New photos and a short video clip emerged on social media showing Russia's guided-missile cruiser, the Moskva, badly damaged and on fire in the hours before the ship sunk in the Black Sea. CNN's Phil Black and Matthew Chance report. #CNN #News
Images appear to show final moments of Russian warship

If Russians admitted that their flagship was sunk by Ukraine, they would have to pay combat death benefits to the families.
@RAMR you know the Z is really for zombies?
meow meow
@youtube watcher yep, World War Z.
it’s true, they are trying to pay less to the families by calling them “lost”
Follow Patrick Lancaster for truth.
Russian navy has best fire suppression system in the world; it uses the entire Black Sea.
@windk100 Exactly! Knock off the crown jewels of russia

Knock off putin
Ukraine needs to begin liberating Moscow with heavy artillery.
WRZ 2022-04-19
Russian officials can tell all the lies they want regarding the lost of loved ones of those who suffer in that ship but truth will prevail anyway.
@Stock On truth Channel bad bot
@EL BA99ALI HOUDA bad bot
@John Smith around 75 % of those on board were ethnic Ukrainians, so many Ukrainians were in the Soviet military. They were offered employment when USSR collapsed, and they stayed on in those positions. Maybe Putin purposely killed them! Who knows. But for sure, the Kursk had very high rank Ukrainian personnel on board when it went down.
Russia can’t really complain about this being escalatory considering what’s going on in the rest of Ukraine.
Ukraine needs to begin liberating Moscow with heavy artillery.
WRZ 2022-04-19
@SugarTomAppleRoger These particular deaths at sea are definitely not tragic.
@SugarTomAppleRoger people are now more vicious than in the past? We owned each other for hundreds of years what the bloke?
Wow that’s really an intense Storm we see there, just look at those waves, thery are terrifying.
Terrifyingly small waves
@Joan Nilson there is a point where you have to drop them to avoid being pulled under. At this state of list, they probably thought better of continuing to tow it.
It’s a storm worthy of the Russian love of the truth lmao
As someone who worked on trawlers for 12 years id say ‘what waves’ ………. theyre about a dozen feet off hairy let alone terrifying
@Joan Nilson True. Important that is home for fish now.
The weather doesn’t look that bad when it was going down.
Yes,I can do that!
Imagine having your powerful flagship sunk by a country with no navy.
@F1Freak F1 well, Kremlin said it sunk in a imaginary storm so maybe they should have bomb some clouds or the black sea lol
Ukrainian fishermen sunk the Russian flagship.
They mess the wrong people.
Ukraine: Ми хмурилися на нього — він спалахнув, а потім затонув.
(We scowled at it – it flamed then sank.)
Russia: Нет! То, что вы видите здесь, — это наша «Специальная операция по мойке военных кораблей».
(No! What you see here is our “Special Warship-Washing Operation”)
Thank you for your great humor.
It is sunk, same as Submarine when Putin just came. This is true. So, how does it help you and Ukraine ?
I read a Russian news report that said flagship Moskva was promoted to submarine first class.
All how ya look at it.
Yes,I can do that!
Very very good Ukrainian fighters , God bless all Ukrainian . I Love Ukraine .
Yes,I can do that!
The description of rough seas was an excuse to explain why cruise missiles were not spotted by radar. In heavy seas, radar systems don’t work well because the ship lists to either side, and because the surface of the sea is bumpy which can produce artefact that hides things near the surface. If a cruise missile made it through without early warning in calm seas, it means the radar tech was incompetent or snoozing. Or, maybe the tech did spot it but the boat was unable to quickly launch anti-cruise missile defenses.

Ineffectiveness in the Russian military, doesn’t that seem a bit far fetched?

There was an information that Ukrainians used chain of Bayraktars to extend their operational range so close to this warship that crew get nervous and because radar was aimed permanently on Bayraktars, ship had blindspot and we know how it ended.
For the Russians this means don’t bring a slingshot boat into combat when your opponent is using sea skimming missiles.
“Just a fire” “Everyone survived”
The Russians are killing me.
@Oracle Of Delphi usually there`s alot “holes” in Russian stories
uss cole took an explosive impact to the side and was listing. the us navy has shown how to fight to keep the ship alive(see uss john mccain). how unforgiveable to allow the flag ship to sink i would go down with the ship. uniamginable and obivously the worst naval catastrophe of the modern navy history. aint NO wave in a SEA(not an ocean) gonna sink a warship.
Yes,I can do that!
meow meow
7:23 “The supreme irony of an Air Defense Cruiser not being able to protect itself from, from missiles is, is remarkable.” — Ouch!
Hands up those tend to think:
There was no watch on board that night.
The crew were probably drunk and or watching porn.
Both of the above.
@Ray V You presumably are one of those Kremlin paid lackeys who is duty bound to question the bleedin’ obvious?
There are pictures.
There are Russian widows/mothers talking about the death(s) of their sons and husbands.
There was no rough sea and…
Russia is particularly upset about the loss of their principal ship, to the extent that they have promised revenge on Ukraine and moved their fleet further out to sea.
You mean 3:23.
Yeah this is definitely definitive proof now. I just hope we, let alone the Russians actually get the full picture of how many were lost in the attack and loss of the ship. It’s believed that some did die including the Captain but we might never find out until the end of the war. The families of the crew deserve to know. Slava Ukraine
@G The rest of them were engaged in a special somnambulance event. Some report that they were shuffling and mumbling мозг.
Yes,I can do that!
The captain was reported dead, but he has already apeared in videos from a military base with about 150-200 crew members from that ship that sank, all of them wearing some kind of black uniform! As if they were mourning!
Russia has lost both the Orsk and Moskva. As well as had 2 other ships significantly damaged. Not bad for a lil country that has no navy. Long Live Ukraine

The lack of training, lack of chain of command, incompetence, corruption , low moral in the entire Russian military is hard to fathom
@BigBriTX Interesting that you should mention that battle. Hitler also sent his troops into battle unprepared. Starting with the fact that this supply trains were not compatible with the railroad tracks in Russia.
I am thinking there is probably bad intelligence here too. It’s hard to imagine whoever was in control would have ordered the ship into range of missiles if they knew they were there.
Russia doublespeak, “we are taking revenge for sinking of our ship that Ukraine certainly didn’t sink.”
They were hit by 2 missiles. There are 2 visible entry holes just above the ships waterline.
And you can clearly see that it’s impact holes by the way the metal around the hits bends inwards.
If it exploded from inside, those holes should bend out from inside the ship!
How desperate do you have to be, to basically call your Navy incompetent and can’t save their flagship. Rather than admitting Ukraine defense forces sunk that ship.
If Rus admits a war-time sinking by the enemy, they must now pay those families forever. Too costly to tell the truth.
Like a previous commenter said it probably to avoid combat payouts to families
You forgot the third hole, the one in Russia’s story.
All the covers are still on the long range intercepters and the medium range intercepter launchers are still inside their housing. The short range intercept guns are not pointing out to sea. If they were hit by missiles they don’t seem to have fired a shot in defense.
BRAVO! Well done. LONG LIVE UKRAINE! Heart and Prayers are with you all.
Doesn’t seem like your prayers are working
Yes,I can do that!
Ukraine: we sunk their battleship.
Russia: no, we’re incompetent.
Either way not a good look for pooty
Russias insurance company only pays for accidents and fire. Not for missile strikes.
I’m a Brit living in Germany and knew quite a few Germans who lived through WW2. They all told me that at the start of the war against GB most Germans were confident that Germany would win. But after the sinking of the Bismark people suddenly went quiet, suddenly they realised that maybe, just maybe their country could lose the war.
That sea in the video footage looks a bit too calm to have sunk the Moskwa in a storm, like the Russians are claiming.