Texas governor Greg Abbott announced he's lifting the mask mandate in Texas, even as health officials warn not to ease safety restrictions.
#CNN #News
Texas governor Greg Abbott announced he's lifting the mask mandate in Texas, even as health officials warn not to ease safety restrictions.
#CNN #News
The governor says people will act responsibly. They’ll head straight to a bar.
I hope Texans and others traveling stay away from the rest of us.
Wisconsins bars never closed, they did almost the same as MN with COvid, whose bars closed for months twice, you people have no idea where the hot spots are.
@Thatoneguy Typical far left hypocrip. If you choose to wear your mask thats fine, but why can’t you give people the choice not too wear a mask without belittling. If your wearing your mask, and social distancing whats the point if I choose not to. Instead you spew left hatred…”look at those dumb, stupid, don’t care about anyone but themselves assholes” Fact, people without a serious underlying conditions have less than 1% mortality rate. I hardly believe it is worth locking a nation down.
Automobiles accidents account for 3x’s as many deaths per day than covid-19 !!! Are you going to live on the edge tomorrow you crazy bastard, and drive in car with those staggering statistics?
Live free
@Rhonda Many states have been wide open for a long time, Texas is not the 1st.
Put the ” refrigerator truck” outside the governors building.
@Guy Montag You are going to ignore my driving analogy because you can’t counter the logic. The risk of dying from Covid is about 1.5% for EVERYONE. Almost ZERO for some groups. That is serious but not a substantial risk to make rules for 100% of the population. If you are in a high risk group, don’t go out, don’t dine out, have home delivery but don’t make everyone else cater to your safety. Just like I don’t like you on the road because you might run into me.
@Thomas Reilly Your logic is really twisted. The end justifies the means doesn’t it comrade. Since telling people they don’t have to wear a mask has taken on a Hitler-like proportion, what is evil about telling people they don’t have to wear a mask? They can still wear them. However, to your dramatic Hitler comparison. This would be like Hitler saying, you can go to a gas chamber if you like but you don’t have to.
@Thomas Reilly stupid brainwashed dudes by socialist democrats and biased media mobs would never distinguish between “mask mandate lifted “ vs “no mask” … Here should get little education from CDC which always has its guidelines since day one: “mask is always recommended wherever physical distance can not be done, but not required” …
Use your own brain , dude, to justify to save yourself instead of being brainwashed by “cut and paste” narratives from biased media mobs
@R H Okay, if you really insist on the ridiculous driving analogy, let’s make it more fitting, which is admittedly hard because it has so little in common with the actual topic, but let’s try: If my neighbors are driving on the sidewalk, unnecessarily endangering others then they shouldn’t be allowed to drive. If they obey safety rules like staying on the road, then they should carry on. Happy? In case you haven’t done the math, that 1.5% is almost 5 million people in the US. We make rules for everyone over much slimmer odds. It’s been over used, but the seat belt comparison comes to mind.
@Guy Montag You do realize the 1.5% number is HEAVILY weighted with the elderly. The number of people under 24 who had died is minisclue compared to 1.5%. Extrapolating 1.5% to 300 million to get 5 million is a real stretch and dishonest. Does your neighbor walking down the sidewalk not wearing a mask recklessly endanger you? Then why is the rule in place one must wear a mask in public? Yes, we make many rules for much fewer risks. Many, many rules. I don’t think the answer is to pass more inane rules. The seat belt rule is different as it only hurts you, not anyone else. Should we have a seat belt rule? In my opinion no. People should have free choice. I wear one. I don’t care if you do.
this move smacks of desperation for some support after the embarrassment of people freezing to death and having no water. what’s actually best for the people is unimportant
Is it possible to quarantine a whole state?
@Upper 90 your statement is inaccurate. South Dakota has had the highest rate of death compared to the density of their state. Their numbers seem low because of the total population of the state but highest to the total population of their state
@G Loyd their grid froze people people. They want to be so called Free, their electrical grid failed them. Read deeper
@thomas marsha yes they do wear glasses or sunglasses
@veroave57 what does that have to do with wearing a mask?
God bless this young lady, and all our healthcare workers.

She knew what she signed up for

@debbie holts Should you ever be good enough to have the honor of wearing scrubs. You are trash, no matter what color you are.
@leonard goldberg still crying……lol
@Jon Charlat Thank you!
@debbie holts conspiracies everywhere go storm the capital…..lol at the ignorant, uneducated and paranoid……lol
I know someone who has gotten covid twice!! I also see funerals all the time bc there is a funeral home near my home. Please take it seriously and wear a mask. Don’t make it harder for those who work so hard for you!
Watch the fights, store owners have the right to tell anyone entering their store they must wear a mask. Such fun to come……..
You’re absolutely right. Being a Texas resident, I have already seen alot of this crap going on over the last year. This stupid mask mandate removal is going to escalate things even more!
She looks completely exhausted. I know her shift had just ended. I hope that they don’t see a surge in patients like she fears.
She knew what she signed up for and is getting paid thoroughly
Why wouldnt they see it. Its going to..texas, why?
She look like she High to me I live in the ghetto and see that look everyday
They won’t see a surge.
Well maybe like one little one and the media will blow it way out of proportion and be like, see see see this is why we need to wear face diapers for another 13 years
The problem is the Republican party Chris, We have seen this movie before through out the Obama administration the Republican do not have the interest of the people they just want to Define the Democratic president
You do know this is all a ploy to keep everything away from gov Cuomo nursing home deaths. We aren’t falling for the distraction.
Ahem 95,000 killed in nursing homes ny is so smart
Awesome idea Abbott, night clubs with sweaty people dancing breathing heavy all over one another… nah nothing bad could come from that.
Ok sheep, thanks for your input
LAX, all airports should ban all flights from Texas!
@Elena Timofte hopefully they are ok and survived the storm ok.
@D Rob sorry Green energy what!! You obviously dont work in that field nor do you even know what you are talking about. Sorry Abbott fed the people a load of baloney about the windmills and those who are lacking knowledge in this field fell for it. Abbott lied to cover his own behind. The nuclear plant failures, generator failures due lack winterizing the systems. The natural gas process lines froze up is true cause cause of failures. Oh and only 10% of Texas power comes from windmills nothing basically. Amazingly enough People with solar roofs weathered the storm. Dont even get me started on your comments about the masks and your liberty nonsense. God help us Texans from the arrogant misinformed people.
@Jacob Chacko what…… Anything to protect the ignorance I guess……lol
@MajesG How is data and facts ignorance?
As a nurse working on the covid frontline…I feel you
Thank you for all you and your associates do. My brother is a nurse too and I worry about him. Stay safe and stay well…. Please
MY HEART GOES OUT TO all the medical personnel especially those on the final front in itu they are expected to be superhuman 24/7 BUT THEY STILL REQUIRE SOME TIME OUT TO RECOUP THEY ARE SUPER HEROES BUT ARE STILL HUMAN AND NEED REST GODBLESS THE ITU STAFF WHO ARE THE LAST LINE OF DEFENSE

Ok bootlicker
I guess the gov of TX needed a “win” after their weather disaster. Politics be damned gov, do the right thing!!!!
The “pro-life” party demands the right to control a woman’s reproductive freedom. They also demand the right to go mask-less, thus potentially killing themselves, their family members, and countless others. Explain to me what part of “pro-life” I’m missing??
The left says “my body my choice” but that’s only when it comes to abortion, killing an unborn baby
@Dylan B Who said anything about race? Or any of the other stuff you’re ranting about? You think you’re unique, but you’re a stereotypical Republican in manner of thought.
@Baker Family Actually the majority of Americans support pro choice… It’s called democracy. Heard of it ?? Besides Republican politicians have no problem with abortions when their mistress’s get pregnant. Don’t you have a potato’ head to worry about ?
I agree. The pro- life party that use their hypocrite moral landscape to keep ignorant religious supporters. Unbelievable.
She looked so tired and like she was on the verge of tears. Praying diligently for our healthcare workers across the nation.
She is a REAL American Hero.
nurses don’t make decisions about treatment or diagnosis.why interview a nurse who is basically a technician.I know,I’ve been one.
Aww she is tired
I say open everything and if your scared stay at open maybe Biden will send you 1,400 every 4 or 5 months.
They’re all making TikTok videos .. practising they’re dance moves .. I pray they can come up with better dance moves.
When I went to the stores in southern Texas, everyone was wearing a mask and the stores still had the mask signage.
So far most Texans are smarter than their governor.
Actually, I hope you are right but my fellow Texans have not shown that to be true so far. My kids even complain that other kids’ parents encourage them to take their masks off at school. We’ll see how it goes starting March 10, when the mask mandate officially ends.
The governor is a reflection of his ex-pres! They have the same mental wave.
Not being terrified and charging outrageous $$$ for a vaccine to a 99% survivable flu
@YEetT Mf lol at your ignorant and uneducated comment. What a life you can’t live……lol
May the lord give this nurse more strength and patience. I hope she gets a well deserve rest so can take care of more patients.
Cancer patients .. because the scamdemic is over
When is the “Fredo & Elderly Killer” comedy show coming back on CNN?