep that he would claim insanity
Lol art of the deal
Why spend $$? You Tube has every ‘rally’ trumpy did, where he eulogized himself, basically, by spouting his hate infested venom, with no concern, at whoever might lend an ear. In fact, you can go back 50 years at least, and find the origins of his hate…if you CARE to. Racism and greed is not hard to fathom, it’s eradicating it that’s difficult.
oh god, please, yes… having to answer for his actions now that he’s got ZERO power and authority… please let this happen.